So what specific kata's have you been working on in the theme of the year?

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
So what specific kata's have you been working on in this years theme. Lately I have been looking at Suiyoku a little bit. Opponent punches and you jodan uke nagashi then opponent punches again and you jodan uke nagashi (with or without the strike) and grab their extended arm and they then zenpo geri and you catch it with your other arm and sokuho geri their base leg.

Let's use this thread to discuss variations of the above kata or what kata you are working on now and variations that you are also playing with.
So what specific kata's have you been working on in this years theme.

Koku mainly. Theme of the year is Gyokko Ryu at my dojo. This year, last year, year before that, year before that... etc.


I don't bounce around like Sensei does. Still working on the foundation.

The weekend before last, Jack showed us a couple, but I certainly don't remember the names, I am terrible with all the names. I am pretty sure we did the one you described. Then there was one with a punch, punch, kick and something to do with the uke doing a "water wheel". ;) I could show it to you better than try and describe it or name it, sorry. :D
Koku mainly. Theme of the year is Gyokko Ryu at my dojo. This year, last year, year before that, year before that... etc.


I don't bounce around like Sensei does. Still working on the foundation.


No problem a good foundation is always desirable!
The weekend before last, Jack showed us a couple, but I certainly don't remember the names, I am terrible with all the names. I am pretty sure we did the one you described. Then there was one with a punch, punch, kick and something to do with the uke doing a "water wheel". ;) I could show it to you better than try and describe it or name it, sorry. :D

Dave you are just like me in that I really have very little time for names. I just try to get the kata and then relax and move in the end the names are not that important. I do though try to keep some good notes and cross referance my notes with other information that is available. (that way I can get the names if I need them)
Finger Set, Punching Set, Animal Set, Mass Attack...

My hope is to start working on a new group of katas in the next couple of weeks, i.e., finally get my sorry butt to second degree brown.
Finger Set, Punching Set, Animal Set, Mass Attack...

My hope is to start working on a new group of katas in the next couple of weeks, i.e., finally get my sorry butt to second degree brown.


Lost me.
we are studying Koto Ryu koppojutsu at my dojo. maybe a couple weeks left with shoden no kata (wish it were longer though) i think.

i wasnt sure how to feel about not following the theme of the year at first, however i am loving koto ryu!

as for specific kata's, i wish that i could remember which was which.
does anyone know of any online references that are kyu friendly? im skeptical that there are any of value to a know nothing such as myself, but i would really appreciate the chance to study the terminology used, and have some understanding of what im being told to do (without looking around the room, or taking more of sensei's time from the more experienced students), or of whats being discussed here and in class.

as for jdinca, im thinking he saw the thread in the list of "latest posts" and thought it was in "general martial arts" or somthing similar.

jdinca, the sooner you start those katas the sooner you get that new belt! have fun

this thread could be very interesting, even if its just to see what kind of varieties of the same katas people are working on.

I would like point out, that the feeling I got from all the stuff we did was pretty much the same as all the other stuff has felt like thus far. To me it was the same feeling, just different techniques. They still break down to the same basic three things (balance, distance/space, timing) or as Jack would call it... Tactics!


I would like point out, that the feeling I got from all the stuff we did was pretty much the same as all the other stuff has felt like thus far. To me it was the same feeling, just different techniques. They still break down to the same basic three things (balance, distance/space, timing) or as Jack would call it... Tactics!


You serious?

If KukiShinden Ryu is done correctly - it shouldn't feel like anything else you have done. It should feel like KukiShinden Ryu.

I mean you can dummy it down - but why would you want to?

You serious?

If KukiShinden Ryu is done correctly - it shouldn't feel like anything else you have done. It should feel like KukiShinden Ryu.

I mean you can dummy it down - but why would you want to?


Actually, yes, I was serious. With the limited exposure to this ryu, I have had, I was trying to convey what I have experienced thus far. There were some small nuances of differences, but I didn't feel anything dramatic. That could be for many reasons. I do realize the footwork is small(er), the kamae is a little different (names were different but similar also) and there are some changes in the tactics. Just I didn't feel a profound difference, just more subtle ones. If it is supposed to feel dramatically different, then that is a sign post for my training. ;)
Actually, yes, I was serious. With the limited exposure to this ryu, I have had, I was trying to convey what I have experienced thus far. There were some small nuances of differences, but I didn't feel anything dramatic. That could be for many reasons. I do realize the footwork is small(er), the kamae is a little different (names were different but similar also) and there are some changes in the tactics. Just I didn't feel a profound difference, just more subtle ones. If it is supposed to feel dramatically different, then that is a sign post for my training. ;)

Fair enough.

Thanks for the reply David. :D

Fair enough.

Thanks for the reply David. :D


Your welcome! Could you elaborate more on Kukishinden Ryu? At least what is ok for the medium we are communicating in. ;)

FWIW, in my initial post, I certainly wasn't attempting to imply that I had learned all there is to know about Kukishinden Ryu. I know I have only scratched the surface and I hope that was understood.
Dave you are just like me in that I really have very little time for names. I just try to get the kata and then relax and move in the end the names are not that important. I do though try to keep some good notes and cross referance my notes with other information that is available. (that way I can get the names if I need them)

Suisha. O-gyaku with an attitude. That wasn't so hard, was it?

Kukishin ryu tuesdays and thursdays, sundays we stick to Gyokko ryu. And newaza.
Your welcome! Could you elaborate more on Kukishinden Ryu? At least what is ok for the medium we are communicating in. ;)

These things never end well. Too hard to describe in written word - so until we meet... :D

Let's just say that there *should* be a bunch of stuff that is significantly different about KKSDR and the standard BJK stuff.

These things never end well. Too hard to describe in written word - so until we meet... :D

Let's just say that there *should* be a bunch of stuff that is significantly different about KKSDR and the standard BJK stuff.


It is hard to describe things in written word and no doubt that sometimes if people decide to critisize that these things can end poorly. However, that really is no ones intent on this thread.

Personally when Shihan Michael Asuncion was up we worked some Kukishinden kata's with a very large feeling like moving in yoroi and he also talked about using the helmet like a steering wheel when manipulating your opponents head. All good stuff and I would highly recommend training with him if you get the chance.

Myself I will be working a kata here and there to try and broaden my understanding.

It is always best to train with a qualified instructor but it is also fun to talk about what we do as well!
As a aside to the current question do you think you can learn the feeling of moving in armour without ever wearing armour?

(I've discussed this with Dan, so its an open question to everyone else)

My preconceptions and prior armour simulations did not hold up when i actually put on armour and performed the techniques.

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