Strange, but True! Mayan Priests to Purify Site to Eliminate Bad Spirits After Bush Visit

Tiney said the "spirit guides of the Mayan community" decided it would be necessary to cleanse the sacred site of "bad spirits" after Bush's visit so that their ancestors could rest in peace. He also said the rites _ which entail chanting and burning incense, herbs and candles _ would prepare the site for the third summit of Latin American Indians March 26-30.

Mayan purifucation? Sorry. I was expecting a human sacrifice.

Bring out the goats at least!
If it works, can we have them visit DC soon?

I'll supply the goat. ;)
If you guys are gonna clear DC you're gonna need every goat in the country to get rid of that many bad spirits. Way the gubmint has been going lately they'll need to clear spirits for every last one of them.
Good for them. I ritually cleanse my ears any time I hear the man speak.
The south Americans certainely do not seem to happy to have him visiting, some of the protest pictures out of Brazil look like a battle zone :eek:
What better way to protest war and promote peace than to riot and loot.

I think they are protesting a little more then just war, as truthfully the American war doesn't directly effect Brazil.

Regardless, you could also say the same thing about removing a violent tyrant by means of military invasion / occupation leading to civil war and costing tens of thousands of military personal and civillian lives could you not?
Regardless, you could also say the same thing about removing a violent tyrant by means of military invasion / occupation leading to civil war and costing tens of thousands of military personal and civillian lives could you not?

agreed completely! You would think that Bush would realize that he is doing something wrong if so many other countries can't stand him.... oh wait, I forgot who i was talking about... nevermind...

I don't think sacrificing a goat will do anymore than foul up DC more than it already is, but it would be hilarious to watch the Mayans do a ritual cleansing of DC!!! It would take ten years at least to get rid of the bad spirits.
Regardless of the politics I find it odd and even humorous that someone wants to restore the peace and harmony of a place formerly used for human sacrifice because it was contaminated by Bush.

Perhaps we can perform a similar ceremony to restore the peace and harmony of NYC next time Chavez pays us a visit.
Regardless of the poitics I find it odd and even humorous that someone wants to restore the peace and harmony of a place formerly used for human sacrifice because it was contaminated by Bush.

Religion can make people believe some pretty wacky things are "good"

That said, I didn't see anything about the place being formerly used for human sacrifice, where did you see that?
Religion can make people believe some pretty wacky things are "good"

That said, I didn't see anything about the place being formerly used for human sacrifice, where did you see that?

To be honest, I saw that he was visiting Mayan ruins and I knew that the Mayans practiced human sacrifice so I just made the connection. I did a quick google and found that my assumption was correct, at least according to this site.


It an 'org' so it must be true, right? ;-)

Thanks for keeping me straight.
Anyone can register a .org site. I think you might be thinking of .edu, which has more restrictions ;)

Anyways, Mayans did, but the story doesn't even specify which site Bush was going to visit.

Although I don't think it really matters, I'm sure there are ancient Western holy places that where once used for sacrifices as well.