Northern Wisconsin Aikido


White Belt
Jun 18, 2004
Reaction score
Was wondering if anyone knew anything about this school it states that it is in Merrill WI.
I checked out their site and then did a google on a few things there. Seems that they have some top quality instructors available but I don't know anything about Sensei Ken Purdy that teaches at that particular dojo. If you're interested in traditional aikido then I'd say that this dojo would be a good place for you to at least visit. Of course, that would be my advice regardless. Always visit the dojo to watch a class, talk to the instructor and some of the students. Get a feel for the place and see if they'll allow you to try a class or two for free before making any decisions. Let us know how it goes for you.
Thank you for the feedback will be checking them out.
Give us an update when the time comes! Looking forward to hearing from you !

It is gonna be a few more months till I am relocated to up in that area but once I am up there an had the chance to check em out first hand will make sure I give all a heads up.
I trained with them for a couple of months when I had outside obligations that interfered with my regular training, (basically they held classes on Tuesdays that I could make when I couldn't make my Wed. classes).

It was a little slow paced and "soft" (for lack of a better term) for my liking, but everybody was very nice, and sensei Prudy and his senior students seemed knowledgable as far as I can tell.

It is a small training group, or at least it was a couple years ago. Maybe 15 people at all skill levels from white belt up to 1 st or 2nd dan training together at the same time.

All uke - tori type training from what I saw. I never saw anything free form or any sparing. I don't know if they do any of this or not, but I didn't see any while I was there.

A good experience, just not really my cup of tea.