New school better health and


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Well today is the day that the new school has officially opened it doors and it also marks me losing over twenty pounds in the last month. This brings me to my point of what a new direction can do to one outlook in life. My health is alot better and my mind seems to be getting stronger as the school open for a new adventure in the wonderful world of TKD.

I wish I had pics but they will be done by this weekend. I do appreciate everyone support over the last six months and hopefully I can be there for all of you if need be.

Well today is the day that the new school has officially opened it doors and it also marks me losing over twenty pounds in the last month. This brings me to my point of what a new direction can do to one outlook in life. My health is alot better and my mind seems to be getting stronger as the school open for a new adventure in the wonderful world of TKD.

I wish I had pics but they will be done by this weekend. I do appreciate everyone support over the last six months and hopefully I can be there for all of you if need be.


The part I bolded is the really great thing. All the rest is good and probably contributes in important ways, but the health thing.... that's numero uno. Very glad to hear it, Terry.
That's great terry
, I am looking forward to the pictures
The part I bolded is the really great thing. All the rest is good and probably contributes in important ways, but the health thing.... that's numero uno. Very glad to hear it, Terry.

Thank you Bob, losing wieght sure does help and positive thinking as well.
Well today is the day that the new school has officially opened it doors and it also marks me losing over twenty pounds in the last month. This brings me to my point of what a new direction can do to one outlook in life. My health is alot better and my mind seems to be getting stronger as the school open for a new adventure in the wonderful world of TKD.

I wish I had pics but they will be done by this weekend. I do appreciate everyone support over the last six months and hopefully I can be there for all of you if need be.


Great news Terry, Congratulations and good luck
20lb in one month! :eek: :faints:.

My own resolve to do something about the expando-belly has dissolved like sugar in hot water in the face of a torrent of work - the odd thing is that I can force the time to be here talking to you chaps and half-past-one in the morning whilst feeling like death-warmed-up :lol:,
20lb in one month! :eek: :faints:.

My own resolve to do something about the expando-belly has dissolved like sugar in hot water in the face of a torrent of work - the odd thing is that I can force the time to be here talking to you chaps and half-past-one in the morning whilst feeling like death-warmed-up :lol:,

I'am taking Relicore with a meal replacement shake for lunch and staying away from the oreo's.
Great news, Terry! Congratulations, and good luck with the new school.
Great to hear that your health is up on the rise:highfive:.
And congrats on the school!!!
Congratulations - especially on the improved health!!!!
Congratulations - especially on the improved health!!!!

Thank you Kacey the Doctor says my lung are inproving eacch and everyday. A little prayer goes a long way and friend being by my side here on MT and at the school has really helped.
Great news! It sounds like your going to be around for a long time. That's good news for your family and us.

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