Society of Guardians of the Benevolent Temple

Imua Kuntao

Green Belt
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio,TX
Society of Guardians of the Benevolent Temple, Has anyone heard of this org.? Or what style of martial art they do?
No link. They were here in San Antonio about 20 years ago the vanished. I had met one person out of there but lost contact. I was interested in the style they did. I am not sure if it was White Lotus.
Eh the name reminds me of the Shiners or Masons.

White Lotus is Douglas Wong's creation. You may be able to find something Google-ing him.
Sounds like a team of kung fu superheroes.
When I ran it through Google, I got to a page about some guy named Pat Finley who's pushing a "traditional Shaolin Kung Fu" program in San Antonio. The Society apparently certified him and his mysterious master somehow...

If you're trying to judge the guy -- I'd say look at him and assess him for yourself. If you're looking to get certified by them or figure out if someone's certificate is worth it... not much to advise you on.
Thanks to everyone. I have heard of Don Finley, who is a Kenpo Black Belt. I check out the google thing.

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