Tattoo symbology


Blue Belt
May 4, 2006
Reaction score
Aberdeen, Scotland
Hi guys,

Just wondering if anyone knows of where I could find out a bit more about Muay Thai tattoos? I'd like to find out what some of the symbols mean and if there are any rituals etc attached to getting one.

I,ve never seen a muay thai orientated tattoo ever, I'd love to see some pictures of what you mean though as an old friend owns a tattoo/piercing parlour and he has no idea either. Closest thing i can think of is maori tattoos?:idunno:
wee_blondie said:
Hi guys,

Just wondering if anyone knows of where I could find out a bit more about Muay Thai tattoos? I'd like to find out what some of the symbols mean and if there are any rituals etc attached to getting one.


I saw a little bit on Thai tattoos, not sure if it was MT specific though. It was a bit odd... they would go to these monks, that would add them. they seemed to believe it would protect them from harm. they would get tattoos based on their own brand of mythology. It was a very interesting show, on discovery channel. I rememered this thread when I saw it yesterday...

I'm no expert on the topic, just saw the show... I'd be very curious to hear from those members from Thailand or those that are more familiar with the culture... always love learning :)
mrhnau said:
I saw a little bit on Thai tattoos, not sure if it was MT specific though. It was a bit odd... they would go to these monks, that would add them. they seemed to believe it would protect them from harm. they would get tattoos based on their own brand of mythology. It was a very interesting show, on discovery channel. I rememered this thread when I saw it yesterday...

I'm no expert on the topic, just saw the show... I'd be very curious to hear from those members from Thailand or those that are more familiar with the culture... always love learning :)

Yeah i'd like to hear from some genuine thai fighters to :) As for what your talking about mrhnau, I don't know if its the same thing, but, theres a temple close to Bangkok called Wat Bang Pra or maybe Phra or something...but it holds a anual festival where monks would tattoo large amounts or males with animal spirits and prayers, in the hope that they will bring strength and protection. Two good things for any fighter id say!:)
JB* said:
Yeah i'd like to hear from some genuine thai fighters to :) As for what your talking about mrhnau, I don't know if its the same thing, but, theres a temple close to Bangkok called Wat Bang Pra or maybe Phra or something...but it holds a anual festival where monks would tattoo large amounts or males with animal spirits and prayers, in the hope that they will bring strength and protection. Two good things for any fighter id say!:)

that would be it... what was really odd is that some of them would be "possessed" by the tattoos, exhibiting characteristics of the tiger, the monkey, whatever they had tattooed... was quite odd. Very interesting show though.
Cheers guys. I'd be interested in finding out more about the way that the monks choose who should have which tattoos, and how the rituals work. I'm not hindu/buddist but am interested in learning about the culture. Maybe I'll just go out there and ask them??
If you are planning to get one, make sure you get the true meanings from a reliable source. I have see a few Kanji tatoos that were way off, and in a really bad way. :)
Thanks JB that was really interesting! :asian: Sounds like quite a spectacle!! I'm actually booked in for a second tattoo in a couple weeks, an instructor I know can read & write Thai, so he kindly translated some words for me. I must say, I doubt I'd go for the full back tat's that I've seen; but its good to learn about this stuff.

Invisible tattoos could be an option though! :uhyeah:

Thanks again!
As HKphooey said, if your planning to get a tattoo in another language/symbology...check its meaning is true. Unless your trainer is thai, and speaks fluant thai then theres a strong chance he could get it wrong. Double check it, theres plenty of places you can message ppl from thailand etc. As for invisible tattoos, uv ink is practically invisible once its healed and not under a uv lamp, however its fairly new and the long term effects of using it aren;t yet known. :idunno:
I'd love to get one, they look cool............I watched a Muay Thai Documentary called 'Born to Fight' the other day, they touched on the tattoos, some supposedly give you better technique, I'd have one of those :p
Did anyone catch this besides me?........

Detective: So, what's the symbology there?

Lt. Smecker: Symbology? Now that Duffy has relinquished his King Bonehead crown I see that we have and heir to the thrown. I'm sure the word you were looking for was symbolism, what is the SSsssymbolism there?

Boondock Saints!! One of my all time favorite movies!
Invisible tattoos? I'll give you one, it won't hurt, you won't feel a thing and I promise when I'm finished you won't be able to see it, for only $100 per hour. :rolleyes:
MuayThaiGuy said:
Did anyone catch this besides me?........

I'm sure the word you were looking for was symbolism, what is the SSsssymbolism there?

Didn't realise the grammer police were reading.... :whip:

Too many knocks to the head I guess!
Hehe dude, he's quoting a movie.
"The Boondock Saints"
Anywho it's spelling not grammar.

And on the tattoo's all I could find was the monk tattoo's that as far as I can tell are not related to muay thai specifically.
I have SIX Tattoos, Four of them are about Thailand and Muay Thai. Muay Thai fighters and Tattoos have done some major changes. A Thai man does THREE great things in his life, serves in the Army, trains in Muay Thai and then becomes a Monk. Orthadox Buddhism does not promote Tattoos anymore, the Royal Thais do not promote Tattoos and most of the Old School spiritual religions that were heavy into Tattoo signs for good luck in fighting in Muay Thai have faded away. BUT there are still some Monks that Tattoo, mainly Temple symbols and Animals for safety and strength. If you want I can e-mail you the Tattoo I just got in Thailand Three weeks ago.
Sa-wut dee krup, ---- Sa-baai-dee-mai??

I am in Bangkok for a week, when I get back I am going to write an Article on Muay Thai Tattoos, old and new, I will get all our Fairtex Fighters together, take pictures of their Tattoos and then post them. Then I am going to do an Article on Hand Wraps for workouts, for fights and how Muay Boran does it with ropes. Keep in touch and keep reminding me to do these Articles.

Koop kun krup, Thanks. :)

Sa-wut dee krup, Phra-JAO-phra-uay-porn, God bless you, “Doc”

Khun Daniel C. Docto – [email protected]
Fairtex Muay Thai Division World Marketing Manager &

Download, CHECK out my Article & what do you think??

“SEVEN Master Defensive Moves of Muay Thai Fairtex!!”
Hey doc, did you ever get those articles written??

Just saw a new posting by Alessandro and it reminded me to ask :)