Olympic fighters are not always the best fighters....


Master Black Belt
Jun 13, 2009
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Olympic Fighters are not always the best fighters chosen to represent thier country.

That has been debated over and over again with the new team selection process and other complaints we have been discussing lately.

HOWEVER... anyone who is a true fight, boxing, or sparring fan knows that ANYTHING can happen in a fight. ANYTHING. I'm Not saying one way or another that fighters on teams are the best or not, all I'm saying is...
In A Fight ANYTHING can happen.

Check it out.


Thats why you will never see the lopez's or any other top fighter compete at any tournament that not a "BIG" event. too risky to be de-throned.

Remember When TKD matches could be devastating. When it was kicking that could KNOCK you out. No fast "slap-kicking". True power shots that turned the lights out...... I miss the good ole days.
Not sure about your point or what it even is, but this happens. Anyone can get beat and guess what? He was not the best fighter that day. He got beat. This is good for any sport. This is what keeps you training. Knowing that you can be beat or that you can someday beat the so called best. And if beaten you don't advance, someone else does. This is called fair competition.

Not "oh I won the last time so I won't prove I can still win". You have to keep playing the game to know who is the best at that time.

I beat my son in chess the other day but I guess I never have to play him again cause I won and don't need to prove or give him a chance to prove he can get better and someday beat me.

Bad logic too me. What is that old saying? "You've got to beat the best to be the best". Well how do you do that if the so called best don't (doesn't) have to compete?

They got it correct in Korea. The best fought and lost. Good, not bad.
On any given day even the best of the best can lose. If you compete there is always the possibility of losing. He was not the best that day. I remember wining the AZ state championships a long time ago. The next year I got KO by a kid who just received his BB that month. I didn't even see the back kick coming.
See I thought you was going to out together Olympic against real self defense in which my reply would be Olympic fighting is a game or sport and not meant to be about SD principle. Now sine I read your post about the Olympic medalist being Ko'ed, remember this does happen all the time anybody with one solid blast can KO somebody else.
Here is the clip of that KO.

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