Sears Brand Shuriken!?!


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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SO I was in a Sears Hardware store today, picking up some spackle to seal a hole at a customers home where we removed some CAT5 cable, when I saw what appeared at first glance to be a Shuriken in the spackle isle!

a small triangle shaped steel disk, with tapered edges like a knife... I picked it up and it was relativley heavy... so I purchased it.

It works wonders as a shuriken. It doesnt stick well, but as a thrown blade meant as a distraction, its perfect... it flies nicely when thrown right... and its quite pointy.

It got me thinking, a guy could probably carry a pocketfull of these little blades, along with the scraper handle they are meant to fit, and have a perfectly logical explaination for having "shuriken" on them...

Here is an image of the "Hyde Tools Molding Scraper Blade"


  • $6087316.jpg
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Lowe's is one of my favorite places to shop for martial arts weapons. 3/4 inch dowels make great jo and bo staffs. A 4in or 6in drywall knife is downright sharp. Since I do remodeling on the side I've always got a pick up truck full of handy weapons.
I used to be a painter.

I carried a "5-way" tool that held an awsome edge and when carried in th pakal grip,it had a nice little "claw" that stuck out of the side of the wrist about an inch or so.
Lowe's is one of my favorite places to shop for martial arts weapons
Mine too. that and home depot. Dowels are great. they come in several sizes, and can be shortened if need be. Hey, Technopunk, whats the price on the triangle dealie?
I like how the package has what appears to be a bulls-eye target on it. Did you use it for target practice?
I used to work as a flooring installer, and i used to use the Orcon brand carpet knives with the disposable blue-steel blades, and those things make a surgical scalpel look DULL. We're talking insane, scary sharp. Only problem is, you'd have to carry it in a leather carpet-tool pouch, because the blade does not retract.
I used to sell tacos on the corner and I had a very spicy salsa which could be used as "metsubushi". I also had some piping hot frijoles (beans-refried) which could burn the skin off of an elephant...and it tasted good too!
home depot is the ultimate armory lol with all the garden tools you could ever want.. theres stuff in there that i dont know you could use for a lawn but would sure kill someone as a polearm weapon.. you could also use those hacchets muahaha
Your local fishing and tackle store is bad either, I have been buggerizing around with a Fishing Gaff.( An iron hook with a handle; used for landing large fish).

Part Cane, part Kali, part Bo, a little Hooksword. lol

All good
I work at the Home Depot as Kitchen Designer, and I have a funny story to tell. HD came out with a policy that employees should not have any kind of weapon on the property. Sometimes if i have to work before going to training I have all kinds of training weapons in my vehicle. I went and discussed this with the HR manager and she had me sign a statement that I would not get them out while on the property., I was inwardly laughing as I was signing it because there is much more in the building than I could get in a tractor trailer load.

And yes, I have seen the little triangle thing. It was on my mental list of things I could use in the store if something were to happen. Interesting thread.
You need to start a thread on improvised weapons from the local hardware store.

All joking aside, I get alot of student training weapons at our local hardware store. If the break with contact I am out a whole lot less than with a weapon bought at a MS store.