Texas Job market?

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Anyone know what the job market is like in the Austin, Kyle Georgetown area's of Texas? What's not, what's not, etc?

We're looking at relocating that way soon and it's likely that I'll need to get a job for a while while we get things established and moved.

I already know I need to pack sunscreen and some AC. :D
Nope, no degree. Self taught web-geek/photographer here. LOL!
With the down economy, some sectors will be hard hit and others will be doing better. If it's something that depends on discretionary income...they may not be hiring.
Start looking around...I am not sure if there are any govt/mil areas down there, but they usually have openings. But you need to be aware of hiring freezes, if you decide to go that route.
Bob plenty of retail and fast food jobs anything else in Austin will need a degree.
It depends on what type of job you want and where you want to live. Commuting from Georgetown or Kyle into Austin will kill you on gas. Georgetown is a nice community and I would live there if not for the commute. In theory it should take about 30 min. to get to Georgetown from Austin but I 35 is packed in Austin and Round Rock almost all day every day.

There is a lot of need for security work in Austin. Most of the Government buildings and computer companies contract out the security. The Problem with security work is that you get paid according to the contract. You might get $12 an hour working a sight and when that contract is over you will get assigned to a $9 an hour contract if you are lucky. The city of Austin and the state of Texas is always hiring various people but the money is not great. The Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice will hire almost anyone to work as a corrections officer and there is a state jail facility in Austin but I would not do that unless you were desperate.

If you have any specific questions I will try to find some answers for you.
The commute is a concern. From what I've read it's a royal PITA, though not as insane as Atlanta is. We haven't 'picked' a place to call home yet, so we're looking at the idea of finding something close to whereever we're working....though I did find a nice 4 acre place the othersid of Kyle....just about 12 turns off the main road, all of them dead ends. LOL!

Seems photo studio wise, it's JC Pennys, Picture People and lots of indies. Tech wise, I hate to admit it, but I'm out of date. I'm an old NT admin/Linux guy, and Win2003/Vista is way outside my knowledge base. Not too thrilled with moving 2,000 miles for a McJob, but if it pays the mortgage while we get situated, I guess it'll do....just aint my first choice.

Another thought we've had is find someplace with enough land to open a photo studio on as well as hol the house and yard. So far, the 'affordable' ones are all well-water, and I dunno about that.
I don't know much about Kyle but I can tell you that if you end up taking a mcjob for survival purposes the commute will be almost impossible. I am not sure how well a home based photo studio would do in some of the rural areas where housing is more affordable. I thought about buying a house last year and when I took into consideration the gas, vehicle maintenance and the maintenance on the type of house I could afford it was just too much. If you are dealing with well water you will probably have a septic tank as well. Flying Spagetti Monster help you if there is a serious drought or your septic tank messes up.

I think you have a lot going for you even without a degree. It is just conjecture on my part but I would imagine that with all of the schools, government functions, churches, and small businesses in Austin you could probably get some decent work as a photographer. There are also a lot of independent local newspapers around here. Every time I turn around there is another festival or big event.

With all of the small businesses in Austin you might also think about designing web pages. If you can't find a job you want you may very well have to create it and more power too you.

Also, any type of martial art you could want to study is being tought in the Austin area.

I think a lot of it depends on how much cash and credit you have to start things up.
It is a tough time and here in SA, the Toyota plant stopped production and are doing nothing. They made a big noise about coming here and making Tundras but as you can see they laid off most of the workers and are just doing nothing. If you have law enforcement exprience you might could get on with one of the agencies. There is an over abundant amount of Martial Art Schools in Tx, also many conceled handgun schools and shooting ranges. If you have EMS exp. that may be the way to go,there are also an over abundant ambulance companies. I wouldn't just take a chance and move. People here if they are smart they keep the jobs they have, and if they feel thearten by newcomers/new hired they will try to get you fired. I worked at SWFBR and the supervisors saw me as taking thier jobs, one sup. surrounded himself by only hiring people from his nieghborhood, I kid you not, drive down that street and you see them drinking beer together outside in the yards. I do not want to discourge you, but study this hard.
Cash and credit? What's that? LOL!
Seriously, thank you. :) I'm checking into a number of options right now.

Septic systems don't worry me too much, well water though does. I'm less thrilled over losing city-gas access for cooking though. Propane isn't something I like the idea of having a big tank of sitting next to the house....goes back to seeing a warehouse in Buffalo that was leveled by one a while back.

Vehicle wise, I'm leaning towards picking up something 2 wheeled once I get there for daily running, saving the car for more cargo-based trips.

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