ok or find evil and do not like just need some imput


3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
Ok working on a desing for my competion team and the dragon i had to use my silk screen guy cant use now i was looking at this cause he said he can get art from here this image kinda looks like the devil but also a dragon would u let ur kids wear a shirt with this on the back or no to evil just let me know cause thinking about using it and then if i do an no wears it i am out 100 bucks
plus only dragon on there i like
I don't have kids - but this would be iffy at the middle school I teach at; it might get stopped on a student and it might not. For myself, it's a little evil for my taste, and I would probably not wear it in public; maybe at events other class members were at, but not out on the street - it seems like it would be asking for trouble from bullies who think they're tough guys.
well it would be mostly for t-shirts and gi tops for them to wear at tournaments so it would I Hope to intamate -i know spelt wrong- But also looks the best on what i have to chose from
I don't know- it looks kinda cool to me. It's not like your going around and claiming to be a satanist, or something. Ask the parents to see what they think.
TallAdam85 said:
Ok working on a desing for my competion team and the dragon i had to use my silk screen guy cant use now i was looking at this cause he said he can get art from here this image kinda looks like the devil but also a dragon would u let ur kids wear a shirt with this on the back or no to evil just let me know cause thinking about using it and then if i do an no wears it i am out 100 bucks
plus only dragon on there i like

please work on your spelling/punctuation
if you want to intimidate someone during an MA tournament, wear the gi's the kobra kai wore in the karate kid. now those were some awesome uniforms!!

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