*peeks in* ahem...newbie here...:-p (and a game for us!)

weekend...ah...that would be something I need badly... and its only MONDAY!!!! AARGH!
Hour after hour, I sit pondering the meaning of senseless dots on a computer screen, waiting for the seconds to tick by as time seems to slowly come to a complete stop.
well, you never know how something's going to work in a street situation...
situation of ones feet may drasticly affect ones ability to perform a given technique.
Situations change so we demand flexibility in our training
"fore!" is yelled often on the golf green.
Door is somethin that shouldn't hit ya on the way out...Or something to run into when it don't open!

(it happened to me today! the door to Byrd didn't like me and made me bounce my weight -- and chin -- off of it once before it opened! *pout*)
Open is the position in which a mind best functions.

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