The Journey

After reading the journey a couple times, I have to say my favorite bio is that of Doreen Cogliandro. It is so inspirirng and then when I met her recently I knew there was much more to her than some pretty words in a book. She has a gusto for life and kenpo that is truly inspiring.

There was also this one guy in there with a pretty neat fro on page 187 that scared me a little. I wonder what he is doing these days, probably hard time somewhere.
I did like Mr Conatsers bio because it starts out, "I grew up in Denver in the small suburb of Arvata". I live in Denver, but I've never heard of Arvata. I do know where Arvada is, small suburb just west of me and not too far from the karate school I help teach at. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry had throw that in there GD!!!
Maybe that's how they spelled it in the 30's :eek:

I also liked Mr. Wedlake's bio (have to suck up to my instructor's instructor)

Much of the book was done via phone and tape-recording then transcribed to print. I caught the misspelling but the corrected version missed the press!! I will be corrected if there ever are future reprints of the book. :shrug:

Originally posted by Rob_Broad

After reading the journey a couple times, I have to say my favorite bio is that of Doreen Cogliandro. It is so inspirirng and then when I met her recently I knew there was much more to her than some pretty words in a book. She has a gusto for life and kenpo that is truly inspiring.

There was also this one guy in there with a pretty neat fro on page 187 that scared me a little. I wonder what he is doing these days, probably hard time somewhere.

That's cool! I heard that Huk's seminars are just super, but
outside of the teaching hours, he prefers not to discuss kenpo.
Major bummer to us newbies!
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Much of the book was done via phone and tape-recording then transcribed to print. I caught the misspelling but the corrected version missed the press!! I will be corrected if there ever are future reprints of the book. :shrug:


If it's not too personal, what was the illness that forced you to move, and have you ever thought of moving back?
It's not nearly as hot here, but it does get cold sometimes.

I walked home from watching a movie at the church (St. Anne's) in which I was sweating when I left the church hall, took off my sweater and caught a cold walking home. For several days I had a sore throat and didn't drink any water..... until I went to pee and blood came shooting out..... I screamed and called my mother and she rushed me down to the hospital... my kidneys shut down. That was scary.... was in the hospital for 6 weeks. When I finally got out they told my parents I should move the wet climate would not be good for me. so in 1963 we moved to Arizona.

thats it.

Mr. C,

My copy of the Journey got ripped off before I could even
look at it :( ... I plan on buying it again soon. Does your story
tell us why you got into m.a. (what made ya do it?) . If not,
is that something you can share with us here?
Originally posted by tshadowchaser
May I inquire wrote the book and who the publisher is?

The Journey:
by Tom Bleecker, Joe Hyams

Paperback - 326 pages
Gilderoy Publications; ISBN: 0965313247
Ooops, sorry Klondike .. we must've replied around the same time.
Originally posted by Klondike93

Your just working too hard to get that black belt!! :rofl:


Hmmm seems like somebody else is working for it if they have to point it out.:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Thats how I got to where I am today in every aspect of my life!
Tom Bleecker and the honorees wrote the book. He sent out a questionnaire and all filled in the blanks followed by a phone tape session. then Tom transcribed what was on the tape and put it into print and then his publishing company...... Gilderoy published the book along with a forward by Joe Hyams.
I have yet to peruse, or buy the book!! I shall!



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