North Korea - Children of the Secret State

Hello, I could not view the video.

Just my guess here? ....homeless children and people are everywhere beside Korea?

Just last night on the news (Oahu,Hawaii) the police is kicking out the Homeless at a state park, 200 or so plus 30 children included.

The cost of living is very high over here. The subsidize do not/cannot cover the rents,utilities,medcial, and food.

What is the answer? Do we also need to be someone else's keeper?
When we are trying so hard to survive too. They get assistants and we can't.

That is one reason why people do not try harder? Why should I get a higher paying job? and barely make it. When I can get welfare,sudsidize rents,plus the govenment will help pay the medical too? and still be equal with the higher paying job?

Hawaii has the lowest unemployment rate in the USA? 4% approx. and the one of the highest cost of living.

Working two jobs now.....and barely making it.. You may send ....Aloha
Hello, I could not view the video.

Just my guess here? ....homeless children and people are everywhere beside Korea?

If you could watch the video, you would see that it is not just that there are homeless children. In Hawaii, are they picking up kids and locking them up in a building without food to keep them out of the way?

Here is a new organization that concentrates on North Korea. It may help people keep up to date. I check it from time to time.
I saw this National Geographic special on digital cable TV a few weeks back, it's now for sale as a DVD.

It is truly frightening when you see how perverse the cult of personality is embedded amongst the N.K. population in all aspects of their lives.

Schickelgruber and Dzhugashvili would be envious.

A visiting foreign eye surgeon (what about the great universal health care we’ve been lectured on for years in all these workers paradises like Cuba and NK?) surgically heals their vision and all what the patients immediately do is babble profusely at pictures of their man god KIM JONG IL thanking him for restoring their sight.
An interesting Korean perspective on the separation can be seen through the South Korean movie Shiri I just saw it a few weeks ago. It's a pretty cool spy/drama/romance story with a very strong and sad undertone of the whole division between North and South.

Curious, I also saw The Host which was a monster/horror/comedy/tragedy/conspiracy movie. I really liked both movies but I'm struck with the sophistication of the South Korean movies in that neither really fits a specific genre but both straddle multiple genres, or rather, tell the story in a three dimensional way that defies pigeon-holing into a convenient package
Schickelgruber and Dzhugashvili would be envious.

More than you think.....

Did you know that in North Korea the idea of Korean racial superiority is stressed? Combined with the economic failure of Stalinst communism, they also have the complete disregard for human life communist Pol Pot had, the religious ferver for their leader WWII Japan had and the belief they were the superios race Schickelgruber had. All that was bad, they have.

Anyone remember SGT Jenkins- the guy that came back from defecting to North Korea? While there, despite millions of Koreans he could marry, he ended up with a kidnapped Japanese for a wife. The reason is that the average North Korean thought they would dilute their superior genes by mating with a Japanese or a caucasian.

That should scare you if nothing else can.

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