Taking a break from Kempo...

Monkey Turned Wolf

MT Moderator
Staff member
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
New York
And starting jujitsu! After almost 20 years of training various styles of kempo/kenpo, I've decided I need a change. I don't want to do anything to mess with my striking, so started jujitsu last week. Been enjoying it so far, and realized just how different it is (even from judo when I dabbled in that), and how much I have to learn.

I'm still kempodisciple, and have a ton to learn in kempo, but I think this will help me a lot more right now in my journey.
Nothing wrong with a break I'm doing more other stuff now I'm just doing kenpo once a week right now and doing Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai twice a week, it keeps things fresh. I was going to just do Jiu Jitsu but I miss punching and kicking things to much haha
I had to take a break once from kenpo because I have bad knees and started Aikido, then went to okinawan uechi-ryu.. that break was 27 years ago. Moral of the story,,,,don't lock yourself into an identity, it will limit your growth. I realized that kenpo was not that great for me.
Enjoy the break. It might give you new insight into your Kempo. It might lead you down an entirely new road. Either way, it should be good for you.
Have yourself some fun, bro. :)
After 25 years in Kempo I felt the need to focus on other arts. Mainly for growth and partially because there wasn't any more material to learn. I had studied other arts while studying Kempo but I never really adopted their philosophies. I was a Kempo-guy doing (insert whatever art here.) About five years ago I began training in Krav Maga and really focused on adapting the Krav mindset. It was really refreshing to completely dive into another art. Good luck with your training. The great thing about Kempo is that you can walk into any other martial art's dojo and not feel like a complete beginner. Kempo is so diverse. Have fun with your training and props to you for cross-training with other arts.