Romance and Muay Thai?


Green Belt
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Here is a sticky one: What is the protocol for relationships in a Muay Thai gym? I've been going to the same gym for a while, and this girl recently joined, maybe 5 or 6 weeks ago. We've been flirting a bit before and after class, but during class we're usually not training together. Is it advisable to stay away from her, or is it fair game?

As this will vary greatly from place to place and from instructor to instructor, the best answer is to politely and privately ask your instructor (or a senior who's been there long enough to know) what the policy of the school is on this topic. If there is a no-dating policy (for example) then you should respect it and look elsewhere. OTOH, your instructor may be ok with it.
This thread is worthless without pics!!

I'm kidding. I've never seen a school that prohibited dating! Is this commonplace?!
I remember way back when I tried out wing chun for a couple of years (a traditional WC school) this fox of an asian girl joined. I tried out my mandarin on her and the sifu came over shortly after (a rather displeased look on his face) and pointed out there were plenty of chinese guys in the class to try my mandarin/one liners on. I hooked up with my bird shortly after so let that asian fox be but if I was really into the girl (and of course, most importantly I guess ) if she were in to me, I wouldn't give two figs what an instructor/sensei/sifu had to say about my personal relationships - given of course any 'romance' time (as you put it ) was out of/away from the dojo. I'd agree 100% that with training and MA the focus is not on hooking up.
yeah, good advice. I've found out anyways that she's with another guy who trains at my gym, so it's really a no-go. hehe sorry for the false alarm, guys.

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