Shinken Shihara Dome DVD!

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
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Las Vegas, Nevada
Okay so who has this DVD and what do you think about it? I have been practicing quite a bit of the material on the DVD and I am amazed at how it is starting to help my standing taijutsu. What I have noticed the most is that since most of the techniques start in seiza that when moving against my uke I have to place my hips in the right spot to make everything work. Consequently this has helped my hip placement during my standing taijutsu.

So who has seen the DVD and what do you think about it?

Brian R. VanCise
I haven't seen it yet, heck I didn't even know the DVD existed. However, we have practiced unarmed from seiza against an armed and unarmed attacker(s). It is certainly fun stuff!
Yes it is very good stuff and you have probably worked on a few of the techniques from the DVD. :) Take a look at the Hatsumi DVD, video section over at ! They have the DVD there.

Here are some of the Techniques on the DVD :

Daisho Koredori
Daisho Tachia Shichikei
Hodare (standing)
Koguso Jukkei
Yume No Makura
Maede Eridori

Those are the Gata on the DVD!

Brian R. VanCise
Has the DVd have any extra compared to the original VHS tape other than improved picture quality?

ie extras, sometimes there are clips in the newer relaesed dvds

saru1968 said:
Has the DVd have any extra compared to the original VHS tape other than improved picture quality?

ie extras, sometimes there are clips in the newer relaesed dvds


I would like to know that as well. I have the video, but not the DVD. Maybe Brian can bring his copy along if he ever trains at the dojo I go to here in Japan. I can pop it in my computer and see if it is worth getting the DVD.

Incidently, Nagase is the uke in a lot of the techniques on the tape if you want to see what he looks like.
My videotape has 57 minutes of footage on it. Unless your DVD has a lot more of the actual training on it, I don't think I am going to rush out and get it.
Hello I have this dvd. I Liked it because it has to do with catching your uke offguard. Or minipulating your uke with there own sword.

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