Obama for president?

I'm an Obama supporter. While I am considerably more liberal in my own political views, I've always been behind his candidacy. I think he has exactly the kind of leadership this country needs right now.
I'm an Obama supporter. While I am considerably more liberal in my own political views, I've always been behind his candidacy. I think he has exactly the kind of leadership this country needs right now.
Can you point out some few specific instances of Mr Obama exercising this leadership?
Can you point out some few specific instances of Mr Obama exercising this leadership?

There's two basic types of power. Hard Power would be such things as the use of military action or economic incentives. Soft Power is when you persuade others to share your vision and want what you want.

Obama's entire campaign is a specific example of his amazing abilities in this area. And, I believe it is the single most important characteristic in a US President.

If he can attract intelligent people of integrity who share his viewpoint, we'd have an administration that might actually get things done. If he can gain respect and build coalitions internationally, it would be radically different than the previous eight years.
I'm an Obama supporter. While I am considerably more liberal in my own political views, I've always been behind his candidacy. I think he has exactly the kind of leadership this country needs right now.

Not disagreeing,
just wondering if you could elaborate.
HOW is he exactly this???


Your Brother
I'm an Obama supporter. While I am considerably more liberal in my own political views, I've always been behind his candidacy. I think he has exactly the kind of leadership this country needs right now.
I'm not sure, but if a guy has to keep explaining what he meant when he says something then what about when he erringly offends China or some other powerful country.
This will be the first election I have been alive for that I will be sitting out because even the least of evils is no good.

No matter who wins, we lose.

I would like to respectfully encourage you to vote, if nothing more, to vote for some third party candidate. If everyone who sits this one out (for whatever reason) deliberately cast a vote for a third party candidate, it WOULD get people's attention (if the counting of the votes will reflect the actual voting, of course).

I am excited about Obama. A breath of fresh air, in so many ways. I myself am tired of big government, oppressive fear mongering, spending money like water.

I regret the wholesale destruction of the principles that this country was founded on.

Its time for a change. We need someone fresh, new. We need someone who can stir us to be what we can be, a truly noble country, not run by corporate entities, but rather run for the people, by the people. We need a President who can understand the common man's life, one who knows what the phrase 'net neutrality' means, and one who wanted to have the debates released under the Creative Commons license.

We need a President who knows that the bubble-sort algorithm is far too inefficient to be used for large arrays.

But where can we find such a candidate?

I tell you, that this candidate exists, and that we have already found him. Yes, his name is Barack Obama!

Here, I lift my mug of diet soda in the air to salute this man. Our next President of the United States, Barack Obama!
We need a President who knows that the bubble-sort algorithm is far too inefficient to be used for large arrays.

Yes, but is he Slackware or SuSE? Whole communities have been destroyed for lesser questions.

If he says Ubuntu, we can cheerfully write him off as the commie he will have outed himself to be.
What I tell my friends

"When I was young I was more liberal... then as I got older I got more conservative... but now I think I'm anarchist"
This will be the first election I have been alive for that I will be sitting out because even the least of evils is no good.

No matter who wins, we lose.

I don't encourage anyone to skip voting - all that does is leave the country to the predations of the Korporations and the Bush/Klintons. They simply count you among the apathetic or illiterate sheeple - and you don't belong in that group.

If you can't even find a 3d party candidate for Pres you can vote for without losing lunch, then still show up to vote. Find somebody you can vote for in some post, even if its water commissioner, and leave without voting on the others. This is called "Voting a Blank" and is a rather effective form of protest. When politicos see 500 people voted in a place and 275 didn't support either one, believe me they get the message.

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