Someone please explain how this isn't conflict of interest????????


Master Black Belt
Jun 13, 2009
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Only one of many at USAT. It is conflict of interest central. Nobody cares about integrity with this group!

The sooner he gets to Brazil the better! He leaves himself open to being removed before he goes to the Olympics.

That would ruin the return of the first family of TKD to the Olympics.

I was hoping TJ will put a end to that but Jean seems to be trying to help.

Jean would seem very confident that his buddies will stay in charge and he won't be ousted.

Puunui didn't they oust Dae Sung Lee just before the Olympics
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I do not understand how this can be allowed and how it continues to go on. Our USAT Olympic Team Coach is prepairing another countries team for the Olympics and setting himself up for the job after this olympics.... Are YOU ****ING SERIOUS?

heres the link. Thanks Hal.

********. he should be BANNED from any participation with TEAM USA right now.

I wonder if anyone has ever filed an ethics complaint and if they haven't, why not?
They have been filed and nothing ever happens, as far as conflic of interest first it must be in there contract which USAT has not done so he is able to do this with there blessing. Most company protect there interest while USAT does not.
They have been filed and nothing ever happens, as far as conflic of interest first it must be in there contract which USAT has not done so he is able to do this with there blessing. Most company protect there interest while USAT does not.

and there's nothing in the USOCs rules?
I do not understand how this can be allowed and how it continues to go on. Our USAT Olympic Team Coach is prepairing another countries team for the Olympics and setting himself up for the job after this olympics.... Are YOU ****ING SERIOUS?

heres the link. Thanks Hal.

********. he should be BANNED from any participation with TEAM USA right now.
Under who's authority? Its a free country.:)
They have been filed and nothing ever happens, as far as conflic of interest first it must be in there contract which USAT has not done so he is able to do this with there blessing. Most company protect there interest while USAT does not.

You don't know it isn't in his contract. Who has seen it? It is section 18.1 of the bylaws and it was used in a matter of days against Eric Laurin. Selective enforcement?
You don't know it isn't in his contract. Who has seen it? It is section 18.1 of the bylaws and it was used in a matter of days against Eric Laurin. Selective enforcement?

Actually Rhonda Jean has there blessing to help, not saying I agree but you cannot blame him for looking out for him and his family. This is a USAT thing not a Jean Lopez thing. I know you and alot of people see this as being bad but I see it as being able to adjust one income withen the rules ofthe USAT or USOC. Hell we have probaly what twenty athletes right now playing for different countries, hell we have Carlos Navarro and Jackie Galloway both on the mexico Junior National team and competing over sea's and won for mexico but yet nobody cares. People, coaches athletes have been given the right to compete and train whoever they wish. Like I said not saying if it is morally right or not not my call it is up to our NGB and they are aloowing it so go hang them for it.

Sorry I am tired of people blaming our coaches and athletes for they way they choose to do things if our NGB was doing a better job with a pipeline of talent and actually doing a better job protecting what they are doing then great but if they do not care why should these people be treated any difference. We have american coaches here that are coaching other countries athletes all the time. Greg Tubbs coaches Carlos Navarro and he will never fight for the US even though he lives here. Jackie Galloway is coached by here da Gary Galloway and peak performance which is Moreno group. So see this whole thing is our NGB faults not anybody else.
I do not understand how this can be allowed and how it continues to go on. Our USAT Olympic Team Coach is prepairing another countries team for the Olympics and setting himself up for the job after this olympics.... Are YOU ****ING SERIOUS?.

Haven't really looked at this all that closely, other people seem to be blazing this trail. But first thing that comes to mind, at least with respect to the upcoming Olympics is whether any Brazilian competitors are in the same weight class as American competitors. If not, then I don't think there is a conflict, since USA and Brazil would not compete against each other. If there are competitors in the same divisions, then I believe those conflicts can be waived by the athletes.

As for 2016, I for one am happy that Jean Lopez is looking towards the future and setting himself up to work for Brazil. It is an indication that even he realizes that the gravy train will end soon. In fact, I sincerely hope that he gets that position in Brazil. One less thing to worry about. If anything, rather than discourage him, we should be encouraging him and doing everything we can to make sure he gets that Brazil gig.
We should encouraging him by firing him. That is what would happen in the real world.
Jean Lopez is the NGB and one of the main reasons that people fight for other countries. The Lopez family has taken all the stipend money for themselves. Jean get 80k himself.
The problems the USAT has, it had from it's birth. A birth that came from the death of something great, the USTU. The people who formulated the USAT created all these problems, I think they may well have created the beginning of the end, and maybe the end of it is near. I hope whatever comes forth from the USOC hearing panel solves these problems, but really, I just don't feel it. When I think about the distant future of the USA WTF MNA, I don't see anything, it's featureless, like static on a blank screen TV. But maybe that is just me and my own issue.

That said, I hope everything works out for Jean, I wish him the best. I could imagine that if he does move to Brazil, it will be another life changing experience for him.
We should encouraging him by firing him. That is what would happen in the real world.

On the basis of what, you suspect that there is a conflict of interest? That is that chaotic mob mentality that we do not need anymore. That was from ten years ago. We do not need it today.
Jean Lopez is the NGB and one of the main reasons that people fight for other countries. The Lopez family has taken all the stipend money for themselves. Jean get 80k himself.

No, Herb Perez was the NGB. Jean just went along for the ride, because his brothers and sister were winning gold medals at everything.
On the basis of what, you suspect that there is a conflict of interest? That is that chaotic mob mentality that we do not need anymore. That was from ten years ago. We do not need it today.

Ok I am going to take the emotion out. I hope you guys fix this.
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Jean and Herb work very well together and gave become fast friends.

Just a coincidence I am sure, but interesting.

Summer 2005, Juan Moreno while member of USOC Governance and management committee, votes to approve Herb's HLTC contract.

Winter 2005, Herb Perez goes to the USOC and pitches and gets approved a deal where USOC forgives $120K worth of USAT debt in exchange for USAT paying Juan and Jean $60K each per year to be Head Coaches, not bidding the job out.

2006 - Herb again negotiates a raise to $80K per year for Head Coaches

11/2007 - HLTC contract goes down in flames, financial disaster, HLTC contract bought out.

From Herb's own website:

FYI - when Herb and Kevin were named to the support staff for the Beijing Olympics about March 1, 2008, it was the same date that USAT called for applications for Olympics support staff, with the caveat that someone had already been approved.

When queried as to why Herb Perez was going to lead the US Team in the 2008 Olympics announced less than 3 months after his contract had to be bought out, CEO David Askinas repeatedly stated that the reason Herb was going as Team Leader was that "Juan and Jean want him. I am not giving them any excuses for losing. They want him, they get him. They believe he helps the process." The fact that the membership and some board members, not 007, complained loudly about this was ignored. You will remember that David then disavowed Herb's comments to the press about the Olympics as not representing USAT.

I am certain it is sheer coincidence how one votes herb in for HLTC and then gets a coaching job, as well as a $20K raise in one year and Herb +1 gets to go to all the prestigious WTF events on USOC's dime at the request of the coaches.
Ok I am going to take the emotion out.

Good. I know it's hard when there are people out there who have a vested personal interest in keeping the chaotic mob mentality going, even though it is obvious that that has run its course.

I hope you guys fix this.

I hope so too. Keep your fingers crossed and wish for the best.
ok, take the whole USAT/taekwondo thing out of this and look at the olympics for what they are... ATHLETES REPRESENTING their country, competing against the world.

I am against anyone who would whore themselves out for money to represent or train another country that is going to compete against their own country.
reguardless of whether or not we are directly competing, in the end there is a medal count. You should not be allowed to change countries to compete for another country soley for the purpose of being in the olympics. My opinion, but still, When a USA COACH is helping to prepair another countries team for the Olympics, he should be banned from USA COACHING.

NO-ONE should be able to wear a: TEAM USA COACH/TEAM BRAZIL MENTOR

And how the USOC who are paying these guys for MEDALS allows it is the issue.

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