Schoolbus Advertisements: Smart Policy Decision or Inappropriate?

I'm with you. My point is basically that I'm receptive to the idea of technology at any level, really, as long as there is a reasonable, rational plan to integrate it in a meaningful way into the curriculum. Simple questions like, "How does this improve learning?" should be answered before spending the money. If someone could present compelling evidence that computers would improve kids' grasp of math concepts, I'd be all for it. But, like you, I don't believe it's a given. Sometimes, old school is still the best way to do it (forgive me for the pun).

Exactly. It's funny, because I just read an article this week about colleges that are considering a ban on laptops in the classrooms because the professors are having to compete for the attention of the students. The punchline is that some of the very same schools had bought or subsidized laptops for their students on the grounds that it would help them with their studies. :rofl:
Keep talking you guys, I have nothing to add, but, the discussion is interesting reading.
I said nothing of privatizing education, I reread what I wrote, and it was not completely clear.... I meant that our public education system needs to stick to education, get out of the busing business all together, they have proven they are a failure at trying to do it. They need to get out of the busing all together and contract out for a fraction of the price it costs them to do it now. Its not another thread, its quite specific to what this is talking about, although I will admit it was not written as clearly as it should have been.

Ah, now I gotcha. To be honest, my only familiarity with public schools' handling of busing (i.e. their track record at it) is slight frustration when I get stuck behind a bus in traffic doing its route. At the risk of asking the obvious, how are public schools failing at busing their students, and how would contracting out the busing be an improvement and save $$?
Ah, now I gotcha. To be honest, my only familiarity with public schools' handling of busing (i.e. their track record at it) is slight frustration when I get stuck behind a bus in traffic doing its route. At the risk of asking the obvious, how are public schools failing at busing their students, and how would contracting out the busing be an improvement and save $$?

The failure is in the overspending, wasteful spending, and overstaffing that all the school districts are using for their busing programs. In the last few years several school districts have started to discover how bad it is, and have begun taking steps to make it more efficient, but the fact is that the school districts should be dedicated to educating our students, they need to get out of all the other businesses... busing, food, and all the other wasteful aspects they have managed to get into that have absolutely nothing to do with educating students.
Efficiency isn't a word that any government entity knows how to spell.
Exactly. It's funny, because I just read an article this week about colleges that are considering a ban on laptops in the classrooms because the professors are having to compete for the attention of the students. The punchline is that some of the very same schools had bought or subsidized laptops for their students on the grounds that it would help them with their studies. :rofl:

Thats evil! I got a laptop from the gov because I do not write fast enough to keep up with profs speaking. imagine if they had done that at my university......

as for ads on buses....Meh. I dont really care, as long as they dont be hypocritical, like someone else pointed out, with the junk food.
Thats evil! I got a laptop from the gov because I do not write fast enough to keep up with profs speaking. imagine if they had done that at my university......

as for ads on buses....Meh. I dont really care, as long as they dont be hypocritical, like someone else pointed out, with the junk food.

Don't blame the university, blame the kids who are surfing MT while the professor is talking. They ruin it for everyone. ;)
Don't blame the university, blame the kids who are surfing MT while the professor is talking. They ruin it for everyone. ;)

had to thank this because it made me laugh.

Yeah martialtalk users who are reading here when they're suppose to be paying attention in class....

Btw I'm not even sure the blame goes to the kids.

Maybe we should blame Bill Mattocks and his team for making MT too damn lovable and addictive. Eh? ;)

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