Preparing for a Black Belt

Main thing to do is pace yourself . Dont come out of the blocks full speed just do the techniques clean and crisp and to the point and breath. I dont think your instructor would fail you for goobering up a couple of techniques. We all make mistakes. Remember pace makes the race. becareful not to burn yourself out and run out of gas mid way. Relax because nervousness will make you tired also.

Some of the tricks I learned was a mid technique breather. Like when you do your forms and you get to where its a killing blow and you kiai even if its right in the middle off a form( I had 12 forms and weapons form to do so we had to learn to pace our selves.) Well hold that position for a couple of seconds (read breather) more while taking some nice breaths and as a plus your instructor will get a good look at your form .

The same when you finish the self defense techniques and you clear at the end, get into a good stance and hold it for a few seconds longer (read another breather) while appearing to be staring at your opponent.
When the instructor asks questions even though you know the answers take your time to answer like your thinking about it (another breather).

During your sparring and you get winded, everyone has equipment failures so you have to adjust your gloves or foot pads a little another breather and so on. Just remember pace makes the race...
OC Kid said:
Main thing to do is pace yourself . Dont come out of the blocks full speed just do the techniques clean and crisp and to the point and breath. I dont think your instructor would fail you for goobering up a couple of techniques. We all make mistakes. Remember pace makes the race. becareful not to burn yourself out and run out of gas mid way. Relax because nervousness will make you tired also.

Some of the tricks I learned was a mid technique breather. Like when you do your forms and you get to where its a killing blow and you kiai even if its right in the middle off a form( I had 12 forms and weapons form to do so we had to learn to pace our selves.) Well hold that position for a couple of seconds (read breather) more while taking some nice breaths and as a plus your instructor will get a good look at your form .

The same when you finish the self defense techniques and you clear at the end, get into a good stance and hold it for a few seconds longer (read another breather) while appearing to be staring at your opponent.
When the instructor asks questions even though you know the answers take your time to answer like your thinking about it (another breather).

During your sparring and you get winded, everyone has equipment failures so you have to adjust your gloves or foot pads a little another breather and so on. Just remember pace makes the race...
OC Kid this is great advice. In sparring I'll be like - "Darn faulty sparring stuff! OOPS... shoe's untied" :lol: The breathing advice is what I was looking for when I was asking about pacing earlier a dramatic pause :) I like the mid-technique idea and staring at your opponent :miffer: , it's a little funny, but a really good idea - I'll try to work those in. I also liked Pete's idea to say the technique and attack in your head before doing the technique.

We have seven forms (three short and four long) and I think nine sets plus our personal form...I've been working on the pacing. We are allowed to do them to music if we like (some people love it, some people hate's personal choice really, and the reason I love to see how differently the same form can look depending on who is doing it). I decided to use music because the mood of the music reminds me to pace myself for the way I want the form to look. Usually when the adrenaline is pumping I think people speed things up, so some of the tunes when I listen, remind me to slow it down. My favorite is the tune for my personal form. The tune is :ultracool ...In case anyone else is looking for a great tune for their forms it's by Crystal Method and it's called Ready for Action.

I took your advice and lighted it up today. I still worked for three hours, but easier and I accomplished some good things. I skipped the jumping jacks because of the muscle pull, and the finger tip push ups but everything else was fine. So I'm getting back on track!

MJ :asian:
terryl965 said:
Remember to give your body a couple of days of rest before your test, you don't want to crap up or not beable to finish because of injury.....for every 8 hrs. of hard training the body needs 16 hours of pure rest, so try to remember that the last week before testing... Good luck and may al your kicks be high and powerful.... God Bless America
I will definitely rest up, thanks. I never heard that about the 16 hours of rest for every two for every one - I like that.

Thanks for your advice!

MJ :asian:
MJ - Make sure the sound is working on your video camera!
I know I was sitting next to you at Joe's bb test, but I honestly don't remember saying that - I probably did, because it's something I WOULD do (and you know that I will be there in spirit for yours!) KT
kenpo tiger said:
MJ - Make sure the sound is working on your video camera!
I know I was sitting next to you at Joe's bb test, but I honestly don't remember saying that - I probably did, because it's something I WOULD do (and you know that I will be there in spirit for yours!) KT
You definitely said it and meant every word...It was painful to watch at first wasn't it? But he did amazing with that and after it! Don't sweat not making the test it's being there every day for the last few years that counts! And besides, you know how I feel - our children always come first!!! :) MJ
Yea just relax you'll do better and feel better. The deal about pauseing in the forms is after you strike your with a loud kiai it gives your instrucctor and everyone else a sneak peak at your form , hips square rear foot turned fwd knee bent as in a fwd bow ect and then go on.. Its a great technique. in japanese forms we speed the form up and slow it down also another technique for a breather.....
OC Kid said:
. The deal about pauseing in the forms is after you strike your with a loud kiai it gives your instrucctor and everyone else a sneak peak at your form , hips square rear foot turned fwd knee bent as in a fwd bow ect and then go on.. Its a great technique.
It's funny hardly anyone in my school takes advantage of the kiai, maybe because my instructor doesn't promote it, but I love to kiai! I can't remember what the exact purpose for it is though - I'm sure lots of people here understand it better...I think it has something to do with releasing concentrated energy, and I just know it feels right sometimes, more powerful. Every once in a while I simply have to let it out. :viking3: I scared one of the big guys on a test one time...he still reminds me of it almost five years later...hee hee.:lol:
in japanese forms we speed the form up and slow it down also another technique for a breather.....
It's a great idea for controlling your breathing. I think in the forms there are, to me anyway, obvious places where explosive energy is required and then there are places where it looks :supcool: to slow it down and show the precision of the move (like eye slices I think look great when done slowly). I like watching Japanese forms. The ones I've seen done anyway looked as if they required lots of concentration and power.

Thats one thing I noticed about kempo folks at least the one I trained with is the kiai. Japanese stylist live by it. I teach my students it ddoes 3 things 1) it scare your enemy 2) it make your strike stronger (simular to the grunt weight lifter do when they lift something very heavy and 3) It tightens your abs to help you take a hit. Im sure there are a lot of other reasons but thats how I teach it.

But the main thing is just relax calm down and get ready for your test.:>)
OC Kid said:
Thats one thing I noticed about kempo folks at least the one I trained with is the kiai. Japanese stylist live by it. I teach my students it ddoes 3 things 1) it scare your enemy 2) it make your strike stronger (simular to the grunt weight lifter do when they lift something very heavy and 3) It tightens your abs to help you take a hit. Im sure there are a lot of other reasons but thats how I teach it.

But the main thing is just relax calm down and get ready for your test.:>)
I study Ed Parker's American Kenpo and there is a series of books he wrote called Infinite Insights I read it awhile ago and picked it back up to see what he had to say about the kiai (paraphrased):

  • the expulsion of air settles your body giving it stabilityadds greater
  • power and timing to your strikes
  • causes an adrenal flow to help prepare the body for fight/flight
  • helps fortify your body to resist punishment (tightened abs like you mentioned) help prevent muscle damage
  • can stimulate courage and psych your opponent out (like you said)

OC Kid that's some good stuff! :) Ok so maybe I'll be yelling a bit more at my test HI -YAH!!! I think...;)
Yea it will set your test off make it different then the others. Maybe you'll start a trend (a good one) in your school. I like the infinite insights books. I have a couple of them. They are very informative. Hey since your going to be slowing down on your hard training getting ready to test maybe thats another method you could use to supplement your training getting ready. Check out the books you cant go wrong refering to what the Master wrote/said.
OC Kid said:
Maybe you'll start a trend (a good one) in your school. .
I like the infinite insights books. I have a couple of them. They are very informative. Hey since your going to be slowing down on your hard training getting ready to test maybe thats another method you could use to supplement your training getting ready. Check out the books you cant go wrong refering to what the Master wrote/said.
There are some good things in there...good idea! :asian:
Just dropping in to say....Oh my God! :eek: One week to go :) . I'm getting very excited for this to happen and feeling good and strong! All the pains are gone, and I worked pretty hard this week. I felt real good in sparring and here is where I see the cardio paying off, the forms are flowing, the techniques look real good, but a few minor things, and I worked out my choreographed attacks with my training partners...ending with the big take down of the two biggest guys in a move called Snakes of Wisdom...hee hee :) Oh what fun! I'm almost ready to take the rest up advice from some of you and will being the hydration, and carbo loading at the end of the week. Finally, I'm going to focus on the never give up idea! :jedi1:

A big thanks to everyone for contributing your great advice and for your encouraging messages!!! I'll let you know how it goes after next weekend!

MJ :asian:
Good luck MJ!!! Let us know how it goes!!

Good Luck, press on and don't think about stopping!

MJ, I'd wish you good luck, but you don't need it. You have been diligently preparing for this for a long time. Just relax, and do what you must. The answers are all within you. Enjoy yourself, and congratulations.

Well tell us should we be calling you sensei or Miss MJ now dont keep us in suspense tell us....
How was it?

How do you feel?

How did it effect you?

What was the most difficult part for you?

Come on now dont leave us hanging?????
Hey OC Kid, MJ's test is next saturday the 10th - sure to be a major event, I am positive she will do fine, and i am quite sure she'll let everyone know how it went!

Donna :)
Kenpo Mama said:
Hey OC Kid, MJ's test is next saturday the 10th - sure to be a major event, I am positive she will do fine, and i am quite sure she'll let everyone know how it went!

Donna :)
Can't add more to that. She will CERTAINLY let you all know -- and she will do just fine. KT:)
yea she seems like a very nice person. It will be great to have her in the club. :>)
OC Kid said:
yea she seems like a very nice person. It will be great to have her in the club. :>)
Awww...shucks :boing1: Thanks OC Kid...four more days!

BTW Is there a secret handshake for the club.:) Anyway, as the girls, Kenpo Mama and KT, told you....I promise to drop back in and let you know how it goes. I feel like I'm taking a little of you all with me in my head anyway.
I did all the techs today and just one tiny teeny little biggie I have a couple of days to iron it out.

Talk to you all after the test!

MJ :)

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