Starting Bujinkan


Yellow Belt
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Kent, UK
I can't believe my luck! A Bujinkan Club is starting 20 metres away from my house, and will also be open the only day that I don't already train, SCORE! Admitedly, it will be in a school hall, but the guy who is teaching already teaches in 2 dojo's in the county, so I'm expecting good things. Although, I don't really kow much about it, except that it uses armed and un-armed defense against strikes and weapons, and also uses weapons such as the Bo and Escrima. Just wondered if anyone can tell me more about it, eg, it's effectiveness in a fight situation and the other weapons which are used would be cool.
From your sentences, I am assuming you are residing in the UK? I hope the training goes well for you.

The easiest way to find out more about the Bujinkan is really to just do a web search from google or yahoo on bujinkan. There is already a great deal of information about the art already out there.

Here is a site to get you a bit started

HTH and have some fun!

Hope you enjoy the training and keep us informed on how it's going
Deaf said:
From your sentences, I am assuming you are residing in the UK?

Haha, that's the best thing I've heard all day, you've made work so much better for me!
luigi_m_ said:
and also uses weapons such as the Bo and Escrima.
No, we don't use escrima. Hanbo, jo, and bo; but no escrima.
Oh well, we all make mistakes.

Good luck on your training, it is very hard and competitive.

Tell us how your first lesson was.

Good luck luigi! Please keep us informed as to your progress. Everyone here seems to be helpful.