The best way to train



just wondering if any of you had any good bag or fitness drills you wanted to share that can be done alone with a punchbag or free exercises i.e like squats, as would like to spice my routine up a bit
A plyometric drill I like is hopping over a bag side-to-side. It's good anerobic training because it's short bursts of energy. Boxing two or three minute rounds with focus mitts is good also; you take a minute between rounds and perform 8 to 10 rounds (or however many you want).
tell me more about the plyometrics anyone! Is there any you can perform for the upperbody, do bouncing pushups count as plyometrics?
There is also simply hopping up, touching the knees to chest and repeating. There is the ladder drill, sit-ups with a medicine ball where when you reach the top, you toss the ball to a partner, then he tosses it back as you go down.

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