Scheduled Chat Discussion

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 13, 2001
Reaction score
I will be hosting a scheduled Chat Discussion on Saturday the 19th of July at 9:30 Eastern Daylight Time.

Please see Here

Thank You
I hope to see many of you there tonight!

It is going on right now!

You are missing out on the great information ;)
When will we see the transcript?

Thanks for answering my questions even though I came in late!
excellent session, Mr. Parsons! I just posted my comments in the general section... my fault for not checking here first. I certainly hope you would be willing to do it again someday for all that missed it. Thank you for your patience and openess in answering my questions.
Transcript should be coming soon.

And Thank You:asian:
Here is the transcript. THe names were hyper links and therfore did nto copy well :( Sorry.

21:09:02 Rich enters this room
21:09:11 [] Welcome to all
21:09:23 [] Please post you questions when asked for
21:09:33 [] I will then read a few and choose one to answer.
21:09:50 [] I may answer a few
21:10:05 [] This will be semi informal and we may discuss some issues.
21:15:43 grimfang enters this room
21:15:52 [] greetings sir
21:16:14 [] Greetings
21:16:26 [] I am in here early look for the crowds
21:16:29 [] You?
21:17:53 [] I am really just curious to see what people have to say.. I honesty have no REAL clue what Modern Arnis is. I have never seen it in person
21:19:34 [] Modern Arnis is a Filipino Martial Art that the late Great GM Remy Presas Created and marketed
21:21:03 [] IT has basis of Balintawak from Anciong Bacon , Palis Palis from his Grandfather, other techniques or styles were incorporated, as well as Judo and a little Shotokan (Forms) and later Small Circle Ju-Jitsu from Wally Jay
21:21:54 [] The other techniques and styles include Abaniko, figure 8, Rompida and band y Banda
21:21:58 [] ok.. that gives me a much better visual picture of what it is
21:22:33 [] There are 12 basic angles for striking attacks.
21:22:46 [] These can be applied with a stick or knife or empty hand
21:24:04 [] I understand
21:24:34 [] Hmm I wonder if anyone will show at 9:30 PM?
21:25:01 [] they will, I’m sure
21:25:27 []
21:28:39 [] could you please define the term Tapi-Tapi for me.. I have seen it a few time, no clue what it is or means
21:28:47 KatGurl enters this room
21:29:11 [] Hello KatGurl
21:29:22 [] Tapi-Tapi has multiple meanings
21:29:22 []
21:29:35 [] TapiTapi has multiple meanings
21:29:46 [] IT can mean the passing of the cane
21:29:48 [] Cane
21:29:55 [] That was so much fun, grimfang!
21:30:16 [] anytime
21:30:17 [] IT can also mean the semi-sparring that GM R Presas created to help train people
21:30:30 [] thank you!
21:30:37 [] cane as in the weapon itself, or a title?
21:30:38 [] IT is a series of strikes with some predefined blocks and then entries
21:30:52 [] these entries can come any time, hence the semi sparring portion
21:31:02 [] The entries then lead to counters
21:31:27 [] Remy liked to use locks and therefore much of the Tapi-Tapi drills include the locking techniques
21:31:37 [] Cane as in the weapon
21:32:23 [] ok.. that clears up a lot for me.. I was curious.. had seen it mentioned many times
21:34:15 [] what are you guys talking about?
21:34:26 [] The Professor (* A name used by Remy Presas), would some times have people who have passed three black belt test (* any Rank ) they receive the cane
21:34:45 [] The receiving of the cane is like the EPAK punch
21:35:08 [] KatGurl> At 9:30 PM I was supposed to hold a chat discussion on Modern Arnis
21:35:44 [] Rich> ok. thank you for filling that in 4 me
21:35:52 [] brb
21:36:18 [] No Problem
21:37:22 [] I know you guys use a lot of stick and open hand... how much emphasis does the system put on blade techniques?
21:38:21 [] Well, Modern Arnis is taught that you can translate the Stick to the blade. This is easy in theory, yet can be difficult in practice.
21:38:34 [] got it
21:38:51 [] Remy Presas would teach knife defense openly and privately if he saw your desire the knife fitghing techniques and tactics.
21:38:54 [] thought so, just was checking
21:39:17 [] These would be the same in principal as to his empty hand and stick techniques though.
21:40:49 [] back
21:41:44 [] cool
21:42:29 [] I hope this is not taken the wrong way, but I was wondering if Professor Presas taught much about the non-combat aspects of martial arts
21:43:37 [] In the FMA's in general the Anting Anting or other non combative discussions were left out. Many of them were ancestor worship or idol or focus binding.
21:43:48 [] In these they differ from Christianity
21:44:05 [] this could be a problem and therefore I believe was not discussed
21:44:16 [] The older Remy got the less he liked conflict
21:44:25 [] Just my opinion of that
21:44:27 [] understood
21:44:41 [] yet to answer your question, no healing arts and no spiritual portions
21:45:02 []>[Rich] what is Modern Arnis?
21:46:09 []>[KatGurl] It is a Filipino martial art, I did a quick intro at the beginning, check that and then ask more questions
21:46:20 [] ok.. I am all out of questions.. I just learned a lot more than I knew about the system.. where's everyone else
21:47:44 [] It is Saturday night and it just got dark. I think they are all out eating after a day at the beach or on the water or riding motorcycles
21:51:06 [] KatGurl did the earlier posts' answer your questions?
21:51:50 [] yes, thank you.
21:53:13 [] Some of the special strikes and or techniques were whole systems taught by other instructors.
21:53:33 [] Now this does not mean that this is a super system and teaches all these different systems.
21:54:11 [] IT teaches the practitioner what is possible and if he likes a technique he then can practice it and become better at those, while others may lag behind
21:55:55 [] What has changed over the years in Modern Arnis?
21:56:34 [] A very good question
21:56:44 [] When the Professor came to the US in 70's
21:57:05 [] he Concentrated on the basics and on Largo techniques. These are long range techniques
21:57:22 [] His special strikes were pushed and taught well
21:57:52 [] As time went by and the students who were teaching the new students were handling this, and then Remy Presas would teach more
21:57:57 [] Such as Joint Locks
21:58:24 [] He also added in Empty hand forms after being asked by lots of people about forms
21:58:31 [] ok
21:58:36 [] There were only 4 cane forms in the Philippines
21:58:47 [] Also the drills changed a little
21:59:02 [] Such as in the mid 90's Tapi-Tapi became the new Drill.
21:59:13 [] do you study this art?
21:59:21 [] This drill is good for you can apply your techniques while in a set pattern,
21:59:37 [] You break out of the pattern for your techniques and then step back into the drill
21:59:45 [] Yes, I study and teach this art.
21:59:46 [] oops, I'm sorry.
22:00:05 [] I have been in this art since 1986 / 17 Years
22:00:23 [] Do not worry KatGurl , this is all about asking questions
22:02:42 [] do you prefer single or double stick tech. why
22:03:10 [] I prefer, single stick.
22:03:42 [] Why- this leaves the empty hand open for managing monitoring and controlling the opponents stick and or body
22:03:46 [] are canes the only weapons you use in the art (like in forms and techniques)?
22:04:03 [] with double stick it is difficult to get the same feedback and or have the same control
22:04:30 [] Some use stick and dagger and I like this better than double stick yet still single stick is the best
22:04:51 [] I can use a pen, or a bat or a newspaper or a flash light
22:05:07 [] The cane is used in class and is sed for the testing and practicing
22:05:26 [] Rattan canes are preferred since they puff out and do not splinter when the break
22:05:33 [] less injury to your partner
22:07:24 [] some people teach knife as well
22:07:35 [] others teach techniques with belts or ropes
22:07:49 [] less injury to partner? where’s the fun in that?
22:08:08 [] lol
22:08:52 [] well it is all fun and games until some one gets a splinter in the eye
22:08:57 [] then they do not come back
22:09:09 [] A bruise they get, means they come back to give you one
22:09:55 [] hehehe
22:11:49 [] So, what have you seen that is similar to your arts ?
22:12:43 [] .
22:13:52 [] well.. sikaran does tend to draw from other systems quite a bit
22:14:06 [] at the festival or about Modern Arnis?
22:14:23 [] and we do use mostly open hand techniques
22:14:33 [] From what I have mentioned here tonight
22:14:34 [] well. ... I do, at least
22:14:53 [] grimfang> do you have empty hand throws and joint locks?
22:15:40 [] in my art, you also use those weapons.
22:16:05 [] then name of your art is?
22:16:15 [] The name of your art is?
22:16:29 [] ((II study American Kenpo Karate))
22:16:41 [] joint locks are not originally an integral part of the system... we have adopted quite a few
22:17:00 [] EPAK - very good, which lineage do you have?
22:17:22 [] grimfang> so is it a striking art then ?
22:17:32 [] rather than hand throws, we use 'hand control' and 'hand takedowns', similar to hapkido
22:17:52 [] yes...sikaran strictly uses nerve strikes
22:17:58 [] in its pure form
22:18:44 [] KatGurl got to play with a few of them today
22:20:02 [] .
22:20:06 [] so it you take your hand palm up and then rotate it your pinky to the outside. Is this a control or a take down or a throw?
22:20:16 [] hehehe
22:20:58 [] for us, its a takedown.. we try to never create distance between us and our target.. we remain as close as we can to the person
22:21:39 [] with exceptions, naturally
22:21:50 [] I would say a take down, but that's me, and you're probably not talking toe
22:22:01 [] .
22:22:24 [] of course, in modern Arnis it would be a throw, for you could let go and the opponent would be away from you and you could run away to safety
22:22:37 [] ack! I can't see the posts!
22:22:55 [] Yet, if you stay close as your mentioned then it can be used to control the opponent on the ground
22:23:26 [] hold on. I'm gonna refresh the page and come back
22:24:08 [] yes.. and we like to play with the guy at close range while he is on the ground. not a lot of grappling, but still a wide variety of things
22:24:29 KatGurl exits from this room
22:24:30 KatGurl exits from this room
22:25:30 [] Ground fighting does not have to be grappling
22:25:49 [] You can apply many if not all the techniques you would be standing up as well as on the ground
22:26:02 [] agreed
22:26:41 [] Sounds good to me
22:27:31 KatGurl enters this room
22:27:53 kempojujutsu1 enters this room
22:28:47 [] Good Evening
22:28:47 [] s far as sikaran goes, we will not work a stick technique unless it can be done with the hand itself... for is, stick = extra length & leverage.. I assume modern Arnis is the same
22:28:49 [] back
22:28:54 [] ello
22:29:13 [] hi
22:29:19 [] hello
22:29:57 [] .
22:30:11 [] Well, in principal if the technique can be done with a stick it should be able to be done with empty hands
22:30:24 [] HI Bob, how are you this evening?
22:30:50 [] it should
22:31:07 [] Not bad Rich
22:32:04 [] We were discussing Modern Arnis and then some of the similarities of the arts here tonight
22:32:25 [] DO you have any questions on for me or about Modern Arnis or even Balintawak
22:32:44 [] I have a real interest In Modern Arnis
22:33:33 [] Do you have a local instructor?
22:35:23 [] Or what is your interest?
22:36:47 [] Hey I got kickoff
22:36:53 [] was it something I said
22:37:26 [] No when we get a phone call it kicks us off
22:37:48 [] Where your questions for me Rich
22:37:52 [] Do you have a Modern Arnis instructor in your area?
22:37:59 [] Yes
22:38:06 [] Nope
22:38:25 [] lol. I knew someone who had that. my dad kept calling him, and he kept getting yelled at
22:38:34 [] Probably Terre Haute is the closest
22:38:43 [] then what is your interest, other then knowing me
22:39:13 [] Terre Haute is Arnisador not bad
22:39:50 [] I would have a tuff time getting over there. Not enough time in the day
22:40:43 [] understood
22:41:09 [] Well you should be able to see Tim, Jeff and myself at your event as well as Mike Castro
22:42:04 [] Terre Haute is a meeting point for my Ex to exchange kids. in TH for about 10minutes
22:42:22 [] Yes I am looking forward to that
22:42:57 [] ex and kids a tough one , and yes I am looking forward to the event
22:43:42 [] Need to do some more work on that
22:44:00 [] Finding a place to workout at
22:44:39 [] very good
22:46:16 [] so Bob do you have any questions about the art of Modern Arnis?
22:49:08 [] How much do you use striking drills, Like Sinawali (SP)
22:49:09 [] .
22:50:37 [] Sinawalis are good for warm ups and also teaching the body to moved both the right and left at the same time
22:50:59 [] It can be sued in self defense yet you would not stay in the pattern for extended periods of time
22:51:17 [] You also can use the pattern to describe other entries or motions
22:52:56 [] Need to go will talk later CYA
22:53:02 [] did I answer your question?
22:53:15 [] ok bye
22:53:17 [] Yes
22:53:36 [] I am sure will have more by October
22:53:47 [] bye
22:53:52 kempojujutsu1 exits from this room
22:53:54 [] Glad to answer them at that time
22:56:06 [] well I will give this 5 more minutes, and then We will be back to normal chat
22:56:45 [] ok
22:57:35 [] I shall be disappearing for a while.. I might be back.. need to tend to a few bruises from today
22:57:36 [] **kKatGurl thinks of more questions**
22:57:54 [] thank you for answering my questions, Mr. parsons
22:58:09 [] I think KatGurl gave Grim some of those bruises
22:58:10 [] lol sorry
22:58:17 [] No Problem Sir
22:58:33 [] yeah.. she put a nice one on my calf
22:58:53 []
22:59:59 [] * rich hiding from the all powerful KatGurl
23:00:26 [] Rich, what is your favorite form in Modern Arnis?
23:00:40 grimfang exits from this room
23:01:24 [] I have two
23:02:04 [] The first is the one (a stick form) I made up for my Black Belt test, the second is cane for four.
23:02:10 [] ok, well, do you wanna move to the other chatroom, or stay here?
23:02:50 [] well let me do a copy and past to save this and then I will see you in the other chat room
23:03:15 [] ok

follow-up ***************************************************

22:26:38 [] it would be cool if you could come join grimfang, Rich, and I, in the Events section to talk about an art called Modern Arnis
22:26:48 [] Hello KatGurl
22:27:01 [] called Modern Arnis
22:27:18 [] .

23:23:37 Arnisador enters this room
23:23:49 [] Hi Arni
23:23:55 [] Arnisador what’s up buddy?
23:24:04 [] Sorry you missed my Chat
23:24:19 [] It was me and Grim and KatGurl most of the time
23:24:26 [] Sorry Rich, I just got back home! How did it go?
23:24:33 [] Kenpojujitsu also stopped by for a few

23:27:07 [] Wanted to discuss about whether Balintawak has empty hands or is all stick--people give me different answers.

23:29:52 [] Arnisador> Official Quote from Manong Ted this last Tuesday "Balintawak Boxing? There is no such thing. Although, if you want you can apply the techniques and timing with your empty hands"
23:30:00 [] Arnisador> Clear as mudd
23:30:58 [] rich> OK, he gave me a similar answer w.r.t. empty hands and knife when I met him.
23:32:34 [] Arni, I think the official answer is just that, there is no empty hands
23:32:45 [] yet, you can always translate
23:33:00 [] That's what I understood--no empty hands, but "figure it out".
23:33:35 [] Another thing I was curious about was a definition of being "late"--as opposed to just plain Screwing up.
23:33:56 [] hahahhahahah
23:34:10 [] Being late allows you to do a technique in your bag of tricks
23:34:32 [] this allows you to catch up, when you f up then you are done
23:35:26 [] Is late different than being slower than the other guy? I gather it is. Tim has started using the term but it's new to my vocabulary.
23:36:01 [] yes, speed is relative
23:36:19 [] Ok if you are going to strike a number one
23:36:28 [] then I go to block
23:36:40 [] you change up and abort and change to a number 2
23:36:54 [] I am too late to block force to force, so I slip
23:37:20 [] I was late to get the block yet I slipped the strike so nothing was unrecoverable
23:37:31 [] Ah--you didn't do anything wrong to be "late"?
23:37:57 [] You were faked out as it were?
23:39:06 [] yes or the other person's timing was better
23:39:29 [] OK, so "late" isn't pejorative--it doesn't imply you did something wrong or stupid.
23:39:34 [] so it looks' like they were faster, yet they knew when to move
23:40:02 [] Nope. there is back up - and preferred and then lances
23:40:08 [] lances is when you bait them
23:40:22 [] Lances?
23:40:30 [] so you might be late or do a back up move or make your cane available so you can get a response
23:40:38 [] Is this a Spanish term or the English word for a spear-like weapon?
23:41:14 [] I think it is Spanish or Cebuano
23:42:32 [] Are there techniques for being 'early'?
23:43:06 [] in essence yes
23:43:14 [] one if you are attacking you hit them
23:43:26 [] Indeed!
23:43:30 [] if you are blocking you wait for them and then move on.
23:45:26 [] Can you give me a non-political answer on this one (knowing you, I imagine you can): Which is better for stick-fighting--Modern Arnis or Balintawak?
23:45:44 [] Balintawak seems to have many strengths.
23:45:59 [] (Of course Modern Arnis has knife, double stick, empty hand...)
23:47:07 [] Stick Fighting goes to Balintawak, it is the left hand or the empty hand. The Manage, monitor, and control of the opponents stick is the key there
23:47:27 [] I think Modern Arnis gives a much better self defense to the masses
23:47:41 [] I noticed it made Tim's live hand really become an operator rather than just a guard.
23:48:00 [] His live hand is much more "in the game" since Balintawak.
23:49:23 [] Whereas we used to be more abaniko, witik, maybe the odd thrust...
23:49:27 [] yes it this is why the stick fighting with a single hand goes to Balintawak. NO can you train the same thing in modern Arnis? Yes, yet you loose the blade/ machete aspect of the opponent then
23:50:04 [] Yeah, I noticed in Balintawak you can always grab the stick.
23:50:47 [] Yes abaniko et all are favorites, yet you can learn to strike and get the whole body behind it. Hence the F will be greater since you have your M(***) involved
23:51:17 [] well in Balintawak under Manong Ted, no grabbing unless you are already in control and are disarming or locking
23:51:33 [] How does it translate to Espada y Daga, where you can't grab? Poorly I'd guess as there the other hand may attack.
23:51:38 [] the grab is done by Juan the average person.
23:51:51 [] Yes, I know--don't grab literally, use a 'C' hand!
23:52:02 [] Juan! He mentions him often!
23:52:15 [] If you use the Daga as well then the Daga is on the cane instead of the web of your hand
23:52:58 [] the Daga has less sensitivity then the web, there for less feedback to your brain
23:53:08 [] yet the Daga thrust is really available
23:53:28 [] so you must lean and angle your body to avoid offering yourself up to him
23:54:04 [] Manong Ted sometimes says, now your are fighting another (* insert your name *)
23:54:17 [] My Friend Ian says that Ian is really good though
23:55:12 [] Yes, he kept saying "Fighting another Tim"!
23:56:07 [] I had expected to join Tim at his lesson in Detroit Friday but plans changed.
23:56:30 [] yes that happens
23:57:15 [] Hmm, life calls. Goota go. Nice chatting Rich!
23:57:25 Arnisador exits from this room
23:57:25 [] Ciao!
23:57:32 [] Night
23:58:41 Kaith enters this room
23:58:55 [] hey Bob

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