Re No Peace in the Holy Land

a modern solution?

here's one:
carpet bombing

anyone that denies that the fanatics in Palistine will never stop is fooling themselves

Israel has been TOO NICE about this crap, for too many years.

Israel should turn Gaza into a parking lot.

screw public opinion, screw the "innocent palistinians" there is no such thing. For one thing, they are in fact JORDANIAN by and large, and they harbor the fanatics, so they aint innocent.

Brian King

Yes, apologies. it should have been weren't. I'm off night shift and went shopping which was a huge mistake as fighting in the cage is easier than going into our local supermarket on New Years Eve!
a modern solution?

here's one:
carpet bombing

anyone that denies that the fanatics in Palistine will never stop is fooling themselves

Israel has been TOO NICE about this crap, for too many years.

Israel should turn Gaza into a parking lot.

screw public opinion, screw the "innocent palistinians" there is no such thing. For one thing, they are in fact JORDANIAN by and large, and they harbor the fanatics, so they aint innocent.

Oh hey, great solution. Let's preemptively nuke Iran while we're at it.

Israel's refusal to wipe out the Palestinians, which it could have very easily done, is what makes it any better than Hamas in the first place. Israel could have wiped out Lebanon in 2006, and it didn't for the same reasons.

You'd be surprised, but most Palestinians just want to live their lives. They elected Hamas because they were fed up with Fatah corruption. The decision was obviously a bad one, as Hamas doesn't seem to care how many Palestinian lives are lost in the process of achieving their political ends. But wiping out Gaza would be nothing short of genocide. Most Israelis' ancestors were on the receiving end of that once. And we're better than that.
gaza ran out of the "we just want to live here" excuse when they elected a terrorist orginazation

yes or no, carpet bombing would stop the rocket attacks?


yes or no, can dead guys act as human not so smart bombs in israeli markets?


sounds like an effective plan to me.

sorry partner, but the idea of the "innocent palistinean" is false
dude, that's just pure bigoted racism. nothing more.
dude, that's just pure bigoted racism. nothing more.
On your part perhaps. Twin Fist and others are being realistic. Terrorists are by nature untrustworthy, and yet you suggest negotiation?
When they have broken every ceasefire by shooting rockets into Israel?
Yeah, they deserve what they get.
On your part perhaps. Twin Fist and others are being realistic. Terrorists are by nature untrustworthy, and yet you suggest negotiation?
When they have broken every ceasefire by shooting rockets into Israel?
Yeah, they deserve what they get.

I didn't suggest negotiation. I suggested NOT annihilating Gaza. Despite what Twin Fist suggests, which is nothing short of genocide, it's unreasonable to believe that all Palestinians are bloodthirsty fanatics. Hamas should be crushed, not doubt, but it's crazy wipe out hundreds of thousands of INNOCENT people in the process.
gaza ran out of the "we just want to live here" excuse when they elected a terrorist orginazation

yes or no, carpet bombing would stop the rocket attacks?


Has carpet bombing ever worked as an effective anti terrorism tool?


sounds like an effective plan to me.

It is not a moral plan in any case.
the Palestinians were [sic] displaced by the israelis, they left their homes after the Arab leadership told them the jews were being driven into the sea and they could take over jewish homes, farms, business etc. As the Jews didn't end up in the sea, they were then left without their homes.

This point cannot be made enough. The Arabs who once lived here made a conscious choice to leave the area in order to facilitate a genocide against the Jews. They were left homeless because their plan failed, thank god, and their situation continues because they still choose extermination over peaceful coexistence.
I didnt say it was moral

war is in itself, not moral

in a fight, you dont worry about fighting clean, you worry about fighting WELL

and if the terrorists are gonna make us fight, i say give them one that they cant survive

in war, the only moral action is to destroy your enemy so totally, so completely, so utterly that you convince his relatives that looking for payback isnt a good idea.
which is nothing short of genocide, it's unreasonable to believe that all Palestinians are bloodthirsty fanatics. Hamas should be crushed, not doubt, but it's crazy wipe out hundreds of thousands of INNOCENT people in the process.

how many wrong answers here?

1- not genocide, since there is no such thing as a palistinian. They are JORDANIAN, and jordan wont take them back.

2-if the palistinians were not bloodthirsty fanatics why elect a TERRORIST group to office?

3- there are no innocent people in palistine, they support terrorist, ergo, they are not innocent
I am not at all a fan of Hamas. In fact, I hope Israel doesn't stop its current efforts in Gaza until Hamas is completely annihilated.

However, history is not quite as one-sided or 'neat' as we would all like. In 1948 the nacent state of Israel did, in fact, forcibly march over 50,000 civilians out of Lydda and Ramle (two towns under what is now Lod), against their will. The properties were then looted and removed. The former residents wre never remunerated. Many died during the forced march.

The 'non-voluntary' nature of this removal of Arab civilians from Lydda was attested to by the US media on site, as well as by none other than former Israeli Prime Minster Rabin.

excerpt from Wikipedia article on Lod said:
Modern history

During the 1948 Arab-Israeli War the Haganah and Irgun captured Lydda in July 1948 in Operation Danny. Arab inhabitants were expelled, along with those of the nearby town of Ramla, numbering about 50,000 in all,[10] in order to secure the strategically important road connecting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Israeli historian Benny Morris writes: "All the Israelis who witnessed the events agreed that the exodus, under a hot July sun, was an extended episode of suffering for the refugees, especially from Lydda...Some were stripped by soldiers of their valuables as they left town or at checkpoints along the way. Hundreds of civilians died in the scorching heat, from exhaustion, dehydration and disease.[11][12]

complete Wiki article here.

There were Arab leaders who encouraged civilians to leave their homes in 1948 so the combined Arab armies could 'liberate' all lands of Jews, and many Arabs did leave voluntarily, with full hopes of returning. However, tens (perhaps hundreds) of thousands of Arab civilians were forcibly removed from their homes to secure a contiguous nation.

We do a disservice to history when we omit those parts not flattering to us and/or our causes. We ignore unpleasant facts at our own risk, as it guarantees we will never understand the sometimes legitimate grievances (mixed in with the inflated and illegitimate ones) of those opposed to us.
people in palistine=supporting and hiding terroists
people in israel=trying to live in peace surrounded by asshats trying to kill them

there IS a good guy and abad guy in this one,

people in palistine are bad guys

israelis are good guys

real easy to figure out, ask yourself what would happen if they each put down thier arms

palistine quits fighting? israel leaves them alone.

israel quits fighting, the terrorists in palistine kill more israeli children
palistine quits fighting? israel leaves them alone.
israel quits fighting, the terrorists in palistine kill more israeli children
Every ceasefire has been broken, not by the Israelis, but, by the terrorist scum that calls themselves Palestinians.
War can actually be moral, for instance in self-defense. It doesn't make it less ugly, but you can have a moral basis for waging war, which we all seem to agree Israel does.

Genocide is defined as the deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic, racial, religious or national group, usually state-sponsored. So you can call them "Palestinians" or "Jordanians living in Gaza" or whatever you like, but leveling Gaza would be genocide nonetheless.

Palestinians voted for Hamas in 2006 mostly out disappointment with Fatah, the ruling party up to that point. Fatah was corrupt, and embezzled hundreds of million of dollars intended for aid and revitalization of the Palestinian economy. And given the number of extremist groups running amok in Gaza, you can in no way assume that "democratic" elections in Gaza were in most ways similar to democratic elections in the US.

And if I were to say that children, for instance, are innocent, you'd probably say that they're well on their way to becoming terrorists, right?

It's very easy to just assume that they're all the same, terrorist-harboring bloodthirsty religious fanatics. That's pretty close to what their leaders are telling them about Israelis, as Ninjamom already mentioned. They had a lot of reasons to be angry with a lot of people, and they made a mistake by choosing a radical government. Israel is now working hard at showing them that mistake, without killing them all.
I am not at all a fan of Hamas. In fact, I hope Israel doesn't stop its current efforts in Gaza until Hamas is completely annihilated.

However, history is not quite as one-sided or 'neat' as we would all like. In 1948 the nacent state of Israel did, in fact, forcibly march over 50,000 civilians out of Lydda and Ramle (two towns under what is now Lod), against their will. The properties were then looted and removed. The former residents wre never remunerated. Many died during the forced march.

The 'non-voluntary' nature of this removal of Arab civilians from Lydda was attested to by the US media on site, as well as by none other than former Israeli Prime Minster Rabin.

There were Arab leaders who encouraged civilians to leave their homes in 1948 so the combined Arab armies could 'liberate' all lands of Jews, and many Arabs did leave voluntarily, with full hopes of returning. However, tens (perhaps hundreds) of thousands of Arab civilians were forcibly removed from their homes to secure a contiguous nation.

We do a disservice to history when we omit those parts not flattering to us and/or our causes. We ignore unpleasant facts at our own risk, as it guarantees we will never understand the sometimes legitimate grievances (mixed in with the inflated and illegitimate ones) of those opposed to us.

Perhaps but one persons truth is another lie. Who exactly forced the Arabs out of their homes? the Israelis? no. if you read up you will find it was the Irgun, a terrorist group. Israel isn't squeaky clean but believeing Arab propaganda doesn't help anyone. In 1948 there were far more Arabs than Jews in Israel plus the British army outnumbered the Jews too, they were also arming the Arabs. Many Jews were still in the concentration camp on Cyprus where the British had put them, the British weren't allowing Jewish immigrants into Palestine as it was then.
The Palestinians have brought this on themselves, or rather perhaps the gangsters have brought in on them, Hamas and Fatah are gangsters nor more or less, they have taken huge amounts of money and salted it away for themselves leaving their people to starve and suffer. They've lead the people and others to believe this is all the Israelis fault. Do you know how wealthy Yasser Arafat was when he died? How much money he had in foreign bank accounts? With all that money from the EC and the USA going into Gaza for redevelopment have you not wondered why it's still so poor?
The Palestinians don't have a chance until they have a properly democratic government, the lies will continue to be told, they believe them themselves of how Israel is the perpetual baddy and others believe them too. they deserve better, sadly I don't think they will ever get it.
The Palestinians don't have a chance until they have a properly democratic government, the lies will continue to be told, they believe them themselves of how Israel is the perpetual baddy and others believe them too. they deserve better, sadly I don't think they will ever get it.

Who was it who said, "The Palestinians never waste an opportunity to waste an opportunity"? Truer words were never spoken.
Perhaps but one persons truth is another lie. Who exactly forced the Arabs out of their homes? the Israelis? no. if you read up you will find it was the Irgun, a terrorist group. Israel isn't squeaky clean but believeing Arab propaganda doesn't help anyone. In 1948 there were far more Arabs than Jews in Israel plus the British army outnumbered the Jews too, they were also arming the Arabs. Many Jews were still in the concentration camp on Cyprus where the British had put them, the British weren't allowing Jewish immigrants into Palestine as it was then.
The Palestinians have brought this on themselves, or rather perhaps the gangsters have brought in on them, Hamas and Fatah are gangsters nor more or less, they have taken huge amounts of money and salted it away for themselves leaving their people to starve and suffer. They've lead the people and others to believe this is all the Israelis fault. Do you know how wealthy Yasser Arafat was when he died? How much money he had in foreign bank accounts? With all that money from the EC and the USA going into Gaza for redevelopment have you not wondered why it's still so poor?
The Palestinians don't have a chance until they have a properly democratic government, the lies will continue to be told, they believe them themselves of how Israel is the perpetual baddy and others believe them too. they deserve better, sadly I don't think they will ever get it.

In addition, generally accepted numbers put the numbers of displaced Arabs, for whatever reason, at around 750,000. Also generally accepted and documented numbers, although conveniently never mentioned, puts the number of Jews displaced from Arab countries, in that same general period of time, at around 800,000.

The difference?

The Arab world forced their 'brothers' to live in squalor for political gains.

About 80% of the displaced Jews were taken in by the nascent State of Israel, the remainder going to other countries.

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