The Best Martial Arts


White Belt
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Eagle Rock
I know this is kind of a sensitive topic to some, and that many people have different opinions, but im gonna ask any ways :]

I wanted to know what other martial arts i should take. So far i've taken boxing and muay thai, so my striking is up to par, lol, but i wanted to know other martial arts that are good, preferably in self defense, joint locks, weaponary, etc. Ya kno basically if worst comes to worst on the streets i would like to be well rounded in fighting. Don't get me wrong this is not at all to just bully people or make trouble, this is strickly for my own protection worst case scenario...Keep in mind im very open minded about every martial art, but it would be nice if you reply that you state a good reason why i should try that paticular art. Thank you so much. Peace & Luv!
I'm a noob because i don't post often? Looking at the join date, i've been here longer than you, that would make you the noob, wouldn't it?
lol , there is no best style , only best artist who utillize everything to cover each weaknesses ( ground , stand up grappling , punch and kick ) .

your best bet is to learn BJJ and Wrestling .
Admin Note


Please, return to the original topic.

-Mike Slosek
-MT Asst. Admin-
I'd go with either Judo or Aikido. Judo uses a gi, and you aren't too likely to find an attacker who is shirt-less. Aikido teaches weapon defense, and even if not directly, it still does. The techniques of Aikido are designed to function in as many scenarios as possbile.
preferably in self defense

A military combatives course would be useful. And learning how to run like blazes.

joint locks, weaponary

For weapons, then WMA and FMA are a good way to go, among others. If there's an ARMA group ( in your area, you'll get some serious weapons training out of them (mostly swords), and a good amount of grappling as well, since you can't become a good swordsman unless you also become a good wrestler. :)

Look around at what's in your area, take some classes and see what you like.

Best regards,

This topic comes up quite frequently; I would suggest, as a start that you look at this thread: Choosing a school - it's a compilation of several similar discussions, and may help you in deciding what style/school you wish to join.

Good luck with your search!
I'm a noob because i don't post often? Looking at the join date, i've been here longer than you, that would make you the noob, wouldn't it?

Sit in the back & don't participate.


Nope. You're still a n00b. Participation is paramount, in both Martial Arts classes & Martial Arts forums.

Go ahead, you can write that down.
I started off with Chinese Kung Fu. When I asked what other I could take to be more well rounded, I was told Aikido. I've been doing Aikido every since.
But whatever art you choose, and they are all good, train hard and be true to the art.
I believe it all depends on you. For some TKD is the best, for others, Judo, or jiu jitsu, or boxing. For me, I love aikido, but also trian in Jiu Jitsu and TKD, and feel they are all effective. But like previously stated, whatever you choose, be true to your training, and train hard in what you do. Good luck and keep us posted on what you decide and how it goes

Keep the conversation polite and respectful and refrain from sniping. THIS IS NOT TOLERATED ON THIS BOARD AS IT IS OTHER MESSAGE BOARDS.

Full rules can be found here.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Assist. Administrator
There were 7 post in this thread after the first mod reminder to keep it civil ( called for), all of them resepctfull, I fail to see why another reminder was needed?
There were 7 post in this thread after the first mod reminder to keep it civil ( called for), all of them resepctfull, I fail to see why another reminder was needed?

Could be a few reasons.

1) The off topic posts about being a noob continued.

2) Someone reported the post because it was off topic.

In any case, before we steer further off track, lets return to the OPs questions. :)

Well if you are looking for opinions, in MY opinion hapkido is the best with taekwondo being a close second ;)

But then, my opinion is based on options HERE and my background and abilities.

Your location, background and abilities are likely to all be different :)
im gonna put this out their but like ive always said their is no best martial arts for every martial art has its weaknesses and if you are doing martial art as self defence in a street fight i would say good on you but beware in a street fight its gonna be a hole diffrent arena its most of the time kill or be killed also you do not know wats going to happen in a street fight so it would be good if you all styles of martial arts together so you have more tools to use in a fight also for some martial arts dont teach you other martial art moves so yehhh their all the same but train hard for that is going to be the thing that seperates you from the rest also have a open mind and dont stick to one style exackly like bruce lee said untill we have 3 hands or legs us humans are going to fight the same well some were along those line

to see fear is to see me
im gonna put this out their but like ive always said their is no best martial arts for every martial art has its weaknesses and if you are doing martial art as self defence in a street fight i would say good on you but beware in a street fight its gonna be a hole diffrent arena its most of the time kill or be killed also you do not know wats going to happen in a street fight so it would be good if you all styles of martial arts together so you have more tools to use in a fight also for some martial arts dont teach you other martial art moves so yehhh their all the same but train hard for that is going to be the thing that seperates you from the rest also have a open mind and dont stick to one style exackly like bruce lee said untill we have 3 hands or legs us humans are going to fight the same well some were along those line

to see fear is to see me
I agreed with you up until this last line. Personally, I would rather look unprepossessing and harmless and surprise any potential attackers than look dangerous and cause people to try to attack me to prove they could beat up the tough-looking person. :)