Sarah Palin for President?


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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I think that Matt Damon brings up some very good points. Gov. Palin could very well be our next (next) President of the United States. Do you think she's up for the job?

Or does it even matter?
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i think she's hot, & she's a soccer mom just like folks i know.


I am more comfortable with the idea of Palin in the office than Obama or Biden or Clinton.

People always blather on about how they want a politician who can relate to the everyday people

here is one that IS one of the everyday people

it's perfect.
She has flip-flopped her position on global warming, she has very little foreign experience.

She's spoken favorably about Alaska seceding from the nation and against the USFG.

Ideally, in this country, anybody could be president and while I'm sure there are many, many great leaders in the general populus, it is crystal clear to me that she was a political positioning choice, plain and simple.

Those reasons right there are enough for me to not vote across party on the Republican ticket.

No one should be elected based on the novelty of gender, race nor religion. It should be based on ability and record.

So ... no. Not Sarah Palin for President.
No one should be elected based on the novelty of gender, race nor religion. It should be based on ability and record.

What about "hotness" though? She could "accidently" drop her pen during negotiations with foreign countries. My GF always gets HER way with me using these hottie tricks ...

:D ;) :)
What about "hotness" though? She could "accidently" drop her pen during negotiations with foreign countries. My GF always gets HER way with me using these hottie tricks ...

:D ;) :)

That is sooo bad man!

(And you forgot about the glasses coming off, and the hair pins falling out and letting her hair fall down on her shoulders :lol: )

Sorry, couldn't resist :D
I know there are good statistics that point to the cuter guy winning the presidency. It's no secret nor novelty that the tighter *** gets the grass but the real question is ... do you care if the boobs are fake?
She has flip-flopped her position on global warming, she has very little foreign experience.

She's spoken favorably about Alaska seceding from the nation and against the USFG.

Ideally, in this country, anybody could be president and while I'm sure there are many, many great leaders in the general populus, it is crystal clear to me that she was a political positioning choice, plain and simple.

Those reasons right there are enough for me to not vote across party on the Republican ticket.

No one should be elected based on the novelty of gender, race nor religion. It should be based on ability and record.

So ... no. Not Sarah Palin for President.

like anyone thoguht you might ever vote republican anyway..........

seriously tho, you are wrong on several points:

she has more time being in charge than either Obama or Biden. Mayors are in charge. Governers are in charge. Senetors are not. What foriegn experience does Obama have? NONE. He has spent the majority of his time as a senetor trying to run for president.

"global warming"

every has flip/flopped on this, since the science changes daily.

"Alaska sucession"

She was never a member of the Sucession group, her busband was.
like anyone thoguht you might ever vote republican anyway..........

Thank you. :asian:

seriously tho, you are wrong on several points:

she has more time being in charge than either Obama or Biden. Mayors are in charge. Governers are in charge. Senetors are not. What foriegn experience does Obama have? NONE. He has spent the majority of his time as a senetor trying to run for president.

Point taken.

"global warming"

every has flip/flopped on this, since the science changes daily.

Also taken.

"Alaska sucession"

She was never a member of the Sucession group, her busband was.
True enough though she was a guest speaker and spoke favorably towards separatism.
What about "hotness" though? She could "accidently" drop her pen during negotiations with foreign countries. My GF always gets HER way with me using these hottie tricks ...

:D ;) :)

please, don't make me blow my breakfast all over the keyboard. Sarah Palin is definitely NOT hot.
She was second runner-up in the 1984 Miss Alaska pageant.

That doesn't make her hot. Maybe she was. but she is not.
please, don't make me blow my breakfast all over the keyboard. Sarah Palin is definitely NOT hot.

I think she is. That's also not an issue here.

One blogger wrote that he wanted to have sex with her on his Obama bedsheets while his wife read from the Constitution. The point? She's attractive to many on both sides of the fence.

Is she more than a pretty face? While not stupid, she is woefully ignorant. Had Charles Gibson asked her to find any current political hotspot on a map I suspect she probably wouldn't have been able to. As of this writing she's never met with a head of state...while the other three candidates for the executive branch have done so in one capacity or another.

Her fundamentalism bothers me. She believes creationism ought to be taught in schools...which calls into question her knowledge of science and the Constitution. I don't believe she could influence any national policy over this issue were she to become President (of which, there's a good chance), but having a President who buys into a paradigm dating to the middle ages is embarrassing. If quizzed whether the earth circles the sun or vice versa, I'm not sure how she'd answer: Twenty percent of Americans think the sun revolves around the earth.

So many pundits are saying she's not the candidate for President. In truth, she is a candidate. There are four. She and Biden have two primary duties, one to preside over the Senate and break tie votes, the other to step in should the President be disabled, die, or disgraced and run from office.

My, but how she'll make a pretty President.

For me, though, that's not enough.


I think she is. That's also not an issue here.

One blogger wrote that he wanted to have sex with her on his Obama bedsheets while his wife read from the Constitution. The point? She's attractive to many on both sides of the fence.

Is she more than a pretty face? While not stupid, she is woefully ignorant. Had Charles Gibson asked her to find any current political hotspot on a map I suspect she probably wouldn't have been able to. As of this writing she's never met with a head of state...while the other three candidates for the executive branch have done so in one capacity or another.

Her fundamentalism bothers me. She believes creationism ought to be taught in schools...which calls into question her knowledge of science and the Constitution. I don't believe she could influence any national policy over this issue were she to become President (of which, there's a good chance), but having a President who buys into a paradigm dating to the middle ages is embarrassing. If quizzed whether the earth circles the sun or vice versa, I'm not sure how she'd answer: Twenty percent of Americans think the sun revolves around the earth.

So many pundits are saying she's not the candidate for President. In truth, she is a candidate. There are four. She and Biden have two primary duties, one to preside over the Senate and break tie votes, the other to step in should the President be disabled, die, or disgraced and run from office.

My, but how she'll make a pretty President.

For me, though, that's not enough.



Many good points here, Steve.
People always blather on about how they want a politician who can relate to the everyday people

here is one that IS one of the everyday people

it's perfect.

I'd have to disagree, and I've always really disliked that measuring stick for a president. I don't care if I can have a beer with my president, I WANT my president to be smarter than me and most of the other folks in America. The average Joe is not going to have to make a decision that impacts millions of lives. The average Joe is not working 24/7 for 4 years. The average Joe doesn't have to know the nuances of political, cultural, and interpersonal interactions.

I know the underlying thought on the "beer" test is that it shows the person understands what everyday folks are going through, but let's face it...NONE of the candidates will be representative of everybody's "everyday" people experience.

When it comes down to it, you shouldn't vote based on looks or emotions, you should vote on issues....and if you can't tell what someone's stance on an issue is...THAT should tell you something.

I'm fine with changing your mind after careful consideration of the evidence and consulting with experts, as no one can no everything. But changing your mind for political expedience.....does NOT win my trust.

She may be young and pretty compared to most recent republican candidates, but I'm seeing her kept away from substance and "protected" because she's a woman. People question her abilites, as they should...and instead of getting answers...folks are told to "stop picking" on her personaly.....get a grip! It's our responsiblity to question all the candidates, ask the hard questions, demand answers, and THEN make a rational decision.

Of course, I'm not sheople, so perhaps that colours my judgement here.....:soapbox:getting off the soapbox now%-}

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