
The Dark Often Prevails
Supporting Member
Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
I would like to get a feeling of wht it is to progress to the second form. I believe I am right in thinking that the first form is literally the foundation. So guys and girls, what was like for you? I do not appreciate aesthetics that well. I am keen to hear of what were your reactions. Elation maybe, just thank god maybe and such like. Genuinely curious here.

Apologies to anyone in the direction of my radar on Christmas day. Yeah, was a tad bit inebriated. Sorry peeps!
I would like to get a feeling of wht it is to progress to the second form. I believe I am right in thinking that the first form is literally the foundation. So guys and girls, what was like for you? I do not appreciate aesthetics that well. I am keen to hear of what were your reactions. Elation maybe, just thank god maybe and such like. Genuinely curious here.

Apologies to anyone in the direction of my radar on Christmas day. Yeah, was a tad bit inebriated. Sorry peeps!
Lol! I try and hide my phone when I'm inebriated.

In 3 years, I learned the 3 open hand forms a kicking form and the Luk Dim Boon kwun. My teacher taught WC as a simple system that can be taught in 2-3 years. After that you go back to the beginning and learn it all over again. Hopefully diving deeper into the system and discovering more and more layers of learning...I believe like you the first form is the foundation. I practice the SLT now everyday religiously. I feel like SLT teaches me something new everyday. The Chum Kiu i try and focus on a few times a week. The other forms every once and a while. Just so I don't forget themt.
Coolio. I will take onboard some of that if you don't mind:) I really don't have a proper outlook of being a beginner, the SLT kind of evaded me, I was the problem simply put. Anyway thanks for the input Jake, very helpful :)
Coolio. I will take onboard some of that if you don't mind:) I really don't have a proper outlook of being a beginner, the SLT kind of evaded me, I was the problem simply put. Anyway thanks for the input Jake, very helpful :)

It all evaded me the first time around. It was all about fighting and trying to make things work . The forms were more of an after thought. Now I have learned it's actually the reverse. The forms are mostly all I like to do now
It all evaded me the first time around. It was all about fighting and trying to make things work . The forms were more of an after thought. Now I have learned it's actually the reverse. The forms are mostly all I like to do now

Would you mind if I could ask a few questions as I go through the journey?
Would you mind if I could ask a few questions as I go through the journey?
No,not at all! There are smarter people on here then me on the subject of WC and it's theories. I can help as much as I can. I spent a lot of time testing the art against other arts. So my experience comes more from that. But I'm starting to divulge more into the theory side of things. And guess what? The SLT is what is teaching me this. I had always looked at Wing Chun or Martial arts in general from a technique stand point. Now I'am understanding what WSL meant by "Let your opponent show you how to defeat him".
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No,not at all! There are smarter people on here then me on the subject of WC and it's theories. I can help as much as I can. I spent a lot of time testing the art against other arts. So my experience comes more from that. But I'm starting to divulge more into the theory side of things. And guess what? The SLT is what is teaching me this. I had always looked at Wing Chun or Martial arts in general from a technique stand point. Now I'am understanding what WSL meant by "Let your opponent show you how to defeat him".

Yes, I believe that is the fundamental, irrespective of lineage. We all have knowledge to pass on.
SLT – the Little Idea Form or the Little Imagination form.

It is a seed form. Metaphorically you plant a seed fertilize and water it as you grow in knowledge and understanding. If you don’t understand the little idea, you’ll never understand the big idea.

You should be learning about your body structure, body mechanics, your center of gravity; what changes it, how it changes and how to use it. Breath and mental intent. Relaxation, power generation, footwork, pressure application, receiving pressure, directing pressure, angling, weight distribution and changing it.
Gates, lines, and how to control them. And so much more.

SLT is the beginner form and when you understand the other forms SLT is the most advanced form.
Very good post! Very descriptive and informative.
Lately doing the SLT. I have found it to work similar to mediation. It keeps my mind in the now. I mainly see the results of this in chi sao. It a weird phenomenon. It's like time slows down a bit. I think similar to stories you might of heard of people involved in car accidents or traumatic events. Where they say time seems as if slows down or as if it's in slow motion. Weird but interesting.
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When you grow in your understanding in Wing Chun your SNT will become deeper and deeper. There is no limit to your learning,so how deep you want to go is up to you.
SLT – the Little Idea Form or the Little Imagination form.

It is a seed form. Metaphorically you plant a seed fertilize and water it as you grow in knowledge and understanding. If you don’t understand the little idea, you’ll never understand the big idea.

You should be learning about your body structure, body mechanics, your center of gravity; what changes it, how it changes and how to use it. Breath and mental intent. Relaxation, power generation, footwork, pressure application, receiving pressure, directing pressure, angling, weight distribution and changing it.
Gates, lines, and how to control them. And so much more.

SLT is the beginner form and when you understand the other forms SLT is the most advanced form.

Ah brilliant reply fella. That is new to me, but does make sense. In fact Wing Chun when I first approached it, it seems endless if you see what I mean.
Very good post! Very descriptive and informative.
Lately doing the SLT. I have found it to work similar to mediation. It keeps my mind in the now. I mainly see the results of this in chi sao. It a weird phenomenon. It's like time slows down a bit. I think similar to stories you might of heard of people involved in car accidents or traumatic events. Where they say time seems as if slows down or as if it's in slow motion. Weird but interesting.

You are right. The last car accident I was in, the feeling is weird. Time for a moment does indeed appear to slow down. Then the dreaded shock that no one can escape.
Once you start with SLT, take time to really look at the hands, the shapes you perform, and try to look at each separate section and identify how each movement or hand can be applied in a multitude of ways. Allow your mind to be a mind of no mind. Once you can perform SLT decently, try to do sets of SLT as slow as you can enough that you feel it in every core muscle you are using, but relax the shoulders and move natural without force. Feel for your balance on all sides and get a great feel and understanding for grounding/rooting oneself for power generation thru the use of your stance and positioning. Don't rush your learning experience, really take the time to know it and little ideas will form into your eternal springtime.
Once you start with SLT, take time to really look at the hands, the shapes you perform, and try to look at each separate section and identify how each movement or hand can be applied in a multitude of ways. Allow your mind to be a mind of no mind. Once you can perform SLT decently, try to do sets of SLT as slow as you can enough that you feel it in every core muscle you are using, but relax the shoulders and move natural without force. Feel for your balance on all sides and get a great feel and understanding for grounding/rooting oneself for power generation thru the use of your stance and positioning. Don't rush your learning experience, really take the time to know it and little ideas will form into your eternal springtime.

So far the beginning is not too bad, but latter part SLT is a little tricky. Yeah, I am going through really quite slow. Having to Youtube it at the moment can be a little tricky. Like if the vid cuts to another screen angle, or travels through a little quick. But still can't miracles, although knowing me I will, so for the moment I am quite pleased. Hopefully being immersed back in the school environment, some other things come flooding back. One of the advantages being around others rather than remembering on my tod.
I would like to get a feeling of wht it is to progress to the second form.

what was like for you?

Before moving on to 2nd form...we had to be tested in a brutal 'gauntlet'. It was somewhat difficult because the gauntlet was multiple opponents with fresh attackers lined up behind them. We had to last 3 minute round. If we messed up, did something wrong, etc the time clock started over. If you survived, you went to learn 2nd form.
Before moving on to 2nd form...we had to be tested in a brutal 'gauntlet'. It was somewhat difficult because the gauntlet was multiple opponents with fresh attackers lined up behind them. We had to last 3 minute round. If we messed up, did something wrong, etc the time clock started over. If you survived, you went to learn 2nd form.

Mmm, sounds like a lot of fun!
Learn the form, Know the form, Understand the form, Throw the form away.
Forms - Drills - Applications

hang on, a little. If it is the least important, but also the most important form, why discard it?
hang on, a little. If it is the least important, but also the most important form, why discard it?

Don't take it's just a common expression regarding the "journey."
It is a progression, a continuum.

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