Short Kusarigama Video Clip From New Warriors TV Show!

Interesting show. You can always pick apart the little things but all in all I thought it was a nice introduction to the samuari. Too much of an emphasis on the Morimoto guy (isn't he on Iron Chef?) IMO and didn't even touch on samurai jujutsu.

The host seemed fascinated by the fact that for the samurai - the choice was never between life and death - but honor or dishonor. Seemed to think that this lack of fear of death led to a generally happy (or content) life. I've read elsewhere that some buddist thinkers looked upon the samurai life as a great punishment for prior life sins. Guess it's all your own point of view.

Any idea if the "Human Weapon" series is dead and buried?
It doesn't look like the episode has aired yet. The schedule on History channel's website doesn't show it at least.
If you have an x-box 360 you can download the episodes off the internet.
Oh man! They didn't even use a legitimate ninjutsu practitioner. The ninjato? Really? And since half their weaponry was distraction weaponry, of course the computer determines the Spartan the winner.

What about next week's episode? Pirates vs Knights. What could the pirate possible do? It should have been pirate vs ninja!
I have seen both of those before but they are still great to watch!
Deadliest Warriors is one of those guilty pleasures that I probably shouldn't confess to. It brings me back to my childhood debates with friends about who would win in a battle between the Hulk and The Thing or X-Men vs. Fantastic Four!

It's harmless, mindless fun.
Oh man! They didn't even use a legitimate ninjutsu practitioner. The ninjato? Really? And since half their weaponry was distraction weaponry, of course the computer determines the Spartan the winner.

What about next week's episode? Pirates vs Knights. What could the pirate possible do? It should have been pirate vs ninja!


Do ninja normally grunt aloud like that while sneaking up on an opponent with a sword? I guess it wouldn't have made for a very good show if the Spartan were finished in 7 seconds. The Spartan also made a very nice recovery from the black egg to eyes and was able to track the Ninja down through the woods where the Ninja rolled out into a wide open area to shoot the poison darts where with the immediately restored vision the Spartan was able to drive his blade into the Ninja.

Also, earlier in the show they showed the ineffectiveness of the Kusarigama blade against the bronze armor. Would not a Ninja attack the shoulder, neck, or underarm of the Spartan if he were that close?

I was disappointed in this episode, but it was still probably the best thing on TV. LOL!
The fact that they weren't legitimate ninjutsu practitioners makes the whole episode irrelavent.

Do ninja normally grunt aloud like that while sneaking up on an opponent with a sword? I guess it wouldn't have made for a very good show if the Spartan were finished in 7 seconds. The Spartan also made a very nice recovery from the black egg to eyes and was able to track the Ninja down through the woods where the Ninja rolled out into a wide open area to shoot the poison darts where with the immediately restored vision the Spartan was able to drive his blade into the Ninja.

Also, earlier in the show they showed the ineffectiveness of the Kusarigama blade against the bronze armor. Would not a Ninja attack the shoulder, neck, or underarm of the Spartan if he were that close?

I was disappointed in this episode, but it was still probably the best thing on TV. LOL!

I thought the episode was really, really bad. I loved the fact that the ninja's kusarigama in the tests had a rounded, dulled point. Strangely enough, its penatrative qualities were a bit lacking. . . Beyond that, if the tests are establishing comparative data for the analysis, metsubishi versus a spear? "well, the spear is definitely more lethal than glass in the eye.". Huh, who would have seen that coming?

I have no issue with the outcome; the Spartan was a walking tank who'd trained to the point of killing a significant portion of the trainees in brutally effective combat methods. However, it would have been nice to have a "ninja master" who could hit a stationary silhouette with his blow gun darts all three times (sorry, an inch off the left shoulder ain't a hit) and a demo guy who, I dunno, had trained in ninjutsu at some point in his career.

Might just be me though. And ye Gods, 13th century knight versus pirate? Urk. . .

This show has some isolated segments worth watching but it's such over-hyped "controversy" that it's insulting to the intelligence.
I agree. I wonder how a non martial artist would view the show. Do you think they would believe it was an accurate portrayal of warriors?
I fear, yes. I have dealt with plenty of people who think anything seen on a documentary channel (History, Discovery etc) must have been scrupulously checked by true experts in any field, and even wouldn't be allowed to air if it was found to be inaccurate... pity, really. Some people do tend to miss the fact that anything on television, no matter how informative, is primarily entertainment first, and education second if that.

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