Sex Abuse A Dirty Secrete In Tae Kwon Do

Well, lets start by making the point that Olympic Dreams are all nice, but sometimes the price is too high.

I certainly agree with you, but as a parent for one hoping I keep my ears and eyes open to everything that goes on. We as parents and coaches, Instructors and such need to protect those that cannot do it for themself because of blindness.
I certainly agree with you, but as a parent for one hoping I keep my ears and eyes open to everything that goes on. We as parents and coaches, Instructors and such need to protect those that cannot do it for themself because of blindness.

That is the cross we bear (regardless of their hopes).
It should be their coaches' job, too, but hey, even 'parents' are not all created equal.
That is the cross we bear (regardless of their hopes).
It should be their coaches' job, too, but hey, even 'parents' are not all created equal.

Well since I am coach, Instructor and parent so I am involved at all the levels.
Did you report the Russian Coach?

Thankfully sweetheart, who, what, if, when, where, why, I report (or do not report) to law enforcement and for what types of behavior is none of your business.
This is exactly why if I ever take my kids to anyplace to train anything and I am told parents are not allowed in the room....we leave and do not return.
I have mixed feeling about that. There is the issue that some kids act up around their parents and you have two shepards, which is one too many. Daycares and schools experience this all the time.
I have mixed feeling about that. There is the issue that some kids act up around their parents and you have two shepards, which is one too many. Daycares and schools experience this all the time.

Well, true, a lot of kids (most, if not all) are better when the parent is not in the room. However, that does not preclude a parent from being observant.

Daycares and schools are a bit of a different matter. No kid wants to be in school and day care is for the parent's conviniense (not doing details, I know work is a necessity...) but things like TKD the kid should have to have the desire to be there. However, when the parental unit (hate the term) is locked out, all thing are possible.

As to the young lady brought on as example, I feel sorry for her.
At this time she is ina no-win situation. Not knowing what went on, seems her support system broke down in a bad way.
I have watched too much L&O SVU (ironically enough it's on right now as I write) to be near objective, but I do believe victims acting out is one thing that happens a lot after a transgression like that.

But the more time goes on the less her story holds up and the more the perpetrator gains credibility.
I hope that she can gain balance in her life and move forward. TKD is not a perishable item, it's life long, even if competition is no longer an option (sometimes courage is getting up in the morning)
Folks, general practice in the press is not to publicize the names of victims of sexual assault. I'd suggest that you drop this one particular case, and return to the more general topic.
Well like I have stated earlier until people start to hold big orgs and individuals to a higher standard nothing will ever get done, we need these young ladys to stand up and be heard to help make a sport aware of the bigger problem TKD seems to have.
I will add one more thing without naming names of people but we have Master or so called Master with a criminal record for this type of abuse and the bigger orgs allow to be on the floor with childern at events. Now what does that tell it members, most people with that type of record are not allow childern, at tournament especially the bigger ones are held in convention centers, to many small out of the way places for the youth at those tournaments. Parents and athletes need to be aware of this problem so they can make a choice on whether they will bring their little Johnny or not, but until the bigger orgs step up and screen these so called Master it will be the same old same old and please do not give me the argrument he has paid his debt to society because in my eyes he never will after being found guilty in a court of law for this type of thing.
I will add one more thing without naming names of people but we have Master or so called Master with a criminal record for this type of abuse and the bigger orgs allow to be on the floor with childern at events. Now what does that tell it members, most people with that type of record are not allow childern, at tournament especially the bigger ones are held in convention centers, to many small out of the way places for the youth at those tournaments. Parents and athletes need to be aware of this problem so they can make a choice on whether they will bring their little Johnny or not, but until the bigger orgs step up and screen these so called Master it will be the same old same old and please do not give me the argrument he has paid his debt to society because in my eyes he never will after being found guilty in a court of law for this type of thing.

Amen to that. The commercial side of the art does cater to little kids. It's the prime hunting grounds for predators...
You would not want these types in your kids academic schools or day cares!

As to the mechanisms this grows on :

A friend of mine went through a life of abuse, these type of things are her therapy, she recommended the book.

And when you think of it, how many times you deny things because of the status of a person.

Let's keep this discussion on-topic. The thread is not about the personal behavior of a particular victim.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator
But Ronald I would have to dis-agree on this statement strickly because the victim is trying to bring light to this type of abuse to female athlete in this given sport, since she herself is marching down that road that would give us the right to agree or dis-agree on her action and the action she has been going though for these many years. I agree we should stay civil about it and try to be diplomatic as much has possible, but what is being discus is of great important to the well being of potential athlete trying to make an Olympic dreams come true. I fwe do not nip this in the butt it can only get worst. This of course is my opinion only and does not in anyway effect those decission made by MT or it's staff.

The topic itself is a worthy one that does need to be addressed in the sporting world. Abuse amongst those in power isn't uncommon, and people do need to be aware about such things that go on.

However, we can certainly discuss such matters without bringing in specific individuals' social site pages.

The topic itself is a worthy one that does need to be addressed in the sporting world. Abuse amongst those in power isn't uncommon, and people do need to be aware about such things that go on.

However, we can certainly discuss such matters without bringing in specific individuals' social site pages.

Ronald I agree and will keep it at best as can be thoughout this thread, TKD especially Olympic is a small group at a certain level and since we all talk about it in person and names are out in the open I guess it sometimes carries it way on to a forum. Once again we will do our best to address the matter and leave those people names for another place.:asian:

The topic itself is a worthy one that does need to be addressed in the sporting world. Abuse amongst those in power isn't uncommon, and people do need to be aware about such things that go on.

However, we can certainly discuss such matters without bringing in specific individuals' social site pages.

Did not mean to cause a Issue!

I apologize..
Folks, general practice in the press is not to publicize the names of victims of sexual assault. I'd suggest that you drop this one particular case, and return to the more general topic.

I agree in general especially underage victims but this individual has made it public and is publishing on other media outlets. While this forum was started to have constructive discussion on a general topic it was also started to serve as an outlet to releive stress on this person and possibly enough moral support from those who know and care about her to get help and to file not just for her but encourage others to step forward not just for themselves but to protect others in the future.

In my communications with her direct I am concerned now for her well being and we may loose her entirely which would be a great loss to everyone but serve to close the issue with those who have guilt that I am sure will add she was not credible after her passing?

If any of you feel you can have a real impact on her listening to get help you can PM me and I will see that she get your message.
But Ronald I would have to dis-agree on this statement strickly because the victim is trying to bring light to this type of abuse to female athlete in this given sport, since she herself is marching down that road that would give us the right to agree or dis-agree on her action and the action she has been going though for these many years. I agree we should stay civil about it and try to be diplomatic as much has possible, but what is being discus is of great important to the well being of potential athlete trying to make an Olympic dreams come true. I fwe do not nip this in the butt it can only get worst. This of course is my opinion only and does not in anyway effect those decission made by MT or it's staff.

It should read athlete, or juvenile athlete. Boys are just as much at risk.