The death of Olympic TKD


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MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
I know there is not alot of Olympic TKD'er on this forum, but I would love to hear from the older ones that remember the old PKA type of matches is Olympic TKD headed in that direction and if so is it going to ruin it and finally disolve Olympic TKD like it did in the eighties, Money has become all in mighty with the Olympic movement you can even see it in the USAT, it is a same when they have two division and only care about the 14-17 year old BB for there Junior Team. I know this is going to upset some and not others. I believe with Poomse to start to be in the Olympic and adding hand technique it will go back to more traditional style of TKD. Your thoughts on this is appreciated.
Terry Lee Stoker
Okay, I found ya. This is a good question. If I'm redundant from the other thread, I'll apologize in advance.

I think what happens is based on the motives for the changes that we are going to see. To survive in the Olympics, TKD will have to increase it's popularity to the viewing audience. The audience has dictated in the past that it wants to see flash. Hence (IMO) the pretty colored/multi colored uniformes over the current boring old white. At the same time, they have also dictated that they do not want to see barbaric competition. Look at Karate, Judo and boxing. What was considered at one time to be prime time entertainment is televised at 3:00 am if at all. People want to see blood in the movies, not in a real competition. No hurting allowed. That's why I don't think you'll ever see head striking as a WTF rule. The people don't want it and what the competitors want is not a question being asked. Spinning twist showing kicks get big points. They better, because no one in their right mind would ever throw one for effect otherwise. Their demo kicks being incorporated into competition.

I could go on and on about this, so I won't. Bottom line as I said before it's about the motives behind the moves. I'm not so sure that losing out on the Olympics wouldn't be the best thing for those who truly love the art for what it is, what it was meant to be.

I've occasionally wondered that if the Olympics dropped TKD if that would not maybe be good in that with the Olympics no longer as a goal if it would not re-focus people back to making TKD more of a martial fighting art.
I've wondered the same. After the embarassment of the Seoul olympics I hope they do.
In my opinion, it is ok to have olympic TKD removed because it only shows that some TKD'ists desire fame. Also TKD would be again focused into a fighting art. People cant see that sport type TKD wont help you an a real fight. Long long time ago in korea the fighting arts was used for real fighting not for sports. Some of those arts were adapted to what we know today as TKD.
Actually, Korea has a long history of combative sports and contests...
Some school sell themsleves by advetiseing "We teach Olimpc TKD" which in and of itslef is not bad but from what I have seen these schools (in my area) give way to much time and credit to the best in class and the rest of the class is left to rase funds for those going to turnaments.
Also these schools seem to have forgotten what TKD used to be and focus only on competition
terryl965 said:
I know there is not alot of Olympic TKD'er on this forum, but I would love to hear from the older ones that remember the old PKA type of matches is Olympic TKD headed in that direction and if so is it going to ruin it and finally disolve Olympic TKD like it did in the eighties.
Good question Terry. I wish I had a crystal ball. I don't know if TKD is heading back that way or not. I do think that the proposed changes to the competition rules are intended to make the sport more entertaining. I guess whether the sport is more entertaining for a general audience will be seen. From my perspective, I thought it was already pretty exciting.

This morning there was an announcement that London will host the 2012 Olympic Games.

There is an IOC meeting Friday (7/8) in which as many as 28 different sports may be eliminated from the Summer Olympic program. Taekwondo is said to be safe, but just barely. Keep an eye out on this as I think it benefits all martial arts to have Taekwondo in the Olympics...

Miles thanks for the info. I'll keep a track on this as well.

there was a similiar discussion on this topic over at i found pretty enlightening. i felt the general consenus by most of the TKD'ers was the the olympic TKD gave the system as a whole a bad rep. i don't study TKD so i really can't say.

i do know that from an outsiders (outside TKD) POV, i've heard some people mention they study TKD and someone would reply, "oh, that olympic crap. you call that fighting?"

from where i sit, there are pros and cons of having your system represented as an olympic sport. it could possibly mislead the people who know nothing else of it.

just my .02.

what happened in the seoul olympics that was embarrassing? i dont really follow this stuff too much :p also i couldnt find anything on the net about it so far
I'm curious about the embarassing incident(s) at the '88 Olympics as well. The school my family and I attend is headed by GM Chung Ho Park, who was the coach of the '88 US Olympic team but I don't want to ask him as the incident may have involved him or his team.

Thanks for any info you can provide.

Belleville, IL
From the Korea Herald:

IOC votes to keep taekwondo in Games

Baseball, softball dropped from Olympics

The International Olympic Committee voted to retain the Korean traditional martial art of taekwondo as an Olympic sport during a secret ballot in Singapore on Friday.

In their general session, IOC members voted to keep taekwondo as an official event at the 2012 Olympics.

Taekwondo, along with baseball, softball and the modern pentathlon, had been threatened with being replaced due to growing criticism over judging mistakes and low television viewing rates.

The sport's international image was further tarnished after its former top official Kim Un-yong, who also served as vice IOC chairman, received a jail term for corruption charges last year.

In recent weeks, South Korea has launched a government-led worldwide campaign to keep taekwondo among the Olympics' 28 official sports. On Tuesday, President Roh Moo-hyun sent a letter to IOC head Jaques Rogge seeking his support.

South Korea's taekwondo officials also promised to provide electronic scoring systems, revise match rules and introduce other reform measures.

Taekwondo became an official Olympic sport at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. A total of eight gold medals - four for men and four for women - are at stake in the sport's contest.

Meanwhile, baseball and softball, two sports invented in America, were dropped from the Olympic program. Each of the 28 existing sports was put to a secret vote by the International Olympic Committee, and baseball and softball failed to receive a majority required to stay on the program. The other 26 sports were retained. ¡°I think they've made a big, big mistake," said Tommy Lasorda, the former Dodgers manager who managed the 2000 U.S. team to the gold medal in the 2000 Sydney Games.
Miles did they mention about the rules changing to make the sport aspect more interesting instead of bouncing up and down for half the match and what steps are being done to develope the electronic Chest protectors for more accurate scoring.


Terry Lee Stoker
Miles said:
(quoting newspaper)
Taekwondo, along with baseball, softball and the modern pentathlon, had been threatened with being replaced due to growing criticism over judging mistakes and low television viewing rates.
What? Nobody's staying up til 3 am anymore? How can they cite low ratings when they don't even bother airing this stuff?
well atleast the governing body of the ITF and WTF are trying to get together and bring a more exciting style for people to watch. Weshall see if the new rule changes will help with people watching TKD.

It looks like baseball and softball have been tossed from the summer games, the modern pentathalon made it.

As replacements karate and squash were nominated, and both were overwhelmingly rejected. It doesn't look like TKD came close to being removed.

story at:

Marginal said:
What? Nobody's staying up til 3 am anymore? How can they cite low ratings when they don't even bother airing this stuff?
Anymore? I don't remember when I saw the dark side of 3 a.m. :)

I think the ratings in Athens for TKD were actually pretty decent despite the bad times and insipid announcers.

Miles said:
Anymore? I don't remember when I saw the dark side of 3 a.m. :)

I think the ratings in Athens for TKD were actually pretty decent despite the bad times and insipid announcers.

Absolutely. Give us a single PRIME time slot and then tell me how TKD fares. I can accept the outcome regardless of how it turns out. But how can anyone possibly claim poor ratings given the slots alotted. It's rediculous.

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