School Insurance for Wing Tsun (Chun)


Green Belt
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
Sunnyvale, CA
Hi everyone!

I'm staring up a school in San Jose, CA where I've been training for 5+ years. I have been doing research on the various companies that supply Martial Art insurance. They seem to range from $450/year to $1k/year for 1-50 students all ages (staff included at no charge).

I'd like to hear your opinion on any particular good company or any to stay away from. I've also thought about teaching without insurance, but I may end up accepting teenage students under 18 (with parent signature) and thought it might be better to pay the annual premium than a potential $100k+ law suit, from any age.

I understand that I most likely will never need it, but that's why it's called insurance :)

Thanks in advance for any and all of your feedback and suggestions.

Best Regards,

Kanoy(Honda 919 Hornet)
Lets hope he has been training in San Jose fo 5 years and somewhere else for years before:)

Don't know much about commercial and liability Insurance but what I do know is..........Insurance co's I hate em.
ouch!!! wasn't expecting those comments. I must say I Kinda feel bad now. I'd like to think that after training for 5 years that I could teach some beginners. My hope is to teach 2-4 people as an addition to my current learning schedule as a means to help me get better. I still take 3 hours of classes a week, 5 hours/week personal training in doing forms and hitting/kicking the wall bag at home, and 2 hours a week training outside of class with a classmate (10 hours a week).

I guess it sounds like many believe you should not teach any beginners until you've been training yourself for more than 5 years. Good to know and thanks for that feedback. Actually, I know many that train students after 5-7 years of training as part of their continue interest in learning and improving their own skills and knowledge.

Thanks anyway for the honesty. It is important to me to receive all kind of feedback. Based on your feedback maybe in 10 years, I'll have the ability to show someone how to do a tan-sau, dan-chi or the Siu Nim Tau and Chum-Kiu form. I'll strive to achieve that and will patiently wait for that day to come!!!

Maybe the word 'school' in my original post through you off? Maybe you envisioned a school full of students learning from only 1 person with 5 years experience. Ya, I guess that would be the description of a school. Guess I should have been clearer.

Thanks Again,
Great work, guys. He asks a legitimate question and two of you attack him. I did not realize this site was becoming like bull shido . com

ouch!!! wasn't expecting those comments. I must say I Kinda feel bad now. I'd like to think that after training for 5 years that I could teach some beginners. My hope is to teach 2-4 people as an addition to my current learning schedule as a means to help me get better. I still take 3 hours of classes a week, 5 hours/week personal training in doing forms and hitting/kicking the wall bag at home, and 2 hours a week training outside of class with a classmate (10 hours a week).

I guess it sounds like many believe you should not teach any beginners until you've been training yourself for more than 5 years. Good to know and thanks for that feedback. Actually, I know many that train students after 5-7 years of training as part of their continue interest in learning and improving their own skills and knowledge.

Thanks anyway for the honesty. It is important to me to receive all kind of feedback. Based on your feedback maybe in 10 years, I'll have the ability to show someone how to do a tan-sau, dan-chi or the Siu Nim Tau and Chum-Kiu form. I'll strive to achieve that and will patiently wait for that day to come!!!

Maybe the word 'school' in my original post through you off? Maybe you envisioned a school full of students learning from only 1 person with 5 years experience. Ya, I guess that would be the description of a school. Guess I should have been clearer.

Thanks Again,

If you are teaching beginners whilst under the supervision and guidance of more senior instructors then I don't have a problem.

But if you are teaching them alone , then that is something I have a problem with I'm afraid.
Great work, guys. He asks a legitimate question and two of you attack him. I did not realize this site was becoming like bull shido . com


I don't really see what you are saying about an attack?? He got 3 honest opinions.

Even in my novice knowledge I would say that I would never go to a Sifu who had only been training 5 years.
When I had trained for near enough 5 years myself in the 90's, yes I would help out beginners in class when the Sifu or another senior was around. Never would I have thought to open my own school.

Obviously I do not know the OP or his skill level but it would ring alarm bells for me I am afraid. He may have trained 7 days per week for 10 hours per day under *insert well known WC guy here* but to post 5 years experience and then open a school is going to attract questions.

Sorry Armor but I think your post is incorrect.

OP, what is your background?
Well, let me ask the question no one has asked as of yet. Kanoy919, what does your sifu say about you opening up a class (school) and teaching after 5 years training under him? If he thinks you're ready, then go for it.

A big part of learning Wing Chun and understanding the system in it's entirety is teaching or being able to teach others. Through that process, you learn very quickly because you have to prove what you say and do. You find out what works and what doesn't really, really fast. It may take a couple of years to get comfortable and know what you teach is good, but that's part of learning. You will question yourself all the time, what if this and what if that, and find what you thought just didn't play out the same way. And you'll also get people who ask what about this or what about that, do you think I can do this instead of that, or get people who just don't believe anything you teach them.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

After 5 years training with my 1st sifu, me and a couple of friends started training with another sifu. And he said to us 'you need to start your own class, get a few students and teach them Wing Chun'. At that time I didn't feel like I knew enough to do that. But I did and never looked back. And I can honestly say, my Wing Chun is so much better because of it.

So if your sifu is alright with it, do it.
I tend to have the mindset that you don't need to go to a college professor to learn your ABC's....if your sifu believes you are competent enough to bring somebody along, then fantastic. One of my si-fu's favorite sayings is "teaching is learning, learning is teaching"

Try F.L. Dean and associates, when I had my school a few years back I used them. It was somewhere around 90 bucks a month back then.
Great work, guys. He asks a legitimate question and two of you attack him. I did not realize this site was becoming like bull shido . comAoG

Thank you very much, that would three of us providing the honest opinion he seeks, based on the limited information of his qualification. It's unfortunate that our opinion is biased by our experiences with sub-par WC "teachers".

This forum is becoming like Bullshido is an stretch ...
Hi Everyone,

Thanks to those who actually supplied some information regarding my question. I am reviewing the various insurance web sites and have found additional information regarding why having it is important..

Yes zepedawingchun, it is my Sifu who has suggested I get some students and he has indicated that it will help in my training and get me some teaching experience as well. I will be a sihing to whomever I teach (not a Sifu). It will be 6 years before I could be considered to be given the title of Sifu. I actually feel unconfortable now providing specifics because any word I type is up for scrutiny and since comments are based on others' ideas developed through their experiences, there are many different opinions.

Have a great weekend everyone! I know I will. Wing Tsun BBQ & training tomorrow with the clan (20-30 folks should be attending) and a 4 hour advanced seminar on Sunday. So addicted!

Have a great weekend everyone! I know I will. Wing Tsun BBQ & training tomorrow with the clan (20-30 folks should be attending) and a 4 hour advanced seminar on Sunday. So addicted!Cheers,

Have a good time, wish I can be there. Please do visit again, would like to hear about the training session, and don't let us old grouch keep you away.:cheers:
. . . . I actually feel unconfortable now providing specifics because any word I type is up for scrutiny and since comments are based on others' ideas developed through their experiences, there are many different opinions.quote]

Don't worry about it. The good thing about being on the internet is you can say **** you *******s and go about your business. You never have to speak to any of us again if you don't want to. Don't worry about what others say or think, you have your sifu behind you and that's all that counts to you.

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