ninja hands



i'm really not tryin' to stupid when i say this but is there such a thing as the nine ninja hands or something like that? and does the bujinkan teach that if it's true? i'm ust trying to set some things straight personally. thanks.
Hanzo04 said:
i'm really not tryin' to stupid when i say this but is there such a thing as the nine ninja hands or something like that? and does the bujinkan teach that if it's true? i'm ust trying to set some things straight personally. thanks.
If you do mean kuji kiri then yes, but if you mean sticky hands like Kung Fu... no. It will depend upon the student to student training.
Hanzo04 said:
i'm really not tryin' to stupid when i say this but is there such a thing as the nine ninja hands or something like that? and does the bujinkan teach that if it's true? i'm ust trying to set some things straight personally. thanks.
if kuji kiri is what you are talking about then we don't practice it. personally a little to hocus pocus to me. anyway here is an article you can read if you are interested.
hope this helps
Enson said:
if kuji kiri is what you are talking about then we don't practice it. personally a little to hocus pocus to me. anyway here is an article you can read if you are interested.
hope this helps

Wait... dood... you dress in ninja suits and scale walls and drop down in pairs on sentrys, but the Kuji is too fake?


No seriously... I thought that scene in "Action Video 1" was great... even if "ninja #1's" metsubishi was like 3 feet from the guards face... I just needed a place to comment on it. :asian:
But in keeping on thread... THIS website on "mystic healing" has an interesting (to me anyhow) comparison of Kuji-in and Kuji-kiri
Technopunk said:
Wait... dood... you dress in ninja suits and scale walls and drop down in pairs on sentrys, but the Kuji is too fake?


No seriously... I thought that scene in "Action Video 1" was great... even if "ninja #1's" metsubishi was like 3 feet from the guards face... I just needed a place to comment on it. :asian:
it was a distract/breakup only. hee hee!:ultracool
Enson said:
it was a distract/breakup only. hee hee!:ultracool

It did keep him from noticing the ninja behind him who killed him!

I'll say one thing for Tew Ryu... If I ever wanted to make a ninja movie... Mr. Tew would be my first choice for fight/stunt choreographer.

Technopunk said:
But in keeping on thread... THIS website on "mystic healing" has an interesting (to me anyhow) comparison of Kuji-in and Kuji-kiri
Techno, thank you for this page!!!

It sounds to me like these have waftings of Jin Shin and Reiki to them, resembling the characters being drawn and the finger weaving for focus, etc.

I'm all a-go-go on this now!!! (now if can just get my scanner to work)