The Cresent Blade


Blue Belt
Jan 18, 2006
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I just wanted to know which style uses The cresent blade as a weaponry, I once heard it refers to the general Kwan stlye of fighting. Is there such a style of the magnificient warrior?.
Crescent blade what? Spear? Lance? Sword?

Besides Guan Gung didn't use a crescent bladed anything. His blade is more along the lines of a halberd or something similar.
clfsean said:
Crescent blade what? Spear? Lance? Sword?

Besides Guan Gung didn't use a crescent bladed anything. His blade is more along the lines of a halberd or something similar.

Well, that's the problem. I don't know the exact name, but to describe it, Take a look at this.

This weapon is used by many martial arts. I think I saw it once in some northern shaolin club in Australia, in which they teach using such a weapon of general Guan.
The weapon is a Guan Dao. It was named after him. The blade is a akin to a da dao, but is slightly different for different use & application.
I thought "Crescent Blade" sounded familiar... Guan Yu's particular weapon was called the Green Dragon Crescent Blade, Frozen Glory, Frost Blade, and a few other names. That might have been the source of the confusion.
Eldritch Knight said:
I thought "Crescent Blade" sounded familiar... Guan Yu's particular weapon was called the Green Dragon Crescent Blade, Frozen Glory, Frost Blade, and a few other names. That might have been the source of the confusion.

That's useful, thank you.
For an actual crescent blade google korambit. Nasty little bugger.
What about lord Guan himself. Which martial art did he trained in?. I beleive that Shaolin was still not there. It came in the Wei kingdom later.

This goes the same for commander Zhao Zilong. Which fought over 50 soldiers of the Wei army and was able to pass them. I believe that those warriors were the ideal figures of martial arts used in war. what do you think about it?.
Here is the "Theory".

He knew Elephant Style kung-fu, which has now become Northern Eagle Claw.
He also taught his troops Xing-Yi, but its history pretty much disproves that as well, what he taught may have been a predecessor to Xing-Yi.
Thought there was a third style but I don't remember it.

His weapon is a Quan Dao, a smaller version is called a Pu Dao (sp?). It is basically a broadsword blade on a long stick. Supposedly he swung around one that weighed between 80 and 200 lbs depending on who tells the story.

There are many traditional kung-fu forms that use it, but I don't know of any Eagle Claw or Xing-Yi forms with it. I believe there is a Chen Style Tai Chi form that uses it as well, but I've never seen it.

Its a pretty cool weapon to use.
dmax999 said:
Here is the "Theory".

He knew Elephant Style kung-fu, which has now become Northern Eagle Claw.
He also taught his troops Xing-Yi, but its history pretty much disproves that as well, what he taught may have been a predecessor to Xing-Yi.
Thought there was a third style but I don't remember it.

His weapon is a Quan Dao, a smaller version is called a Pu Dao (sp?). It is basically a broadsword blade on a long stick. Supposedly he swung around one that weighed between 80 and 200 lbs depending on who tells the story.

There are many traditional kung-fu forms that use it, but I don't know of any Eagle Claw or Xing-Yi forms with it. I believe there is a Chen Style Tai Chi form that uses it as well, but I've never seen it.

Its a pretty cool weapon to use.

Thank you, that's informative.

What about commander Zilong (Zhao Yun). I think that he was better than Guan himself but never boasted his skills when there was no need?.
There is also the Three Kingdom toughest,strongest,the mos skilled man at that era was General Lu Bu (Fengxian). I wonder who could defeat this guy who stood as a guard against a whole army. They were amazing man!.