Shaping up or first approch or defence move


Orange Belt
Sep 6, 2010
Reaction score
Andamooka South Australia
There are alot of different senarios on how one may shape up ready for an attack it depends on your surroundings for instance how one may shape up in a crowded space to out in an open space.
Do you let your attacker or would be aggressor know your ready for them or do you contain it till last second and catch them off guard?.
May be they havent started on you but you know that look an attacker gives before they do or while the idea is stewing in their head.
Do you get in close on them ready to catch them off guard or do you distance your self at the cost of mixing with your group of mates?.
Do you let them finish mouthing off at you so your friends know who the aggessor was?.
I don't know where im going with this it dosn't matter right now if you answer one or all or make a situation up, Anything gose.
Its interesting because you may more often then not you will not break out into that white belt stance thta you may have even know for years, or maybe you do.

Chris Parker

Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Hi Eazy,

Well, quite a little list you have there!

The first thing I'm going to say is that in an assault situation, you may very well not have the opportunity to "shape up". If they are getting aggressive, though, it's usually not a good idea to "put up your dukes", as that's not only a give-away, but it shows you as aggressive, or at least agreeing to the fight, which goes against most self defence laws in this country. I'd recommend looking into Geoff Thompson's concept of "The Fence" to see what I'd recommend there.

Other than that, really, it depends on the circumstances themselves, and there really is no "hard and fast" rule that can be applied there. But the idea of "shaping up" is generally bad, to say the least.


Senior Master
Aug 7, 2010
Reaction score
Kansas City MO
It is all situational. I can tell you my first response is to get my arms up so I can keep my space. That doesn't necessarily mean an en garde stance. I do agree the basic and simplist stuff is usually the best go to stuff. However, if anyone goes into a ma bo at the first sign of trouble, they are asking to get taken down. If one of our guys says he went into a ma bo at the first sign of trouble, he's in for a lot of remedial training.


Orange Belt
Sep 6, 2010
Reaction score
Andamooka South Australia
Thanks Chris the fence and the code yellow is interesting the fence you can use and sub train yourself by talking with your hands with people you know are no threat to build a inner consious level of training. One my let family members know and get them to do the same back. It may seem weird for a while but would become very effective.


Orange Belt
Sep 6, 2010
Reaction score
Andamooka South Australia
There is correct answer its just an information thread but saying that heres someone to avoid at all costs then heres another real performasnce ive put on another thread here but it fits in good with this one aswell and proves you can't beat good training. The fence would not stand up to this performance but you would not expect such a person to start on you as a trained martial artist. Dose anyone know him?
I use the (code yellow) concept where ever i go its a good idea i never knew it had a name till this thread started, So im learning already and can now descibe it with two words, cool.

Chris Parker

Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Hmm, I have to ask, are you intending this to be a serious thread, or more of a jokey one? I'm not really sure what those clips have to do with your topic, to be honest, and I seem to remember a range of clips you posted when you first got here that were borderline racist, to say the least. I recommend a little more discernment when selecting clips in future.


Senior Master
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
There are alot of different senarios on how one may shape up ready for an attack it depends on your surroundings for instance how one may shape up in a crowded space to out in an open space.

Surroundings always play into my decisions. I take it that there is no chance of vacating the area in this scenario? And no weapons are involved? Other possible attackers? If it is going to happen and you have the option, move it to an area where fewer people can get hurt. If the guy is large and is having trouble with moving in the crowd, keep him there. It would lessen his ability to inflict damage on you and the bystanders. This supercedes the previous statement.

Do you let your attacker or would be aggressor know your ready for them or do you contain it till last second and catch them off guard?.
May be they havent started on you but you know that look an attacker gives before they do or while the idea is stewing in their head.

Again, no way of talking it down? I would think that others would know who the aggressor is in this situation. If they are beign agressive, I don't think you will catch them very off guard. If they are not going after you, why get involved? And I am not a mind-reader. If they have not made any external cues, how do you know they are up to something?

Do you get in close on them ready to catch them off guard or do you distance your self at the cost of mixing with your group of mates?.

Depends on "how bad" the situation may get. Do they have a weapon or something close to them that may be used as a weapon(pool cue, beer bottle, chair,..)? Have you seen them around before? Do they fight often? How confident are you in your own skillset?

Do you let them finish mouthing off at you so your friends know who the aggessor was?.

If they are "mouthing off," I suspect your firends know who the aggressor is. If you are going to strike, IMO the best time is as they are finishing a sentence. And I will not stop until there is no more threat.

I know this raised more questions then it answered, but this I think it brings up some areas to be addressed before you act.


Orange Belt
Sep 6, 2010
Reaction score
Andamooka South Australia
The thread is serious but that dosn't mean we can't have a laugh along the way here or there. In no way have i been racist, I did not make those flims and they just show real street fighting I looked for cowboys having a blue but nothing showed up.
I did make some coments and was getting close i had to be carfull with my words and did so. It just happened to be that those people filmed their street fights and seem proud of it to.


Senior Master
Mar 5, 2006
Reaction score
Hillsboro, Oregon
If you see the situation coming with enough advance warning to have that mental process, there is only one rule:


That's always my first, best and favorite response to a potential altercation.

If you can't leave, find a way to talk yourself out of it - or to stall until you can leave.

Mike Hamer

Green Belt
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Abilene TX
I will agree with the above post and say that if you can leave the situation and avoid a violent conflict, do so! However if that is not the case then your going to have to have to take action. Everything depends on the situation. In IRT we have a saying. Run rather than hide, hide rather than hurt, hurt rather than maim, maim rather than kill, kill rather than be killed, self preservation above all!

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