self defence

Self Defense to me is only as good as the person training, if you train hard for SD it will hopefully be there when you need it.
Is Muay Thai good for self defence?:whip1:

its bloody exelent self defence! one reason its so popular is 'cos it beats most other arts in MMA fights , exept grappling arts , in my opinion its one of the best martial arts for self defence , and im not just saying that becasue i do it , it was one of the things that attracted me to it when i started.

somewhere on the general self defence forum there is a poll and muay thai ranked 3rd , BJJ ranked 2nd , and muay thai with a grappling art ranked 1st

It is totally up to how you apply it. If you see it as high, fast, strong turning kicks then thats not quite it. Having a good stance, good reactions, low powerful and driving side and turning kicks and a hell of a guard (as I have seen on a friend of mine) then you hav it. Once again, it is compleatly up to your aplication. What I listed is not all that is needed and not all of it will work in every situation, but if you do it right, yes it is good for self defence.
Thanks for your answers!!
I recently attended an SD course at my gym, hosted by Kru Bob Spour (look him up, he's a top guy!). While I've been doing Muay Thai for years, the things we were doing were in realistic scenarios and the emphasis was on speed and reactions. In close quarters (ie a busy bar or crowded area) the first thing we were shown was a palm heel strike to the head. It is SO simple and effective, instant KO if you apply it with purpose. In these situations you would not want to punch as there is a huge risk of broken knuckles, wrist injury etc. Elbows were the next subject, excellent weapons and if you train muay thai you'll have a good idea of how to apply them. Knees are also effective but only to bring the attackers head down for you to land a head strike. Kicking is out. Firstly, chances are you'll be wearing shoes which are not appropriate for a thai kick or even theep; secondly, you are likely to loose your balance on uneven ground or if wearing high heels. Also, you wanna keep your feet below you in case you have more than one attacker or want to run away. I could write loads more bout it but don't want to bore you! Thats the first time I've done a specific SD class as I always thought I'd be ok with my muay thai; Bob showed me that sometimes, its not enough.... Best advice is to stay switched on and if something is starting, get outta the way if you can.

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