Practiced you Siu Nim Tao Today?

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It's always good to see new people come along as they always bring something to the table.
SNT is one of those topics that emerges fairly regularly, but there is still much to be said about it. It is one of my favorite things about WC, and is one of my favorite topics to read about and dicuss.
So, as the new guy, not to put any pressure on you, what is it about SNT that's important to you?
As Nab said...what is proper SNT from your prospective?
Thank you for the welcome,
SNT= Heightened Awareness, Body structure, I will not go into detail , I practice Chu Shong Tin Lineage, every lineage vary, So every one has there own way,
I believe 90% are doing the wrong way,
Thank you for the welcome,
SNT= Heightened Awareness, Body structure, I will not go into detail , I practice Chu Shong Tin Lineage, every lineage vary, So every one has there own way,
I believe 90% are doing the wrong way,

you don't want to go into detail, but then you drop that in our laps....What is the right way of performing SNT, and why are 90% wrong?
Hey All,
I dont see much talk about Siu Nim Tao,
The foundation of Wing Chun,
Hows it Going for you?


I try and do Siu Nim Tao; xiǎo niàn tóu; Siu Lim Tao, 小念頭 every day…. And later tonight I will be doing it again… but then Siu Lim Tao is the only Wing Chun form I know

Thank you for the welcome,
SNT= Heightened Awareness, Body structure, I will not go into detail , I practice Chu Shong Tin Lineage, every lineage vary, So every one has there own way,
I believe 90% are doing the wrong way,

OH look... a lineage battle is about to begin.... this won't end well
I practice Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu and Biu Gee pretty much everyday except for when my knee's are acting up.
I am also from Tsui Seung Tin lineage , but the difference is I don't go around telling everybody they are wrong.

If a point of difference comes up regarding some aspect of training I will put forward my reasons about why something should be done a certain way and people are free to either disagree as they often do or agree with me.

But you don't just bludgeon people over the head with it and say I'm right and everybody else is wrong.
That is arrogant and frankly comes across as being a bit of a dick.
All you need is Siu Nim Tao and chisao, Wing Chun has its own Security system so The Wrong People do not learn,
Mook jong Man, You school may be of lineage but it is a school that makes money from wing chun, there for your fighting a losing battle, If you preform SNT correctly you will know it, have you got Dai Gong?
All you need is Siu Nim Tao and chisao, Wing Chun has its own Security system so The Wrong People do not learn,
Mook jong Man, You school may be of lineage but it is a school that makes money from wing chun, there for your fighting a losing battle, If you preform SNT correctly you will know it, have you got Dai Gong?

Wow... I mean just wow.... the only possible response to this is so obvious


May all that come here heed my warning
All you need is Siu Nim Tao and chisao, Wing Chun has its own Security system so The Wrong People do not learn,
Mook jong Man, You school may be of lineage but it is a school that makes money from wing chun, there for your fighting a losing battle, If you preform SNT correctly you will know it, have you got Dai Gong?

Listen up champ , I left that school about 12 years ago , I've gone my own way since then.

I don't really know what the money thing has to do with it , even Sigung himself doesn't teach for free , don't really know what your on about there.

As to whether I have attained some degree of Tei Gong ?
Probably, but that is not really for me to judge , I prefer to work more on the attributes of speed , force , and reflex.

But if you think all you need is SNT and chi Sau then your going to be in for a rude shock sunshine when that first left hook comes ploughing into your melon.

Chi Sau is training for close range combat once you have made contact , you have to get into that range and survive the friggin contact first .
It's not bloody magic , you still have to rely on your eyeballs and get your arms in the correct position in relation to his incoming strikes.

But that's ok I've only been training since 1989 what would I know in comparison to your vast knowledge oh great sage.
Not as much as that left hook in the head is going to hurt if you continue to think that you only need to do the form and chi sau lol.

You have be doing Wing Chun Since 1989 and still pratice every day? for real!
You obviously dont have a clue, You have been wasting your time im afraid,
Listen to yourselves, WIng Chun isnt obtainable to People with Attitudes like you,
Over 2000 useless post, Im not wasting any more of my time with you Thank you,
You have be doing Wing Chun Since 1989 and still pratice every day? for real!

A (retired) si-bak from our/TST lineage supposedly practices 2 hours or so of stance, 3 times a day. If you go TST's place you should find a lot of regulars like his own students that still train too.
Most days, slowly working through the air dummy.
Some days concentrate on troll sau, it just depends.
Yeah Domino, I reckon troll sau is the most important part of what we do.