Sparring a 14 yr old BB


Master Black Belt
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score
Ok I need some advice here you guys.
My Master let me know last night that we will have a 14 yr old 2Dan BB coming to join us for awhile and may join if she likes it. She wants more intense training and a good Master to learn from so that is why she is trying us out.

Here is the issue....

Being I am the highest ranked student at Blue Belt I will have to spar against her. I feel weird sparring at 14 yr old then a girl at that. Yes she is a 2nd Dan but damn. She ompeted at the US Open and all here in Texas. My Master said she is really good.

1..Do I call her Master? (Im 28..even though age has nothing to do with it but 14yr old and I call her Master, I wont lie, it will feel very weird)

2. Do you take it easy on her? I mean hell it will be hard to go full maybe if she caught me one good time I may not be able to hold back but you understand.

3. How would you handle the situation?
AceHBK said:
Ok I need some advice here you guys.
My Master let me know last night that we will have a 14 yr old 2Dan BB coming to join us for awhile and may join if she likes it. She wants more intense training and a good Master to learn from so that is why she is trying us out.

Here is the issue....

Being I am the highest ranked student at Blue Belt I will have to spar against her. I feel weird sparring at 14 yr old then a girl at that. Yes she is a 2nd Dan but damn. She ompeted at the US Open and all here in Texas. My Master said she is really good.

1..Do I call her Master? (Im 28..even though age has nothing to do with it but 14yr old and I call her Master, I wont lie, it will feel very weird)

2. Do you take it easy on her? I mean hell it will be hard to go full maybe if she caught me one good time I may not be able to hold back but you understand.

3. How would you handle the situation?

Let start out like this what is her name since I'm in Texas I know just about every Elite BB there is also I was at the US Open for the entire wek so I probaly saw her, Here is the thing she is a second so not a DAN she is a Poom until 15 and then if she is Kukkiwon she has to declare to change from Poom to Dan ranking second thing she is not a Master in TKD she is a 2nd noty a 4th so why would you call her Master at all.

Now on to your question she is 14 so her division is 14-17 years old and she is as good as your instructor says she is then she is also fighting 17-32 year old division and if that is the case then all is far and on equal ground in the ring her skill level will certainly over come your strength against her at this point in your training.

I would treat her like any BB at the school with respect she has earned over her career. Competing at the US Open her in Dallas means she is of upper calibur they do not send average players to get themself hurt or injured.

Just out of cureiosty who is your instructor and what school do you go to here in Texas.

Master Stopker
Twin Dragons MAS
Arlington Texas

This is me.
AceHBK said:
Ok I need some advice here you guys.
My Master let me know last night that we will have a 14 yr old 2Dan BB coming to join us for awhile and may join if she likes it. She wants more intense training and a good Master to learn from so that is why she is trying us out.

Here is the issue....

Being I am the highest ranked student at Blue Belt I will have to spar against her. I feel weird sparring at 14 yr old then a girl at that. Yes she is a 2nd Dan but damn. She ompeted at the US Open and all here in Texas. My Master said she is really good.

1..Do I call her Master? (Im 28..even though age has nothing to do with it but 14yr old and I call her Master, I wont lie, it will feel very weird)

2. Do you take it easy on her? I mean hell it will be hard to go full maybe if she caught me one good time I may not be able to hold back but you understand.

3. How would you handle the situation?

1. She is not a Master. She is not even a Sabumnin. Call her ma'am.

2. I would try as hard as I can to hit her, but not with full force. After all, she IS a 14 year old girl, and you're 28 (and male, I assume). If she goes all out on you, turn it up a notch, but there's still no reason to hurt her. Maybe she is good, maybe she isn't, but I'm guessing you can learn from her. I have a big problem with the concept of a 14 yr old second dan, but if your teacher says she's good, forget about rank and try to learn something.
Humilty is one of the great lessons of the martial arts. Its a bummer that in this one place in the world, a 14 year old girl garners more respect than you. But she's earned it. And you may just learn something from her.

I don't mean to be harsh: believe me, I get it. I've been training for more than 24 years (yet I'm a Second Dan). The kid (all 18 years of him) who teaches the kids karate class I assist in is a 3rd Dan. Yes, I've got uniforms older than him, but I give him as much respect as I do all 3rd Dans. And he's got good skills & I learn things from him.

It will work out fine. She'll help you & you will be able to help her, too.
terryl965 said:
Let start out like this what is her name since I'm in Texas I know just about every Elite BB there is also I was at the US Open for the entire wek so I probaly saw her, Here is the thing she is a second so not a DAN she is a Poom until 15 and then if she is Kukkiwon she has to declare to change from Poom to Dan ranking second thing she is not a Master in TKD she is a 2nd noty a 4th so why would you call her Master at all.

Now on to your question she is 14 so her division is 14-17 years old and she is as good as your instructor says she is then she is also fighting 17-32 year old division and if that is the case then all is far and on equal ground in the ring her skill level will certainly over come your strength against her at this point in your training.

I would treat her like any BB at the school with respect she has earned over her career. Competing at the US Open her in Dallas means she is of upper calibur they do not send average players to get themself hurt or injured.

Just out of cureiosty who is your instructor and what school do you go to here in Texas.

Master Stopker
Twin Dragons MAS
Arlington Texas

This is me.

Ok I will take everyone's advise and not go into the situation with a closed mind.
I called my master earlier and asked him these questions and it was then (after i started the thread) that I dont have to call her Master. Not saying if I wouldnt if that was the proper greeting.
I guess this part of TKD and all has me like, "ok this seems totally weird".

Terry we right now have our school in Gold Gym in Carrollton until we get enough students to start our own school. Martial Arts USA is the name of the school. My Master name is Mike Hammoud and he is a 4th Dan. As for the girl I don't know her name or anything. I wont get to meet her till later this week.
i would say good advice by all, but me being a girl i want to add in she is 14 shes growing and changing and her body is rather sensitve right now (the chest area ...atleast mine was) so i would sparr with her like anyone else but keep in mind she is still a child and is still growing so be more careful as to not hurt her...rank does not mean shes any less injrable. just my two cents :)
AceHBK said:
Ok I will take everyone's advise and not go into the situation with a closed mind.
I called my master earlier and asked him these questions and it was then (after i started the thread) that I dont have to call her Master. Not saying if I wouldnt if that was the proper greeting.
I guess this part of TKD and all has me like, "ok this seems totally weird".

Terry we right now have our school in Gold Gym in Carrollton until we get enough students to start our own school. Martial Arts USA is the name of the school. My Master name is Mike Hammoud and he is a 4th Dan. As for the girl I don't know her name or anything. I wont get to meet her till later this week.

I'm glad to got the answer you where looking for and keep thye mind open. I do not know your school but I know your Master, tell him I said hello.
terryl965 said:
I'm glad to got the answer you where looking for and keep thye mind open. I do not know your school but I know your Master, tell him I said hello.

I will thanks!! He started the school a lil over a year ago and we have a lot of kids in the kids class but trying to get some more adults so that we can get our own school.
I will tell him you said hello. I did mention your name but couldnt remember the last name for the life of me yesterday.
Brandi..I will, thanks.

I wonder for the guys who have sparred against females, how do u feel?
I have this thing about throwing punches and kicks towards a female, I just cant do it!!! LOL.

My g/f and I may wrestle but I can't even act like we are sparring cause I feel weird about it.

Does it take for a woman to hit u one good time before any reservations you had about hitting her hard went out the window??
well dont worry about hitting us, we sign up just like eveyone else and know what we are getting into. I have had had guys who are so worried about hurting me that it takes all the fun out of it and i have had guys who go so hard that i have brused my ribs. It would be nice if everyone knew that happy balance between controling power and being overly willt ake practice i guess but dont be afraid to treat her like you would any other 14 yr old you are sparring...i think if you keep in account her age the fact that she is female wont be much of an issue.

but for the record getting hit in the boobs do hurt but you learn to block quickly :)
I would go with the skill vs strength, but pull back your strikes as she is, a smaller frame, weight and is tender in the chest. I can't see a 14 yr. old being that good. In our school she would have gotten 1st poom at age 11, joined at age 8. About the same as my son who was a great technician and could hit really hard but he had weight on him at 14.

She would have not had they physical strength requirements of an adult - half boards before age 13. Technically she should be advanced though. So you should not be able to hit her especially if she moves real well. I think it will be an adjustment for you and all the students who spar her, just ease into it slowly. TW
I would have to agree with the previous posters - at 2nd Dan, she is not a Master, so that is a non-issue - like any other female student, you should address her as "ma'am" or "Ms. ______".

As far as sparring her goes - if she's competing at the level you say she is, then she has the technical ability necessary to defend herself. The concern should be about the size and strength difference between the two of you - not her age or gender, although they affect the size and strength issue. One of the most proficient martial artists I have ever seen was a gentleman who was 5'4" - but he could spar on an equal level with people a foot taller than himself and 100 pounds heavier, because he had an amazing amount of skill.

Rank is based on skill - not age, size or gender, although those all play into a student's ability to learn the skills necessary to earn the rank. Rather than concerning yourself with this young woman's age and gender, you need to observe the skills that she has learned in attaining her current rank, so that you may improve your own skills as well.
I am the oldest guy in my Judo Dojo..I am a white belt!

I am the oldest guy in my Karate Dojo..I am a orange belt!

Alot of the juniors (in age) are higher ranked than I have a problem being corrected by a 14 year old 2nd dan...hell no! I learn from a six year old if what he said made sense (and six year olds do make alot of sense)!

I bow to a 7 year old green belt...why because that is the way I was raised in my MA...he put in the time...he got the rank...he deserves the respect that goes along with it....PERIOD!

Just enjoy yourself with her...train hard and push her to her limits (that is why she is coming to you guys right...for more challanges)!

Dont get caught up in the rank issue and what you have to call her...its just the way it is!
jumping into this late but here are my 2 cents worth

1. She is a 2nd dan she damn well better be able to block I dont care how old she is if she is wearing that rank she had better be able to handle herslef in the ring/age division she signs up for.
2. A 2nd degree has no business being in the same ring as a purple belt but sparring one in class is different. She should have more knowledge and be faster than you so find out if she is. If she trys to hurt you to prove she is better , well you work that out ( i only know how I would react) No you dont want to hurt her if not nessicary but you dont want to get hurt either so protect yourslef
3. call her mam she is far from being a master (in age, mentality, and rank)
I've beat 2 adults in tournaments, but i was also totally destroyed, by a 13 year old, age doesn't make much dif in some cases.
I feel for you! I have a 14 yr old son who is a 1st dan and is damn fast! I think what all the previous poster have said about respecting her rank is right on the money(and I think you knew that already at blue belt). Yes you can and should learn allot from sparring with her,however,what has been said about not hurting her is also very true. You can pull your power without pulling your speed. Speed and footwork is probably the lesson you will learn from her,especially the speed! Also, keep in mind,since she is 14,she may not see the need to pull her kicks,so watch out! If nothing else,you will learn to keep your hands up! Good luck to you!
AceHBK said:
Ok I need some advice here you guys.
My Master let me know last night that we will have a 14 yr old 2Dan BB coming to join us for awhile and may join if she likes it. She wants more intense training and a good Master to learn from so that is why she is trying us out.

Here is the issue....

Being I am the highest ranked student at Blue Belt I will have to spar against her. I feel weird sparring at 14 yr old then a girl at that. Yes she is a 2nd Dan but damn. She ompeted at the US Open and all here in Texas. My Master said she is really good.

1..Do I call her Master? (Im 28..even though age has nothing to do with it but 14yr old and I call her Master, I wont lie, it will feel very weird)

2. Do you take it easy on her? I mean hell it will be hard to go full maybe if she caught me one good time I may not be able to hold back but you understand.

3. How would you handle the situation?

3) A 14 year old black belt is ridiculous. I would look for a school with more realistic standards.
2) If she is a true 2nd Dan, then there is no reason for you to have to hold back. She can take it. If she can't, see the answer to #3.
1) A mere 2nd Dan is 6 degrees away from being a master. A 14 year old is 40 years away from being a master. If you want to call her master, that is your choice. A 14 year old master is more ridiculous than a 14 year old black belt. If you are required to call her master, you may want to follow the advice given in the answer to #3.
Ok, let me weigh in with my opinion. First, since she's only 14 and a 2nd black belt, she normally would be considered a 2nd poom black belt, not a second dan black. This is the Kukkiwon guideline. Second, as was previously mentioned, she is certainly not yet a master. That's reserved for 4th dan black belt holders and above.

I respect all of the hard work required to reach 2nd black, but I wouldn't call her a Sabumnim just yet...:asian:
Hi Personally her age should not come into question, however some issues do unfortunately rear their ugly heads for example child protection.

Technically she is a child and sparring with adults certainly here in the UK with child protection this and child protection that it would certainly be frowned upon.

Just wondering what issues would be raised in your area let's say for instance she takes a knock takes it gracefully and then decides to sue at a later time.

just my thoughts
kenposikh said:
Just wondering what issues would be raised in your area let's say for instance she takes a knock takes it gracefully and then decides to sue at a later time.

That shouldn't be an issue anywhere in the U.S., just so long as the child is partcipating with her parents' permission. I would assume that in this case the instructor requires the girl's parents to sign a waiver. Whether it's an adult or a child, to sue for an accident in sparring they would have to prove that either the instructor was negligent, or that someone deliberately tried to cause them injury.

BTW, personally, I wouldn't care if someone is a 10th dan and 80 years old, I still wouldn't call them "master" when speaking to them. "Sir," "ma'am," and "Mr./Ms. So-and-so" are acceptable under any situation.