Steven Segaul

Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
He is a good martial artist. But his personal moral sucks. The guy abandoned his Japanese first wife and 2 children to fend for themselves while he lives a good life in Hollywood. The first wife is a the daughter of an Akido master. She worked her *** off to support him while he came and went as he pleased. Ate when hungry, slept when tired. THe wife did everything to support his dojo and his acting career, and raised their 2 kids all alone. One day, he told his wife she was crazy and he wanted out. Hugged his kids, whom he did squat little to help raise, and goodbye Japan, Hello Hollywood! He married his second wife while still married to his first wife. While married to his second wife, he pursued his third wife. The second wife has the marriage anulled. The third wife dumbed him. And he is with his 4th wife now.

On this account, he and Van Damne, run nose to nose, in terms of numbers of ex-wives.

To use the word morality together with these people, is an insult. Whatever happened to loyalty? Isn't that the core value of martial artists?
Excellent post!
Whatever happend to morals in this nation! People dont have the guts or resolve to stick by someone.
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
He is a good martial artist. But his personal moral sucks. The guy abandoned his Japanese first wife and 2 children to fend for themselves while he lives a good life in Hollywood. The first wife is a the daughter of an Akido master. She worked her *** off to support him while he came and went as he pleased. Ate when hungry, slept when tired. THe wife did everything to support his dojo and his acting career, and raised their 2 kids all alone. One day, he told his wife she was crazy and he wanted out. Hugged his kids, whom he did squat little to help raise, and goodbye Japan, Hello Hollywood! He married his second wife while still married to his first wife. While married to his second wife, he pursued his third wife. The second wife has the marriage anulled. The third wife dumbed him. And he is with his 4th wife now.

On this account, he and Van Damne, run nose to nose, in terms of numbers of ex-wives.

To use the word morality together with these people, is an insult. Whatever happened to loyalty? Isn't that the core value of martial artists?

I'm curious as to where you got this info. I only know of his marriage to Kelly LeBrock, the actress, and it lasted quite a long time. Please don't say a friend told you this:)
Everything that Johathan stated was dead on with the E! True Hollywood Story that was done about Seagal. I was pretty blown away at some things they brought up. They interviewed many of his associates and friends. Pretty appauling stuff.

Multiple charges of sexual misconduct/assault against actresses on sets. Being married, married again and courting...

Interesting. Sucks to be him.

Btw...that link concerning the celebrity bio is very inaccurate.

Here's a link (though minimal information) from E! on Seagal:,128,14145,00.html
From looking at different websites, the aikido people really have strong opinions about seagal, him being the most widely recognized aikido practitioner alive right now. As much as martial arts is supposed to help instill discipline, and morals ,there is no guarantee.
Very true. Unfortunately, in previous conversations that I've had with Aikido-ka, they seem to brush off his character "flaws" based on the fact that he's good at Aikido. They say that the E! special was bogus, that none of these things are true...yaddayadda.

It's pretty bad when someone with skill can do whatever they may and remain "good" in people's eyes.

Michael Jackson, Stephen Seagal...hrm
Has anyone else heard the story of Segal gettin whooped in Alaska by and old man while filming one of his movies?

I can't remember the name of the movie, but it was about an evil corporate oil guy.
That "old guy" was Judo Gene Labell....who could probably mop the floor with most.

I'll dig around and find Gene's accounts later and post them here. Quite a funny story.

Jim Harrison, Allen Steen, Bill Wallace, Bob Wall, Howard Jackson, Blinky Rodriguez, & Roger Carpenter.

Here is a link to article discussing the challenge
Originally posted by Jay Bell
That "old guy" was Judo Gene Labell....who could probably mop the floor with most.

I'll dig around and find Gene's accounts later and post them here. Quite a funny story.

Heard that story...It would be nice to have the printed account of it. I guess Segal Was bad mouthing lots of people in the MA world, like Chuck Norris, and LaBelle told him that these people were his friends and then the fight was on from there.:asian:

Here's what I heard... And it is hear say.

Some of the Stunt guys that worked on the set of that Alaskan movie were sitting around at lunch and Segal came over to hang out with the boys. He had a reputation on the set for being rude to the chinese actress who was portraying an escimo I think. Any way the story goes that Segal was mouthing off about his CIA work and how he was so dangerous, well Lebell was there on set and heard the bragging.

Supposedly Lebell simply snuck up behind Segal and slapped on a sleeper! Not the choke that stops the breathing, but the sleeper targeting the carotid artery and vien. A few brief seconds and Segal was out like a light.

Not only did he pass out without some Master of Aikido counter, but he PISSED HIS PANTS because he was full from lunch! I heard Segal woke up and started handing out hush money! It took less than 24 hours for this story to make it back to the lower east coast because the stunt guys told their buddies back home that same night via the email.

Of course I wasn't there, and this could be an urban myth created as a cautionary tale for other egomaniacs. But either way it is a nice tale!
Originally posted by MNKaliGroupRayW

Here's what I heard... And it is hear say.

Some of the Stunt guys that worked on the set of that Alaskan movie were sitting around at lunch and Segal came over to hang out with the boys. He had a reputation on the set for being rude to the chinese actress who was portraying an escimo I think. Any way the story goes that Segal was mouthing off about his CIA work and how he was so dangerous, well Lebell was there on set and heard the bragging.

Supposedly Lebell simply snuck up behind Segal and slapped on a sleeper! Not the choke that stops the breathing, but the sleeper targeting the carotid artery and vien. A few brief seconds and Segal was out like a light.

Not only did he pass out without some Master of Aikido counter, but he PISSED HIS PANTS because he was full from lunch! I heard Segal woke up and started handing out hush money! It took less than 24 hours for this story to make it back to the lower east coast because the stunt guys told their buddies back home that same night via the email.

Of course I wasn't there, and this could be an urban myth created as a cautionary tale for other egomaniacs. But either way it is a nice tale!

LOL, that is a very funny story :rofl: