Question on Cross-Training

im not sure i really gave the response to this post i wanted to after re-reading mine. the real question i would have to ask is, why are you wanting to cross train? if you feel that you lack in an area of fighting or self defense, then you need to seek out that which will fill that void. what i wrote in my response earlier was a sort of map as to how i filled that void.
i was a good long range fighter, my legs were my best asset. i was ok at grappling and balance disruption because of my judo and wrestling. but, i realized along the way that someone could break through the long range so i had to learn hand techniques that would be beneficial for me to use. after some research into wing chun, western boxing, and kali, i found a way to develop my hands so that they were compatible with my kicks. yes, i have been studying jkd for many years and that is what has helped me to be more complete as a martial artist. but i started my research long before i ever got to train with a jkd instructor. it was from books and magazines that i gained the knowledge i searched for. and it was from teaching and training with my friends that i gained the experience i needed in the various ranges.
most schools didnt teach all the ranges of fighting when i was studying years ago. some schools are still very limited, especially in small towns like where i live now. we still have karate and tae kwon do schools here who only teach in their traditional manner. im not knocking those schools because i know the instructors and they are nice people. just the fact that the style itself hasnt grown to meet the demands of an ever changing society.
there (thankfully) isnt a law against you working out with your friends outside of class to develop your skills in other ranges of fighting not necessarily offered in your class. sometimes instructors wont let you cross train and they often look down on you learning other arts or applications. ive been in too many of those kinds of classes over the years. not that it ever stopped me...
going to other schools really helps because you get people who know the art, and you get to train against live opponents who are more skilled than you are at that application. if you do cross train i feel that you should try to find the school that offers skills which will enhance your knowledge of each range. going to a tae kwon do school and then cross training into a karate school would not be as fruitful as going from a tae kwon do school into a bjj type school, then studying boxing, or maybe kali. kali and the other filipino arts are pretty complete in themselves as they offer skills in all the ranges of fighting, depending upon the instructor. not all kali instructors teach the entire range of the art. dumog is the grappling phase of kali and is probably the least seldom taught art in the filipino styles, from what i have seen.
good luck with your search and research. have a great day!

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