NINJA movie trailer

Not bad. Shame they felt the need to include a good number of high kicks. And the idea of bad guys fighting on after all that damage to their joints is a bit silly too.

Other than that, some of it even looked like ninjutsu, which is very rare for 'ninja' movies, and a nice surprise. I'll probably go and see it when it is released.
My big disappointment is again another movie "set in NY" yet the production designers have clearly never been to NY. A train underground with a 7 on it does not make it the 7 Train. It's the wrong color, got the wrong markings (and logos) on the outside, the wrong seats and layout inside, the turnstiles are totally wrong.

The fighting looks decent, but Scott Adkins always rules.
My big disappointment is again another movie "set in NY" yet the production designers have clearly never been to NY. A train underground with a 7 on it does not make it the 7 Train. It's the wrong color, got the wrong markings (and logos) on the outside, the wrong seats and layout inside, the turnstiles are totally wrong.
Reminds me of Die Hard 2, which was supposed to take place at Dulles Airport. I do not know what airport they used, but it was not Dulles. Not only did it not look anything like Dulles, the one dead givaway for anyone who has never been to the airport was the scene where he calls his wife on the pay phone, which says Southwestern Bell.

My big disappointment is again another movie "set in NY" yet the production designers have clearly never been to NY. A train underground with a 7 on it does not make it the 7 Train. It's the wrong color, got the wrong markings (and logos) on the outside, the wrong seats and layout inside, the turnstiles are totally wrong.

The fighting looks decent, but Scott Adkins always rules.

yeah it sucks if your from ny but if your from the rest of the world thats something minor , hollywood is been known for doing such things many times over.

when the release date ?
I've never seen a single movie that's gotten it right, sure you can get some NY landmark in the background or some major street, but everything else is usually so wrong. Like when my mother saw The Incredible Hulk and was asking me if they opened an Apollo Theater in Toronto (the scene that was meant to be in Harlem).

But anyways, Ninja looks cool, Scott is awesome. But Ninja Assasin looks pretty brutal too.
I wonder how many kids will want to go out and become NINJA's after this Hollywood fairytale. Or how many will leave the theater all ready thinking they are Shadow Warriors.
regardless , its a movie made to entertain what else can you expect ? i cant wait to see it dont know if it will any good but i guess im just a kid at heart when it comes to these kinds of movies...

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I wonder how many kids will want to go out and become NINJA's after this Hollywood fairytale. Or how many will leave the theater all ready thinking they are Shadow Warriors.

It will probably not get any worse than it already is, with frauds claiming secret ninja masters and being able to gather a large following and big chains of dojos. There are enough of those already.

When people ask me what sport I do, I say ju-jutsu instead of ninpo or ninjutsu.Either they've never heard of it, or they think about the movie ninja. Either way is awkward enough to just mention something they probably heard about.

If the ninja of old had only chosen pink to wear, the world would have been spared a lot of teenage ninja wannabes.
Looks like a lot of fun. Personally, I don't mind it being completely over the top. I love that stuff.

Would I also love to see a "realistic" ninja movie? Hells yeah. I'm ecstatic that there's breadth enough in this genre to run the gamut from Bourne Identity to Crouching Tiger and back again.

I wonder how many kids will want to go out and become NINJA's after this Hollywood fairytale. Or how many will leave the theater all ready thinking they are Shadow Warriors.

It'll be the early 1980's all over again! Ninja's are TOTALLY SWEET! I'm super pumped!

Bottom line....i'll take this movie for what it really is......a tribute to those old Canon B ninja movies from the late 70's and early 80's that guys of my generation grew up watching.

Now if they'll just make a movie about Ninja's AND Pirates........;)