Sssssssssssssssslllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooo ooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww

No hands fit well into those engine compartments!

mine do :)

but then again i'm just a girlie petrolhead that's rebuilding a subaru impreza gearbox with full sequential splitters and twin lsd's

sorry but i rebuild these things for fun on my kitchen floor :) always liked getting down and dirty lol ;)

Damn, Amazon takes their sweet time processing reviews LOL. Still not posted. I will keep my eye on it. By the way if you are interested I also have a poetry book on there too.

There you go, some linkage with the review. Mmmm, I do like the occasional poetry. Tried some myself, but I thought it was darker than Darth Vaders lid. Must be the best feeling in the world to get published. I was dead chuffed when my fanfic got some readership. Still I am hoping to get my lappy back tomorrow with a fresh build of W7. Going to start a new fanfic when back, but going to be dark, very dark.
There you go, some linkage with the review. Mmmm, I do like the occasional poetry. Tried some myself, but I thought it was darker than Darth Vaders lid. Must be the best feeling in the world to get published. I was dead chuffed when my fanfic got some readership. Still I am hoping to get my lappy back tomorrow with a fresh build of W7. Going to start a new fanfic when back, but going to be dark, very dark.

Ay, there's the rub: (caps added for emphasis) LOL That is why I didn't see it.

What kind of fanfic are we talking here?
it's on order now - thankyou the reviews are good so yup am looking to forward to getting it in the mail on monday or tuesday and i'll let you know what i make of it plus i'll review it too :)

it's on order now - thankyou the reviews are good so yup am looking to forward to getting it in the mail on monday or tuesday and i'll let you know what i make of it plus i'll review it too :)


Good! I hope you enjoy it.
Ay, there's the rub: (caps added for emphasis) LOL That is why I didn't see it.

What kind of fanfic are we talking here?

Will be one based in the Star Trek universe, but it will be non canon. Below is an except from one of the chapters. The unfortunate thing is that it was not finished due to my say somewhat excessive hobbies, but got the itch for it again.
Now, if the mods or admins find this offensive, please pull it but don't ban me ;)

Lieutenant Joanne McHattie had been in the Café for some three hours up to now. The mark had yet to make an appearance, which was quite strange since she frequented the Café on a regular, if not daily basis. JoJo as McHattie is known, is not somebody you see again after an encounter. Mainly due to the fact that any said lifeforms are not still alive after seeing her. The mark was one of those idiotic Bajorans whom believed that she sent by the Prophets. This all arose just because JoJo happened upon a fight taking place while bunking on DS9. She had saved some prat from offering out a Nausicaan, it transpired that the incident was viewed as an act of the Prophets.
Jojo pretty much felt that the Bajorans were backward enough already, even the Prophets seemed backwards according to her

"Why would a so called advanced being, wish to confine themselves to a Wormhole? Is that evolution, I think not"

JoJo was relieved when the mark walked into the Cafe and spotted JoJo right away and started to venture her way. The mark was able to make it halfway to the table that JoJo had selected, however she knew that the mark had covered enough ground and with that thought, she was already standing with a false smile on her face. The next few moments in what seemed like a couple of heart beats, the mark went down hard clutching her chest in absolute agony. JoJo had reached out with her mind and locked on to the marks vital organ and made it explode. The overwhelming tiredness with that act, compelled her to fall to the floor near her chosen table. Being only 23 years old, her mind was not as strong as her 25 year old Sister Sarah, yet.

As this was happening, the way that JoJo collapsed to the floor was a perfect mask and worked to enhance her cover. The mark that had been slain, just happened to be a member of a new reactionary group with political aims that JoJo had no interest other than the fact that the group had to be stopped.

"Now what are they called again, the new Circle or something?, no matter, they cannot be allowed to incite hostility's with the Cardassians"

The Cardassians have Intel that is needed concerning the Tholian Assembly. Couple that with the agent whom (a Gul from the 2nd Order) passes the Intel, the status quo has to be kept for now.

A few minutes had elapsed while JoJo was recovering her mental stability and this was the moment to leave the Café and ultimately escape the planet. She walked back to the rented home and activated her deployment beacon. Seconds later she materialised on the Scorpion Attack Shuttle's compact transporter pad and headed for the cockpit. Once she was under way, she headed to the refresher to remove the Holomask and Wig. Still feeling drained, sleep came quite easy.

"I need a holiday with a nice 20th century style English Pub near"

With that blissful thought, she hit the sack and was out quicker than the lights dimmed off.
enjoyed the exerpt very much :)

is the idea to release the full version when finished ????? in which case you'll have to tag it with full address details so that those of us that enjoy reading a variety of works by a variety of people will be able to indulge in our paper fetish once more :)


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