NOOB in TKD with questions

We couldn't make it to practice tonight, a crash tied up the highway and there is no way around. (Did I mention that we live in a rather rural area?)

I looked over the literature further, it seems that only ATA equipment can be used at the facility and at ATA tournaments. So while we may be able to outfit the entire family of four for $400, it would not meet ATA specs.

We are presently looking for used gear.
We couldn't make it to practice tonight, a crash tied up the highway and there is no way around. (Did I mention that we live in a rather rural area?)

I looked over the literature further, it seems that only ATA equipment can be used at the facility and at ATA tournaments. So while we may be able to outfit the entire family of four for $400, it would not meet ATA specs.

We are presently looking for used gear.

If you go to Craig List and doa search for ATA gear you can alway find it especially here in the metroplex of Dallas, even if they ship it to you at 10% of the original cost it is worth it.
Try that and I am sure you will have great luck.
Another thing to think about is, what is the NEXT cost going to be? When it is time to go in the next level of programs (Black Belt Club, or Leadership Team or whatever) what other gear will you have to pay for that you feel you can't afford?
If you feel this school is worth what you are paying for adjust your budget accordingly and then go for it!!
But, if you think there is going to be a constant burden to pay for equipment, it might be worthwhile to check out some other schools before getting more attached to this one.
Laurentkd wrote:
Another thing to think about is, what is the NEXT cost going to be? When it is time to go in the next level of programs (Black Belt Club, or Leadership Team or whatever) what other gear will you have to pay for that you feel you can't afford?
If you feel this school is worth what you are paying for adjust your budget accordingly and then go for it!!
But, if you think there is going to be a constant burden to pay for equipment, it might be worthwhile to check out some other schools before getting more attached to this one.

There are a number of things I'm looking down the road at having to pay for that are beginning to not make sense to me.

Foam rubber weapons
Blackbelt Academy
Leadership Training

There are a couple of things like "Delta" and "SWAT". They have tacticool names that make them sound neat.

Today I intend to go checkout the Karate place a little down the road from where we train.

I've made myself a heavy bag in my basement out of an old seabag and towels. I hit the thing more than I hit pads in class. No real sparring in TKD until we reach "camo" belt.

I did Kung Fu when I lived in Hawaii years ago. Very little sparring gear, and a whole lot of physical contact from the get-go.
camo belt? are there degrees of camo belt? if so, can you see the stripes on it?

more importantly, is the school keeping up to date by using desert camo, or better yet digi-cams? if they are still using woodland camo, RUN. they are obviously out of touch with the realities of modern martial arts.

Camo belts. Ugh.

As I said, I'll make no derogatory comments about the ATA, but the camo belt is just plain stupid in my opinion. Probably okay for tiny tigers, little ninjas or mini dragon programs, where the kids are under eight, but for a regular program? Come on!

In the ATA, there are at least two levels of each belt: recomended and decided. Assuming that you must pay to test for each one, that makes about twenty belt testings including two black. They may not require a testing or have a testing fee for each level, but if they do, that is a LOT of dough, and very unnecessary in my opinion. Once again, I do not know if each level requires a test fee.

As Lauren said, if you feel that the school is a good school and worth the money, then adjust accordingly. You have a martial arts background yourself, and while it may not be taekwondo, I'd venture that you can determine if the training is of a quality commensurate with the pricing.

HM2PAC, what is Delta?? I've seen Swat patches (Special Winning Attitude Team) and STORM (Special Team Of Role Models) but Delta?? Sounds like someone's been watching too much Chuck Norris!

It's woodland camo. They could learn a thing or three from Bill Jordan.

Yes, you have to pay each time you test. If you are recommended, then you have to pay again and test again for a decided belt in a couple of months.
so yes, there are about 10 or 11 belts depending on how you count them.

The wife and I had a big discussion last night, she is starting to have the same concerns I am. We can find all of the gear on Ebay new or used fora fraction of the price that we are looking at at our training facility. Of interest is that at the ATA website, prices for gear are not given, only "contact you instructor".

I don't know what Delta is. I'm pretty sure it will involve opening a wallet though.

Ten or twelve belts, each with recommended and decided levels means twenty to twenty two testing fees. Unless the fees are chump change, then I'd consider that to be waaaayyy over the top.

How do you feel about the instruction you and your family receive?

Celtic Tiger asked:
How do you feel about the instruction you and your family receive?

Mixed bag really. Our kids are young. My son is 6 and my daughter is 8. They have a number of friends that attend and really enjoy it all. 6 and 8 year-olds are not going to have the motor skills to do everything perfect, but they do well with what they are capable of.

In the classes I see things that make me shake my head. Most of the students, be they new or seasoned, young or old, can't simply tie their belt in a simple square knot. Including the BlackBelts. Uniforms are dirty/wrinkled. Senior students/Blackbelts are physically out of shape and quite literally obese. Discipline is on the edge at best. (I could go on, but I need to go run the chainsaw this AM.)

I make sure our uniforms are WHITE and pressed. It takes the wife and I about 15 minutes to iron uniforms for 4 people. It's not a huge expenditure of time.

In a word, I'm not pleased.
I've seen schools like that. One place I looked at a while back had lots of wording in their literature regarding the fitness benefits of the martial arts, but a lot of the senior students and at least two of the staff were obese and the discipline thoughout seemed, 'on the edge' as you put it.

When I look at a school, I don't pay much attention to the low belts. I look at the blackbelts. Blackbelts that look like they have the technique of a green belt is generally a huge red flag, kiddie blackbelts not withstanding (I could rant on that subject for pages).

The "leadership" program is $89/mo through something called Automatic Funds Transfer (AFT).

We can pay monthly with cash, but it is an extra $5.

A penalty for paying cash? Since when did credit become better than cash?

I just spoke on the phone with another school. They have better rates, no contracts, and have all the sparring gear at the school. We meet with them this upcoming week, possibly Tuesday.
The discount is not because it is credit but because it is automatic and tied into a contract. The idea is to get a customer to go with the contract. It benefits the school by keeping people around longer and benefits the student with a lower rate.

I have mixed feelings regarding contracts. Our school has them and I signed on for a lengthy one (my choice), but I am also supremely happy with my dojang and the instruction that my sons and I receive.

Best wishes with the new place. What type of school is it; Taekwondo, Shotokan, Kenpo?

In the many differant schools I've tried, visited, or interacted with in some fashion I've always found the best overall quality goes hands down to the schools that have no contracts. I have been a member (sucker) in several "McDojo's" at one the regional head instructor even went as far as to say that he wanted that particular style to be the "McDonalds of martial arts" and that's a direct quote. Ounce a school started hefting outrageous fee's on my family for gear and 2 ? tests per belt, I'd know it's time to leave. Don't give them any more of your money. And tell them that too. Let the instructors know how disappointed you for being ripped off.
The new place to check out next week is:

They teach Shorinryu Matsumura Seito, a form of Okinawan Karate.

No contracts
Slow progression
Emphasis on self-defense
School supplies the gear at no charge
School supplies the weapons at no charge

I spoke with Mr. Hamel today, he said they emphasize a form of karate that is similar to what I had learned in KungFu. Not many high kicks and utilizing the opponents own force to direct them to the side then to strike.

This appeals to me.
Looks like the school I trained in in the early eighties. They disappeared, sadly; went out of business and recommended another school, not disappeared with people's money. Loved that place. It's what I'd like to do when I open my own school.

My wife and I were able to speak to our instructors at length about the gear, and the AFT.

As it turns out they don't care how we get our gear, or where it comes from. They are also amenable to monthly cash payments.

This is good, as we are striking out on schools in our area. The closest schools with good reputations are about 30+ minutes from our house.

I'm not big on the TKD, and I will have to wear a camo belt at some point. However, it beats not doing anything. I am continuing to train with my Hung Gar books and my heavy bag in the basement. It's not the same as having a real Sifu around, but the style suits me.
The new place to check out next week is:

They teach Shorinryu Matsumura Seito, a form of Okinawan Karate.

No contracts
Slow progression
Emphasis on self-defense
School supplies the gear at no charge
School supplies the weapons at no charge

I spoke with Mr. Hamel today, he said they emphasize a form of karate that is similar to what I had learned in KungFu. Not many high kicks and utilizing the opponents own force to direct them to the side then to strike.

This appeals to me.

This would sound very appealing to me as well! I say go for it!!

p.s. I would drive much further for a better school
We all must do what feels right nomatter what, follow your first instinct.

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