Re: Tip of the week


Purple Belt
Jan 16, 2002
Reaction score
London, ON, Canada
Hey Everybody,

After watching Mr. Tatum's tip of the week about rounding off your corners and elongating your circles an analogy came to mind.

How many people played with a yo-yo and did that trick called around the world (basically the yo-yo goes in a complete circle while spinning at the end of the string after which you give a short tug and it winds back up).

A variation on the trick is to have the yo-yo going up and down the string while going around in a circle, this creates an elipse (elongating your circles)

My comment is on the actual movement the yo-yo experiances during it's eliptical travel, it becomes a whipping motion as it winds in towards you it gains momentum and slingshots back out after traveling around your finger.

You could even keep a yo-yo on hand to demonstrate.

Any comments?

Rounding corners and elongating circles is great, but SOME people tend to elongate to much and end up with huge circles that increase travel time, violate economy of motion, etc, etc.

Their is no reason to circle back so far when doing parting wings. Explosive forward pressure or forward projection kills the structure of the push but your opponent is still moving forward and a Big Looping inward chop won't stop their forward momentum. The key to understanding is knowing when to elongate the circle and when to simply round the corner.

Just my thoughts. Sure to be unpopular as always

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