Shuai chiao in Portland OR


Yellow Belt
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
I will be in the NW while still in training for a Shuai-chiao tournament in San Jose -- (I'll be around about the week and a half previous toJuly 23rd. Does anyone know where I might find some mat time in Portland, or anywhere South of Seattle as I head towards the tournament? Also, since I saw the Shuai chiao discussions here, thought I'd mention the tournament held by the USSA on Sunday the 23rd. Best, B
I say maybe Mr Trigg know he lives in Portland 503-xxx-xxxx He might know of some one.

Moderator Note:

A phone number constitutes personal information which has not been provided by the owner of such. Removed.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Super Moderator
Thanks for the contact. Is this a school he teaches out of, or a home number?
home phone Best time to call around 11 pm.. Im dead serious about that.
tell him the monkey told of the # in hope for some kind of contact for a place there to do what you do.