stop spending!!

Twin fist, you will appreciate this. I was listening to Hugh Hewitt on my way to class tonight and I heard him doing the interview linked below. He asks the congressman, "Do you think were stupid," it was great. The beltway republicans and Mr. Mattocks seem to think that we are. Check it out.

Actually, I think he called tea pary people idiots.
I truly believe that you need to start absorbing other viewpoints, good sir. Passion and knowing your own mind are one thing, blind 'party allegiance' is quite another.

I might consider the Tories a blight upon humanity unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. But sometimes their position on something is one that matches with my own. Similarly, sometimes the Labour position on something is one that I do not agree with. This is why I voted Liberal in the last election - a compromise between the two extremes.

Is this not something that the political system in the States could benefit from?
I truly believe that you need to start absorbing other viewpoints, good sir. Passion and knowing your own mind are one thing, blind 'party allegiance' is quite another.

I might consider the Tories a blight upon humanity unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. But sometimes their position on something is one that matches with my own. Similarly, sometimes the Labour position on something is one that I do not agree with. This is why I voted Liberal in the last election - a compromise between the two extremes.

Is this not something that the political system in the States could benefit from?

That would mean having to accept the world is not black and white, but shades of gray.

However, if any economics majors would please chime in...
I times like now when the private sector is not spending and creating the money turnaround needed for a healthy economy, it seems that it falls to the state (nation, government) to keep the momentum going. They should actually tighten the wallet in fat years and conserve for the lean one. But I suppose that is just communist fascist talk. carry on.
What other viewpoint IS THERE??

we are broke

we are still spending money

that NEVER ends well

do YOU continue to spend moeny after you are broke?

oh, and give me a break, there are several left wing policies i agree with, i am for gay marriage and I am violently pro choice on abortion. I believe in unemployment and welfare, i just want them limited.

I am a VERY balanced guy politically
Aye, a most cogent practical point there, John :nods:.

I'm too tired to go into details {can barely type :blush:} but Gran pointed out one of the primary functions of government when it comes to control of the supply-demand equation in times of crises.

In Britains case we carried on spending beyond our budget (via credit and ludicrous house price valuations) for far too long - and the government colluded in it by reducing oversight and regulation on the finacial servicies. What they should have done was reined in the unsecured lending before it got to catastrohpic proportions but instead they allowed everyone to think they were getting rich by doing nothing productive.

Now everyone, other than the banks who recklessly lent, are feeling the pain. The banks got bailed out using the money from the general populations pockets and then awarded themsleves huge bonuses because, on paper, they made tucks of cash. It is not lack of money that is the problem, is the distribution of it.
thats what happened here, the statists got involved in lending, that is , the DEMOCRATS created law forcing banks to lend to people they KNEW couldnt pay the loans back, and did so as nothing more than social engineering and outright buying of votes, and then sold those debts off as assets that were off course, toxic, and time ran out
It is always interesting when people think other people need to absorb other view points. No offense intended Sukerkin, but perhaps we have looked at other view points and have found them wanting. If you like, you could name a few that you would like twin fist and others to consider, and I am sure he will consider them. You may not like where he comes out after that, but to think he hasn't thought things through is unfair.
John and I have been through this over the past few years, Billi. There is no disguising that I am left wing in my views and he is right wing in his. On some things I think he is very wrong and vice versa.

But the important point is that we can see each others points of view and try to understand what is behind them. I have no doubt at all that we could sit at a table in the pub and argue politics over beers. There might be some raised voices and some choice words but we'd still part friends at the end of the night.

What is dangerous to free thought is accepting the party line just because it is the party line. I've said before that politics is the science (art really) of the possible. Try to turn it into a 'natural law' and you run into all kinds of problems.
Sukerkin, what exactly is the party line that twin fist is following. I have read his posts and he isn't really a "party line" kind of person. He is kind of shy and introverted though. He really needs to express his inner feelings more.:)
I truly believe that you need to start absorbing other viewpoints, good sir. Passion and knowing your own mind are one thing, blind 'party allegiance' is quite another.

I might consider the Tories a blight upon humanity unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. But sometimes their position on something is one that matches with my own. Similarly, sometimes the Labour position on something is one that I do not agree with. This is why I voted Liberal in the last election - a compromise between the two extremes.

Is this not something that the political system in the States could benefit from?

this has nothing to do with party system. It has to do with having no money...
Sukerkin, what exactly is the party line that twin fist is following. I have read his posts and he isn't really a "party line" kind of person. He is kind of shy and introverted though. He really needs to express his inner feelings more.:)

I am really scared now, 2nd time in 2 days I agree...
In the light of day, when I actually have a functioning mind once more (allegedly :D) I can see that there was a slight misconception about my post at #3 above - it was a reaction to Billi rather than John's OP.

My apologies in general for any confusion that caused and also to Billi in specific for proferring my un-asked-for opinion on the matter of my view, that I have built up over the past few weeks, of his 'take' on American politics. It wasn't even particularly relevant to what Billi actually posted in this thread :dunce:.

I am trying to keep out of the political quagmaire, I promise ... it's just that sometimes I am weak :eek:.
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Where's the incentive to stop spending other people's money? If you start to run out, you simply take more.
I have no money.
You will loan me some money which I will use wisely to generate more money.
I will then repay your loan and have money left over which I can then use to generate even more money.

Business Borrowing 101.

I have no money.
You will give me money which I will then use to provide vital services to the community.
I will do this in a fair and economically sound manner to optimize and maximize what I can provide to you.

Good Government Spending 101

You will give me money or else.
I will then pay my cousin Larry to play Minesweeper for 8 hours, help my buddy Louie out by giving him a big no interest loan of your money for his horse fetishist study, and hire a driver to take me to and from work in a car you bought for me because Im real important. With whatever is left I'll buy some sandwiches for the bums and bandaids for the crack ho's, unless I'm broke in which case Ill threaten to fire some cops and fire eaters unless you pony up more.

Normal US Tax and Spend Policy.

So...where's the problem again?
Problem is, 'what will you stop spending on?'

If we eliminate every single non-Medicare/military program that is not direct payroll, every single one, we will still have a budget deficit of ~1 trillion dollars. So, cut about ~350 billion from the military, and we'll start talking about how much money we can save by not trying to cure cancer in people over the age of 80.
cut all aid to other countries

pull troops out of s korea, germany, etc

cut unemployment back to 6 months like it used to be

raise retirement to 70 over a 15 year period, people over 55 now are grandfathered in.

disband the depts of energy, education, and interior kill NEA, public broadcasting funds,

get rid of anchor babies policy, no medical treatment for illegals.

need more?

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