Palins Preacher-Witch Hunter for real


Purple Belt
Jun 28, 2007
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Albuquerque NM.

Sarah Palin Heaps Praise On Witch Hunting Preacher

Robert Paul Reyes
September 20, 2008
Americans recoil in horror when we remember the Salem witch trials, which resulted in the hanging of fourteen women and five men. We gain some comfort knowing that this outbreak of religious hysteria took place in 1692, and that in the ensuing centuries we have rejected the superstitious belief in evil Christian-hating witches.

But some Christian sects still believe in the existence of evil witches who cast demonic spells and seek the destruction of believers.[/quote]

Rest of article can be found here
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Is there any proof that she knew his background? There are a lot of scum like him in Africa preying on the superstitious for their own power, but Ms. Palin isn't exactly razor sharp on the minutiae of foreign life. This should stand as a good lesson for politicians to start actually examining the people they effuse over before they do so (are you listening McCain?).
Is there any proof that she knew his background? There are a lot of scum like him in Africa preying on the superstitious for their own power,
Wow, you started out nice and fair and then...
but Ms. Palin isn't exactly razor sharp on the minutiae of foreign life. This should stand as a good lesson for politicians to start actually examining the people they effuse over before they do so (are you listening McCain?).
Was Joe Biden's telling Chuck Graham, who is in a wheelchair to stand up razor sharp on the minutiae of look who is 20 feet from you?
This should stand as a good lesson for politicians to start actually examining the people they effuse over before they do so (are you listening
Do we really want a woman one heartbeat away from the presidency, who gushes in adulation over a minister who brags about his penchant for witch hunting?
Do we really want a man one heartbeat away from the presidency, who tells handicapped state senators to stand up? Who opposes the same coal plants that are part of the Obama platform?(Obama has vowed to "develop and deploy clean-coal technology" as part of a plan to create "green" jobs in the U.S. Midwest.) Who makes fun of Indian-Americans? Who talks about FDR on TV in 1929?
Do we want a president who consorts with someone who bombed the Pentagon? Who added SEVEN states to the union? Who claimed TEN THOUSAND people were killed by Kansas Tornadoes? Who, and this is the kicker, is so decisive a man, he voted PRESENT rather than take a stand one way or the other over a HUNDRED times during his tenure as a state senator?
I don't want either one of them.

I think it's time to clean up the economic quagmire Reaganomics left us in and elect a president who looks out for consumer and taxpayer welfare in fairness. Some economic scientist. Too bad there's none running.

Oh ... wait ...

Look, I'm sorry, and this is where I may get some nice red reppies, and some people might get steamed.

But the truth isn't always polite.

CHILDREN with imaginary friends is normal.

Full grown ADULTS who still have them terrify the **** out of me.

I believe there *is* for lack of a better word a nameless "order" in the universe which influences how things happen and things unfold *mostly* as they are supposed to, even if you, at this time, in this place, in this form, can't puzzle out how, or why.

But when it degenerates to the point of "my imaginary friend can kick your imaginary friend's ***" and we are looking not at kids in a sandbox, but instead at people well into middle age, who want to run entire countries you may as well just give up right now.
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1) The Bishop shown in the youtube video is from Kenya, where witchcraft is still a crime (of apparently epidemic proportions, at times) and A LOT of people believe in it-some even get payed for delivering curses.

2) The video shows Sarah Palin being blessed with hands upraised as th Bishop prays for money for her campaign (for governor) "to turn this country the right way," and to protect her "against all forms of witchcraft."

See the video and a better article for yourself

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I don't want either one of them.
Here, here. I am SOOOO considering voting third party.

I think it's time to clean up the economic quagmire Reaganomics .....
I know everyone has a different opinion, but I gotta call you on this one. You do realize that 'Reaganomics' was about 20 years and 3 presidents ago, right? It seems a stretch to blame 'Reaganomics' (which Bush 1 followed only moderately, and Clinton and Bush 2 didn't follow at all) for today's economic problems.

Reaganomics left us with the highest level of economic prosperity this country has known before or since, a prosperity which lasted through most of the next 2 presidents' terms. If there were someone running who would actually apply it, I would vote for them in a heartbeat.
Just a sidetrack but I believe a valid one.
Witchcraft as it pertains to Africa is not something to be taken lightly as we have had some dealings with it here in the UK in criminal cases. Often children are chosen to be killed as 'sacrifices' on one side and others are beaten to rid them of devils by the other.

We still have an unsolved crime case in London where the torso of a young African boy was found who it's believed was killed in a witchcraft case.
It may not be pertinant to your elections but the sheer amount of child abuse that 'witchcraft' causes shouldn't be dismissed I think.
Here, here. I am SOOOO considering voting third party.

I know everyone has a different opinion, but I gotta call you on this one. You do realize that 'Reaganomics' was about 20 years and 3 presidents ago, right? It seems a stretch to blame 'Reaganomics' (which Bush 1 followed only moderately, and Clinton and Bush 2 didn't follow at all) for today's economic problems.

Reaganomics left us with the highest level of economic prosperity this country has known before or since, a prosperity which lasted through most of the next 2 presidents' terms. If there were someone running who would actually apply it, I would vote for them in a heartbeat.

Not to sidetrack too much but I wanted to respond quickly: Many economists blame Reaganomics as the origin of our current issues. The core of that plan was "spend, spend, spend" and "credit, credit, credit." This created a theme in national finance which arguably set off dominoes which are still felt today. But again - that's another thread. And for the record and for fairness - Mr. Carter, as intelligent as he is and capable as he was, didn't seem to call the right people in to turn things around in time, either. It's been argued that his policy was weak and caused the coining of the Misery Index back then, and it's been argued that he was left to mop up after Reagan. I think it's all about which facts each person wants to buy and/or excuse. :asian:
She believes in all sorts of supernatural entities...witches are just another of her pre-scientific superstitious beliefs.

Why shouldn't she be next-in-line to be authorized to launch nuclear weapons?
But some Christian sects still believe in the existence of evil witches who cast demonic spells and seek the destruction of believers.
Interestingly enough, there are some people who believe they, themselves, are witches and warlocks. That they have the power to cast spells. Of course, none of them are evil or cast "evil" spells. Their efficacy is doubtful.
Interestingly enough, there are some people who believe they, themselves, are witches and warlocks. That they have the power to cast spells. Of course, none of them are evil or cast "evil" spells. Their efficacy is doubtful.

How did this turn onto a thread about George Dillman?
I don't want either one of them.

I think it's time to clean up the economic quagmire Reaganomics left us in and elect a president who looks out for consumer and taxpayer welfare in fairness. Some economic scientist. Too bad there's none running.

Oh ... wait ...


I hear ya!
....Mr. Carter, as intelligent as he is and capable as he was, didn't seem to call the right people in to turn things around in time, either. It's been argued that his policy was weak and caused the coining of the Misery Index back then, and it's been argued that he was left to mop up after Reagan. ...... :asian:
Serious question: was that a mis-type? Did you mean 'Clinton' instead of 'Carter'?

(Of course, I disagree with you either way :D, but Carter was president before Reagan)

Slightly (but only slightly) off-thread: I have a theory that the US economy is on a 2 to 4 year cycle. Thus, the first two years of any president's administration, good or bad, really results from his predecessor's policy. I've lived long enough to see several changes-of-administration, and each time, the new one takes undeserved credit for any upturn in the first 2 years, but blames his predecessor if it goes south (and this cuts across the board for both Reps and Dems). In other words: if you think the current administration's economic policy stinks, don't blame McBama (my new name for either one of the two main candidates, neither of whom I like or really represent much difference) when things continue to get worse well into the new administration.
Serious question: was that a mis-type? Did you mean 'Clinton' instead of 'Carter'?

(Of course, I disagree with you either way :D, but Carter was president before Reagan)
LOL! Yup. That's what insomnia gets me. ;)

Slightly (but only slightly) off-thread: I have a theory that the US economy is on a 2 to 4 year cycle. Thus, the first two years of any president's administration, good or bad, really results from his predecessor's policy. I've lived long enough to see several changes-of-administration, and each time, the new one takes undeserved credit for any upturn in the first 2 years, but blames his predecessor if it goes south (and this cuts across the board for both Reps and Dems). In other words: if you think the current administration's economic policy stinks, don't blame McBama (my new name for either one of the two main candidates, neither of whom I like or really represent much difference) when things continue to get worse well into the new administration.
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