Nice Articles/Messages From Hatsumi-sensei

Very nice reading, thank you.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies. It's my pleasure to post good stuff when I find it. I think that this type of sharing and encouragement between people is something that Hatsumi-sensei finds important and wants to share with as many people as possible. I don't think that he wants the training to be about ranks, heirarchies, and assorted other nonsense.

For me, I've taken something of value from what Hatsumi-sensei has shared with the world. I felt like these articles/messages are among the "essential points of things" that Hatsumi-sensei was discussing in the New Years' Message. Three essential things that I see when reading the Rules of the Bujinkan are peace, justice, and the Buyu idea.

There are worse things for an organization to stand for.... :)

There's lots of good material to discuss in those articles/messages. I hope this thread will encourage discussion of such things.

Have a nice day/night all,

Fu Bag :)
Either the website is down, or my browsers are going funny. Can not seem to get them links to work.