screw the IRS, i'm not paying


Blue Belt
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio
received a bill from the IRS today, evidently they think we owe them $1800. i lost a lot of money last year on a failed business venture, filed my taxes with a CPA, & there is no ****ing way i'm giving them a cent. if the federal government is tight on cash, they shouldn't have given 700 billion dollars away on a plan that isn't working. they should have had an exit strategy for iraqi. but they sure as hell shouldn't be shaking down working class citizens trying to get ahead. if they think they are going to steal any more of my money then they already have, they have lost their ****ing minds.

hey feds, if you are reading this, take note: do not push us too far. my name is jarrod fobes, i live in bonner springs, ks. i am not paying this ********, & i will not be going to prison for it either.


Enjoy your cell.....

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
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San Francisco
If it is just your CPA saying they went away make sure that he says it in writing and that you save that for the next several years if not longer. The CPA should have no problem putting it into writing if it is indeed gone and over.

I would accept nothing less that a written statement FROM THE IRS, stating that you do not owe these funds. It doesn't matter what your CPA puts into writing. If the IRS thinks otherwise, they can come after you, and good luck trying to hold your CPA responsible.

I cannot emphasize this enough: GET IT IN WRITING FROM THE IRS. And keep that forever.


MTS Alumni
Aug 15, 2006
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West Melbourne, FL
I'm with the masses here. It is a great thing to take a stand for your principles, but you really need to be aware of what is at stake. I am in the military and therefore work for the government machine. I had a pay error that came back to me 3 years later. Basically, they overpaid me when I first came in and 3 years later I got a bill. Unfortunately, being in the military, I didn't even have the option to fight it. Basically the bill said "You owe the Government $1200 that we incorrectly paid to you. The balance will be taken out over the course of your next 2 paychecks." No options, no notice, that was it. I ended up in a 2 week fight to get it taken out over 6 months in stead of 1....since taking it out in one month would have meant that I couldn't pay rent!

It is easy to look at the government and see abuses and misuses and all of the other things that they have spent and wasted money on, including the bailout....but unfortunately, the machine doesn't care. They will get their money if they want it. One way or another, they will get their money and there is nothing that you can do to stop it. You can fight and stand up for yourself....but I assure you, they'll get their money - either in cash or in time served (and even then, you often still have to pay). It sucks and I dont' agree, but resistance is futile!

I strongly urge you to ENSURE that you have written confirmation from the IRS saying that your balance is $0. A month later and neatly closed is a little too good to be true....

Brian King

Master of Arts
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MT Mentor
Mar 17, 2003
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Bellevue, Washington USA
FC wrote:
“I would accept nothing less that a written statement FROM THE IRS, stating that you do not owe these funds. It doesn't matter what your CPA puts into writing. If the IRS thinks otherwise, they can come after you, and good luck trying to hold your CPA responsible.

I cannot emphasize this enough: GET IT IN WRITING FROM THE IRS. And keep that forever.”

I agree that he should get paperwork from the IRS and keep it filed. In this case Jarrod had an accountant say that they wrote a letter to the IRS stating “Nuh uh” and they went away. It has only been a month so I wonder if the IRS actually has done more than logged the letter into Jarrod’s file truth be told. I doubt that they have done more than acknowledged receiving the letter if even that. If the accountant is offering advice saying that “they went away” they need to put that in writing. If they are a CPA or professional accounting firm they can be held responsible and liable for errors and negligence. In most states they are even required to have insurance for that. If Jarrod finds himself in legal trouble due to their advice and even if they (CPA/Accountant) are no longer in business for what ever reason they may still be held liable for damages and losses, but only if Jarrod can prove that they were in error or negligent. If the accountant is a friend helping out or the relationship is non professional, well in life, you often get what you pay for. Yet even in that case if Jarrod can prove that he was not ignoring the IRS, that he was trying to resolve the issue it will go a long ways in future dealings with the authorities, in my opinion.

For those saying jail and such. It is my understanding (I am no lawyer tax or otherwise, get you legal advice from a qualified attorney face to face and in writing) that failing to file tax returns is criminal and can result in prison sentences. Failure to pay is civil and we no longer have debtor’s prisons. The will work with you to pay what you owe as long as you work with them. When you fail to work with them they will collect what is owed thru liens and seizures and garnishments without your cooperation.

Brian King


Senior Master
Jul 7, 2008
Reaction score
Jus a quick question, if you have an accountant who deals with your taxes why was there a problem? surely he should have sorted everything out for you in the first place? Are you sure it was the tax peoples mistake not his?

tez, this isn't the first problem i've had with my taxes. a few years back i received an adjustment notice from the government. they notified me that they "altered" about a dozen things on my tax return including my income, my marital status, where i lived, & my assets. when i contested it they let it drop. i've run into several people who have had similar stories, so it looks to me as if they just go fishing for more money periodically & hope everyone is too intimidated to resist.

thanks for the input all about getting it in writing. i will follow up on that. as for those who said i would be going to prison...some of you don't read so well, huh?



Blue Belt
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio
tez, this isn't the first problem i've had with my taxes. a few years back i received an adjustment notice from the government. they notified me that they "altered" about a dozen things on my tax return including my income, my marital status, where i lived, & my assets. when i contested it they let it drop. i've run into several people who have had similar stories, so it looks to me as if they just go fishing for more money periodically & hope everyone is too intimidated to resist.

thanks for the input all about getting it in writing. i will follow up on that. as for those who said i would be going to prison...some of you don't read so well, huh?


You may not go to jail genius, but if you think for one second that if you owed the govt money and they werent going to collect...then you my friend are the idiot.


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Just a reminder folks, lets do our best to avoid the personal shots at each other. Everyones opinion will vary, so instead of attacking the person who made the post, disect their post and debate in somewhat of a civil fashion.

Thanks. :)



Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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My tax like every other employed person here is done PAYE (pay as you earn) so nothing needs to be be done. Harder for self employed but I believe it's still straight forward enough to do it yourself, getting an accountant is best though as they know the things you can claim for.
I'm employed by the government (though my boss is the Queen) so I'm glad people pay taxes for my wages, we do try to make sure they get value for money LOL!


Senior Master
Jul 7, 2008
Reaction score
You may not go to jail genius, but if you think for one second that if you owed the govt money and they werent going to collect...then you my friend are the idiot.

if you re-read my previous posts, you will see that i do not, in fact, owe the the government any money. good luck with your reading comprehension in the future.



Senior Master
Jul 7, 2008
Reaction score
bob i assure you, my well-wishing was entirely sincere!



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