Someone who doesn't read my posts...

And here we go...

From the article:

The usual Marxist claim that Nazism and Fascism were overwhelmingly "bourgeois" (middle-class) and lacked appeal to the working-class has been a major stratagem that Leftists use to deny that Nazism and Fascism were in fact "socialist". But as Heiden (1939) and others point out at length, Hitler was a hobo until 1914 so how does a hobo get to lead a middle-class movement?

Another article:

Also: From ludwig von mises
And here we go...

From the article:

The usual Marxist claim that Nazism and Fascism were overwhelmingly "bourgeois" (middle-class) and lacked appeal to the working-class has been a major stratagem that Leftists use to deny that Nazism and Fascism were in fact "socialist". But as Heiden (1939) and others point out at length, Hitler was a hobo until 1914 so how does a hobo get to lead a middle-class movement?

In reference to the webpage:

This Websense category is filtered: Racism and Hate.

and here we go
a short video clip
the "f" word
read my posts
filtered for
racism and hate
see how that works?

(and just so that all can see I'm joking, John: :lfao: )
This one should answer the nice lady screaming hate at the republican...


from the article:

How many times have you heard a liberal call a conservative a “fascist” or “neo-fascist”? The Left apparently thinks that only right-wingers can be fascists. But the truth is that fascism is wholly a product of the Left, not the Right, side of the political spectrum. Only liberals can be fascists because modern American liberalism is a product of communist and fascist ideology....

Mussolini: Communist Heretic
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, dictator of fascist Italy and conventionally labeled the father of fascism (the term “fascism” is Italian in origin), was a lifelong socialist and follower of Karl Marx. He was named after two socialists: Amilcare Cipriani and Andrea Costa. His father was a stalwart socialist who was a member of the First International and served on the local socialist council. His father read him passages from Das Kapital (I know that’s what I read when I want to put myself to sleep, haha). Benito started early in his socialist activism: he called himself a socialist while in high school and became the secretary of a socialist organization at Forli at the age of 18

Mussolini seriously began his political career as a left-wing journalist and intellectual. He was very well read in socialist theory. He wrote countless socialist tracts and articles that both examined and translated socialist literature. In 1911, he became the editor of La lotta di classe (Class War), which served as a mouthpiece for the Italian Socialist Party. In 1912, he attended a Socialist congress.
Leading socialist Olindo Vernocchi said, “From today you, Benito, are not only the representative of the Romagna Socialists but the Duce of all revolutionary socialists in Italy.” This was how he received the nickname Il Duce, literally “the leader.” He was the Duce of Socialism!
Leda Rafanelli, an anarchist intellectual, wrote “Benito Mussolini…is the socialist of heroic times.”


That is why I say she obviously hasn't read any of my posts...
I prefer to use credible sources, like the Oxford English Dictionary, for my bare-bones political definitions (suitable for sound-bite posting on internet fora). After all, describing what words mean is their business.

I'm sure you prefer to use non-partisan sources, adequately laden with professional gravitas too - which is why this line of fishing is done. Let's designate it Humour and we'll politely let it fade into the darkness where it belongs.
:chuckles: Aye :). I am fairly sure that the OED is a standard reference text for the English language all around the world :D. ...



... of course I am dealing with American's here ... Lord knows what language they speak :p :)
:grins: I always find it a good sign when disputants can 'insult' without giving true offence :bows:.
Well, if you want to hide behind Eurocentrism...fine...I'll play with someone else...

The OED? Eurocentrism? Really?


The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is a comprehensive multi-volume dictionary published by the Oxford University Press. Generally regarded as the definitive dictionary of Modern English, it defines around 500,000 headwords and includes some 2.5 million illustrative quotations.
Although the OED is a British institution, and perhaps most comprehensive with regard to British English, its policy is to attempt to record all known uses and variants of a word in all varieties of English, worldwide, past and present. To quote the 1933 Preface:
The aim of this Dictionary is to present in alphabetical series the words that have formed the English vocabulary from the time of the earliest records down to the present day, with all the relevant facts concerning their form, sense-history, pronunciation, and etymology. It embraces not only the standard language of literature and conversation, whether current at the moment, or obsolete, or archaic, but also the main technical vocabulary, and a large measure of dialectal usage and slang. The OED is the starting point for virtually all scholarly work regarding words in English.

Surely, someone who appeals to non-authority as much as you do can recognize authority when he sees it, bill?
:chuckles: Aye :). I am fairly sure that the OED is a standard reference text for the English language all around the world :D. ...



... of course I am dealing with American's here ... Lord knows what language they speak :p :)

yes, and I can also recognize when said authorities are wrong as well. At one time the "authorities" believed the sun revovled around the earth as well as any number of facts about other things that they were actually wrong about. The Oxford dictionary can be just as wrong as any other man made item. And they are wrong about facism. One day they will have to change that definition to make it more accurate.

Friedrich von Hayek is a smart guy too, who also lived during the socialists rise to power before WW2, here is his article:

From Von Hayeks thoughts:

Nazism is Socialism*

Friedrich August von Hayek

Monday 19 October 2009 Published in the spring of 1933
yes, and I can also recognize when said authorities are wrong as well. At one time the "authorities" believed the sun revovled around the earth as well as any number of facts about other things that they were actually wrong about. The Oxford dictionary can be just as wrong as any other man made item. And they are wrong about facism. One day they will have to change that definition to make it more accurate.

Friedrich von Hayek is a smart guy too, who also lived during the socialists rise to power before WW2, here is his article:

From Von Hayeks thoughts:

Nazism is Socialism*

Friedrich August von Hayek
Monday 19 October 2009 Published in the spring of 1933

more wisdom from planet Cihak....:lfao:

From Von Hayeks thoughts
I can also recognize
when the sun revolved
around the earth
and any number of thoughts
about other things:
the Oxford dictionary
the socialists rise to power
Nazism is socialism
they were actually wrong about
just as wrong as
a smart guy, too
One day
they will have to change.
Last edited:
And Von Hayek says...

The persecution of the Marxists, and of democrats in general, tends to obscure the fundamental fact that National "Socialism" is a genuine socialist movement, whose leading ideas are the final fruit of the anti-liberal tendencies which have been steadily gaining ground in Germany since the later part of the Bismarckian era, and which led the majority of the German intelligentsia first to "socialism of the chair" and later to Marxism in its social-democratic or communist form.
But, in spite of this, the German entrepreneur class have manifested almost incredible short-sightedness in allying themselves with a movement of whose strong anti-capitalistic tendencies there should never have been any doubt. A careful observer must always have been aware that the opposition of the Nazis to the established socialist parties, which gained them the sympathy of the entrepreneur, was only to a very small extent directed against their economic policy.

What the Nazis mainly objected to was their internationalism and all the aspects of their cultural programme which were still influenced by liberal ideas. But the accusations against the social-democrats and the communists which were most effective in their propaganda were not so much directed against their programme as against their supposed practice — their corruption and nepotism, and even their alleged alliance with "the golden International of Jewish Capitalism."

It would, indeed, hardly have been possible for the Nationalists to advance fundamental objections to the economic policy of the other socialist parties when their own published programme differed from these only in that its socialism was much cruder and less rational.
He is some nut job who thinks nazis and facists are actually socialists and that manmade global warming is a hoax. What a nut job. Oh yeah, and he listens to Rush. Bill Cihak is a real nut job...


If I say that stuff, no one gets in trouble.