Sometimes a Great Notion. Sometimes a Complete Crock

Now this is funny. :D
Gee, I wonder why air travel and tourism is down?
Draconian security, rates soaring, fingerprinting, delays, long waits, xray scanners, invasive searches, lack of privacy, riffled and stolen luggage and now they think mandatory shock collars are good?

Maybe they can just require we fly in the nude, tied to our seats, and sedated next?

I wouldn't mind the sedated part.
Close, but no cigar. It's micro-chips, not tattoos. ;)

Already putting them in pets :)

BTW, you know the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is w dontcha, and that they use letters for numbers, too?



Hey, they would use the stun gun part against bad guys, right? So then, why a stun gun? They should inject a quickly working poison... or make it a collar instead of a bracelet and make it with small explosives which could destroy the neck.
I'm sure the drooling idiots would love the idea.
Some cynical curmudgeonly thoughts on a scheme to make us all safer by fitting air travelers with remote-control shock collars, err, "Electro-Muscular Disruption Technology".
Uhm.......sounds like something from the Onion.

Remember the neck belt car restraint system? :)

The cure to hi-jacking is to hand everyone a ball-peen hammer upon bordering. Anyone gets out of line, the rest of the passengers bludgeon them to death. It's so crazy it JUST might work! ;)
Uhm.......sounds like something from the Onion.

Remember the neck belt car restraint system?
Alas, it's serious. A former DIA security expert says that it's not the stupidest thing she's seen seriously considered.

The cure to hi-jacking is to hand everyone a ball-peen hammer upon bordering. Anyone gets out of line, the rest of the passengers bludgeon them to death. It's so crazy it JUST might work! ;)

A little exaggerated, but basically true. Starting on 12 September 2001 every hijacking attempt or "passenger began to rush the cockpit" or "dingbat tried to blow up his shoes" incident involving planes in the US has ended with "passenger was [restrained|beaten into thin red pulp] by passengers and crew." A few dozen to a couple hundred terrified people who believe they have nothing to lose can do amazing violence in close quarters.
Alas, it's serious. A former DIA security expert says that it's not the stupidest thing she's seen seriously considered.

A little exaggerated, but basically true. Starting on 12 September 2001 every hijacking attempt or "passenger began to rush the cockpit" or "dingbat tried to blow up his shoes" incident involving planes in the US has ended with "passenger was [restrained|beaten into thin red pulp] by passengers and crew." A few dozen to a couple hundred terrified people who believe they have nothing to lose can do amazing violence in close quarters.
And the sheeple woke. Well, they could have but that takes too much energy to actually wake up and do something significant when your *** isn't on the line at that second.
OMG! what MORON came up with this stupidity.. now issue a weapon to every passenger makes a hell of a lot more sense !! but this is stupidity!! hell get control of the damned things and you got unobstructed control of the aircraft!!! pravably the same kind of IDIOT who wants to out law guns "because then no criminal would have one!!" beyond stupidity!!!! :biggun:
Alas, it's serious. A former DIA security expert says that it's not the stupidest thing she's seen seriously considered.
Bureaucracy is the power of stupid people in large groups. ;)

A little exaggerated, but basically true. Starting on 12 September 2001 every hijacking attempt or "passenger began to rush the cockpit" or "dingbat tried to blow up his shoes" incident involving planes in the US has ended with "passenger was [restrained|beaten into thin red pulp] by passengers and crew." A few dozen to a couple hundred terrified people who believe they have nothing to lose can do amazing violence in close quarters.
I think it's safe to assume that 9/11 as it occurred was a phenomenon of passenger compliance, and could NEVER again happen in the same manner. You can blow up planes, but you'll never again take 80 passengers hostage with 4 terrorists and some box-cutters.
Some cynical curmudgeonly thoughts on a scheme to make us all safer by fitting air travelers with remote-control shock collars, err, "Electro-Muscular Disruption Technology".

Only if the one suggesting it wears one and I have the shock transmitter! Then maybe they would reconsider.

I understand in court rooms, were violent criminals at hearings or trial have been fitted with such because of their behavior in that very courtroom, but 99.99 percent of the citizens are NOT CRIMINALS AND SHOULD NOT BE TREATED AS SUCH.

The guy proposing this out to have a cattle prod inserted up.... well you know.

Only if the one suggesting it wears one and I have the shock transmitter! Then maybe they would reconsider.

I understand in court rooms, were violent criminals at hearings or trial have been fitted with such because of their behavior in that very courtroom, but 99.99 percent of the citizens are NOT CRIMINALS AND SHOULD NOT BE TREATED AS SUCH.

The guy proposing this out to have a cattle prod inserted up.... well you know.


i like it.. but only if they up the number of batteries in it and um add an old car coil to the circuit first then insert it there!

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